
Displaying items 801 to 820 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Erich Roth

    He was in charge of the office groups IV B1 and IV B2 (church affairs) in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt.

  2. Friedrich Brodnitz

    • פרידריך ברודניץ

    Activist and member of serveral German Jewish and Zionist organizations during the Nazi rule.

  3. Zentralausschuss der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau

    • Central Committee of German Jew for Help and Reconstruction


    The Zentralausschuss der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau coordinated economic and social assistance for German Jews from 1933/1938. The committee was created in 1933-04, just three months after Hitler rose to national power, as a collaboration of various German Jewish communal, political, and social-welfare organizations. Its goal was to take care of those Jews who had lost their jobs or businesses as a result of the Nazi’s anti-Jewish legislation. In addition, Jewish welfare organizations outside of Germany had requested the creation of such a committee to deal with all the monies bei...

  4. Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden

    • Jewish council


    The Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden was a body representing German Jews vis-à-vis the German government. The Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden started as early as 1933-09, and was headed by Reform Rabbi Leo Baeck and the Chief Executive Officer Dr. Otto Hirsch. The Reichsvertretung centralized the political aspects of the Jewish community in Germany, trying to enter open debate and dignify controversy with the Nazi administration. Its constituent arms handled most aspects of Jewish life in the Reich – emigration, welfare-relief, education, vocational training, and cultural activitie...

  5. Joachim Deumling

    A senior officer of the Gestapo and RSHA

  6. Leonardo Conti

    • ליאונרדו קונטי
    • Леонардо Конти

    Reich Health Leader (Reichsgesundheitsführer) in Nazi Germany. To this leadership are attributed killings of a large number of German citizens in Euthanasia programs.

  7. Ernst Damzog

    • Ernst Paul Damzog

    Officer at the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) in Posen

  8. Roza Robota

    • רוזה רובוטה

    פעילת מחתרת ומורדת Jewish underground activist. She was hanged together with three other women for their role in the Sonderkommando prisoner revolt of 7 October 1944.

  9. Rudolf Bilfinger

    A senior official at RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt - Reich Main Security Office), and participant in the Wannsee Conference

  10. Herbert Backe

    German Nazi politician and SS Lieutenant general (Obergruppenführer), Minister of Food and Minister of Agriculture of the Nazi Germany. He developed and implemented the Hunger Plan that envisioned death by starvation of millions of Slavic and Jewish "useless eaters" following Operation Barbarossa, the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union.

  11. Verband nationaldeutscher Juden

    • Association of German National Jews
  12. Max Naumann

    • מקס נאומן

    Founder and leader of the Verband nationaldeutscher Juden

  13. Georg Kareski

    • גיאורג קרסקי

    Leader of the Staatszionistische Organization - a revisionistische Zionistische organization- in Germany

  14. Kurt Singer

    • קורט זינגר

    Physician, musician, founder and director of the Jewish Kulturbund in Germany

  15. Tito Josip Broz

    • Tito, Josip Broz, 1892-1980
    • Broz, Josip, 1892-1980
    • Broz-Tito, Josip, 1892-1980
    • Tito-Broz, Josip, 1892-1980
    • Broz, Josip.
    • ...



    Secretary-general of the Communist Party of Yugosloavia (1939-80). Yugoslav president (1953-80).

  16. Wladyslaw Gomulka

    Polish communist politician.

  17. Yehiel Grinshpan

    • יחיאל גרינשפן
    • Grynszpan Yehiel

    Commanded a Jewish partisan unit in the Parczew forest, Poland. The Grynzspan unit functioned as the protective force of the Jewish family camps that had been set up in the Parczew forest.

  18. Malka Zimetbaum

    • מלה צימטבאום

    A prisoner in Auschwitz, whose story of escape, capture, and death became a symbol of Jewish heroism.

  19. Erno Marton

    • ארנו מארטון

    Editor-in-chief of Uj Kelet

  20. Sturmabteilung

    • Storm Troopers
    • SA

    Founded in 1921

    The Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, was formed in 1921. It initially comprised mainly German World War I veterans, militia members, and others opposed to both the democratic Weimer Republic and to the Communist Party. Its terror tactics against opponents increased the public visibility of the Nazi movement, both before and after Adolf Hitlers’s rise to power. Once the Nazi regime was established, it began to perceive the disruptive tactics of the SA as a threat. Hitler agree to the murder of the SA’s top leadership in the Röhm Purge, or, ‘the night of the long knive...