
Displaying items 13,921 to 13,940 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Привільнянська районна управа, с. Привільне

    • Pryvilne Rayon Administration, Pryvilne village
  2. Миколаївська міська управа, м. Миколаїв.

    • Mykolaiv Town Administration, town of Mykolaiv
  3. Центральний державний архів громадських об'єднань України

    • Central State Archive of Public Organizations of Ukraine
  4. Nachman Zonabend

    Nachman Zonabend was in a group of Jewish inmates brought to the Lodz Ghetto to clear away the rubble during the war. Zonabend stole into the building where the Ghetto Archive was kept, rescued the documentation at the risk of his life, and hid it until the end of the war.

  5. Michal Weichert

    Michal Weichert was born in Podhajce, eastern Galicia, Poland, 1890. He attended Polish schools, earned a degree in law at the University of Vienna, and also attended the Theater Arts Academy in Berlin. Upon his return to Poland, he established the Young Yiddish Theater in Warsaw. He served as a Yiddish theater critic and was a prominent figure in the cultural life of the Jews of Poland during the 1920s and 1930s. At the same time, he also served as a legal advisor for charitable institutions and Jewish cultural organizations in Poland, and eventually he became a contact person with the Joi...

  6. Hausner Gideon

    Eichmann Trial

  7. Éclaireurs Israélites de France

    • French Jewish Scouts
    • EIF

    Founded in 1923

    The Éclaireurs Israélites de France was a French Jewish scouting movement, created by Robert Gamzon in 1923, which rescued thousands of Jews in France during the Second World War. Soon after war broke out in 1939-09, the Éclaireurs Israélites de France established several children’s homes in southwest France. After France fell to the German army in mid-1940, the EIF moved south to the unoccupied zone of France while still continuing to function illegally in Paris. Its children’s homes soon began to take in the children of Jews imprisoned in Nazi camps. In 1941 the EIF was forced to join the...

  8. Levy Family from Essen

    Dr. Ernst Levy (b.1872) was the eldest son of physician Dr. Hermann Levy (b. 1838) and his wife Emma, née Hirschland (b. 1847). Dr. Ernst Levy and his wife, the former Martha Ruthenburg (b. 1878) lived in Essen, Germany, where Dr. Levy was a general practioner and researcher. They had four children, Hermann (b. 1906), Rudolf (b. 1908), Hans (b. 1911) and Eva (b. 1914). A year after the rise of nazism, Hermann Levy, a lawyer by training, went to study a new career in Paris, France, since he was banned from practicing his profession in Germany. At the end of 1935 he emigrated to Argentina, an...

  9. Erich Kulka

    Erich Schon, born in the village of Vsetin, Moravia (today in the Czech Republic), 18 February 1911, and died in Jerusalem, 12 July 1995, was the son of Malvina and Siegbert Schon. After World War II Schon changed his last name to Kulka, the last name of his first wife, Elly Kulka, who did not survive the Holocaust. A history of the arrests of Erich Kulka begins in July 1939, first with arrest by the Gestapo in Brno and afterwards with imprisonment in the Dachau, Sachsenhausen and Neuengamme camps until November 1942, when he was transferred to Auschwitz. Kulka was given the number 73043 an...

  10. Polish Jewish Refugee Fund

  11. THe British Milltary court in Hamburg

    War Criminals Trials

  12. Eric von Mannstein

  13. Otto Bovensiepen

  14. Тучинська районна управа, м-ко. Тучин

    • Tuchyn Rayon Administration, township of Tuchyn
  15. Млинівська районна управа, м. Млинів

    • Mlyniv Rayon Administration, town of Mlyniv
  16. Рівненська районна управа, м. Рівне

    • Rivne Rayon Administration, town of Rivne
  17. The Institute for Care of Refugees

    • Ústav pro péči o uprchlíky

    1938 - 1940

    The Institute took care of refugees from Czechoslovak territories occupied by Nazi in 1938 and also of those people (mostly foreigners) who were fleeing before Nacism from 1933. The Institute helped with finding a temporary accomodation, food and medical care. It also provided financial help and tried to integrate refugees in the society again.

  18. Дубровицька міська управа, м. Дубровиця

    • Dubrovytsa Town Adminisration, town of Dubrovytsa