
Displaying items 841 to 860 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Erno Marton

    • ארנו מארטון

    Editor-in-chief of Uj Kelet

  2. Sturmabteilung

    • Storm Troopers
    • SA

    Founded in 1921

    The Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, was formed in 1921. It initially comprised mainly German World War I veterans, militia members, and others opposed to both the democratic Weimer Republic and to the Communist Party. Its terror tactics against opponents increased the public visibility of the Nazi movement, both before and after Adolf Hitlers’s rise to power. Once the Nazi regime was established, it began to perceive the disruptive tactics of the SA as a threat. Hitler agree to the murder of the SA’s top leadership in the Röhm Purge, or, ‘the night of the long knive...

  3. Jewish Infantry Brigade Group

    • הבריגדה היהודית
    • Brigata Ebraica
    • Jewish Brigade

    Established on the 03.07.1944. Its activity ends officially in July 1946.

    A brigade group of the British army that was made up of Jewish volunteers from Palestine. The Jewish Brigade was formed in 1944 and helped liberate Italy in 1945. The brigade was composed of 5,000 soldiers. The Zionist flag was chosen as its banner—making it not the first Jewish unit to fight in the war, but the first one to be recognized as representing the Jewish people. At the war's end, members of the Jewish Brigade helped prepare Displaced Persons for "illegal" immigration to Palestine. The British disbanded the brigade in July 1946.

  4. James Grover McDonald

    High Commissioner for Refugees from Germany

  5. Werner Freiherr von Fritsch

    Commander of the German Army until 1938.

  6. Friedrich Paulus

    German commander, sixth commander of the Battle of Stalingrad

  7. Reichswehr

    • הצבא הגרמני
  8. Zionist Union of Yugoslavia

    • הסתדרות הציונים ביוגוסלביה

    Main Zionist organization in Yugoslavia.

  9. Max Warburg

    • מקס ורבורג

    A central figure in the leadership of German Jewry during the Nazi period.

  10. Josef Meisinger

    Commander of the Sipo and SD in the Warsaw District

  11. Max Thomas

    Einsatzgruppe C commander from 1941 to 1943

  12. Sztójay Döme

    • Sztójay, Döme, 1883-1946
    • Sztojay, Dome



    Hungary's military attaché in Berlin 1925-1933. After the German occupation of Hungary, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in the Hungarian collaborationist government responsible for segregation, ghettoization and deportation of Hungarian Jews (Mar-Jul 1944). Found guilty of war crimes and executed.

  13. Irma Grese

    Guard of the Ravensbrueck, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps

  14. Menahem Begin

    • מנחם בגין

    Prime Minister of Israel 1977-1983

  15. Friedrich Uebelhoer

    Governor of the Kalisz and Lodz districts of the Nazi-occupied Poland. He was responsible for the establishment of the Lodz ghetto,

  16. Ludwig Hahn

    • לודוויג האן
    • Karl Ludwig Hahn

    SS-Standartenführer (1944), Regierungsdirektor. Head of Gestapo Weimar, 1939 commander of Einsatzkommando 1 of Einsatzgruppe I in Poland, Jan. 1940 appointed Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (KdS) in Krakau, April 1941 head of Einsatzgruppe Griechenland, since August 1941 KdS Warschau. He organized the deportation of the Jews of Warszawa to Treblinka in 1942

  17. Paul Grüninger

    • Paul Grueninger

    Head of the District Police of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Between August and December 1938, after the Switzerland closed its borders to Jewish refugees following the Anschluss, Paul Grueninger provided forged entry visas to more than 3,000 Jewish refugees backdating their visas and falsifying other documents. Paul Grueninger was dimissed from his office and lost all his rights, including his retirement benefits. He lived in harsh conditions until his death in 1972. In 1995, the Swiss federal Government finally annulled Grüninger's conviction and cleared his name completely. Paul Grueninger ...

  18. De Gaulle Charles

    • [De Gaulle, Charles Andre Joseph Marie]



    French officer and statesman, recognised by Churchill as chief of the Free France 28 June 1940. French president 1958-1969.

  19. Dwight David Eisenhower

    • Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower
    • Ike Eisenhower

    President of the United States of America.

  20. Jaques Van Harten

    A Jew who was a representative of the Red Cross in Hungary