
Displaying items 13,961 to 13,980 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Великовисківська районна управа; с. Велика Виска

    • Velyka Viska Rayon Administration, Velyka Viska village
  2. Новгородківська районна управа; с. Новгородка

    • Novhorodka Rayon Administration, Novhorodka village
  3. Аджамська районна управа; м-ко Аджамка

    • Adzhamka Rayon Authority, township of Adzhamka
  4. Витязівська районна управа; с. Витязівка

    • Vytyazivka Rayon Administration, Vytyazivka village
  5. Олександрівська районна управа; с. Олександрівка

    • Oleksandrivka Rayon Administration, Oleksandrivka village
  6. Піщанобрідська районна управа; с. Піщаний Брід

    • Pishchanyi Brid Rayon Administration, Pishchanyi Brid village
  7. Новогеоргіївська районна управа; м. Новогеоргіївськ

    • Novoheorhiivsk Rayon Adminisration, town of Novoheorhiivsk
  8. Benno Kaufmann

  9. Zidovska Ustredna Uradovna pre Krajinu Slovenska

    • Jewish Central Bureau for the region of Slovakia
    • ZUU

    The activity of Zidovska Ustredna Uradovna pre Krajinu Slovenska centered on social aid, vocational training, and emigration. Under the pretext of vocational training, all activities of the disbanded Zionist organizations were concentrated in the section in the section for vocational aid. The program not only taught various skills but organized summer camps where the teaching of Hebrew had priority.

  10. Max Lowenthal

    • Max Loewenthal

    Max Lowenthal was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1888; a graduate of Harvard Law School, an attorney and a lifelong public servant; he served as an advisor and personal friend of President Harry S. Truman. In 1946, General Lucius D. Clay, the Deputy Governor of the US Military Government in Occupied Germany, asked various representatives of American Jewish organizations to suggest an advisor who could help Clay in drafting legislation regarding the restitution of Jewish property looted by Nazi Germany. Max Lowenthal was chosen for this job; he spent six weeks in Germany collecting evide...

  11. Michal Borwicz

    • Maksymilian Boruchowicz

    Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an Armia Krajowa (AK) unit in the Krakow area. After the war, he headed the Jewish Historical Commission in...

  12. Benjamin Arditti

    • בנימין ארדיטי

    Benjamin Arditti was born in Vienna in 1897. He lived in Sofia (except for two years during World War II) from 1916-1949. He was one of the outstanding activists in the Zionist movement in Bulgaria: he served as a member of the Central Committee of the Zionist Union in Bulgaria, 1919-1923; he held five terms of office as the representative to the World Zionist Congress; he served as the chairman of the Zionist Organization in Sofia; he was one of the founders of the Revisionist movement in Bulgaria and its chairman from 1925-1935. Arditti was a member of the illegal Committee for the Rescue...

  13. Siegfried Jaegendorf

    Siegfried Jaegendorf was born in Czernowitz, 01 August 1895. He attended local elementary and high schools, and afterwards travelled to Vienna and Berlin where he studied engineering at a technical college, completing his studies as a mechanical engineer. His first position as an engineer was at the Siemens Schucker Werke in Berlin. In time, he was promoted and sent to serve as managing director for the Eastern Europe area at the Siemens factory in Vienna. Afterwards, he was appointed General Manager of Siemens in Bucharest, Romania. From there, he returned to Vienna where he served as Engi...

  14. Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population

    • RELICO

    Founded in 1939-09

    The Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population was established in Geneva on 1939-09 by Dr. Abraham Silberschein under the aegis of the World Jewish Congress. He assisted Jewish refugees from Germany and later from Poland and Lithuania and other areas of Europe. This organization was instrumental in getting refugees to Kobe, Japan, and Shanghai, China. It was also one of the first to apprise the world of the Chelmno and Treblinka death camps. The Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Population’s attempt to obtain 10,000 South American passports for prominent Poles fell t...

  15. Abraham Silberschein

    Born in 1882, in Lwow, Poland, Dr. Abraham Silberschein was an attorney who dedicated himself to public service. He was one of the outstanding leaders of the Labor Zionist movement in Poland, and in 1922, he was elected by the movement to serve in the Polish Sejm as the Labor Zionist representative . In 1930 he arrived in Geneva as a representative to the Zionist Congress. Due to the outbreak of World War II, Dr. Silberschein did not return to Poland, but he remained in Switzerland from where he tried to organize relief activities for the persecuted Jews in Poland and Germany. He was the fo...

  16. Gebietskommissar Lochwiza

    • Лохвицький гебітскомісар, м. Лохвиця
  17. Gebietskommissar Krementschug

    • Кременчуцький гебітскомісар, м.Кременчук
  18. Gebietskommissar Poltawa

    • Полтавський гебітскомісар, м. Полтава