
Displaying items 721 to 740 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Szenes Hannah

    • Senesh, Hannah, 1921-1944
    • Senesh, Channa, 1921-1944
    • Szenes, Hannah, 1921-1944
    • סנש, חנה, 1921-1944
    • Szenes, Anna, 1921-1944
    • ...



    Jewish paraschutist and poet, emigrated to Palestine to study. In 1944 parachuted into Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia to offer aid to European Jewry. Captured in Hungary within hours after crossing the border, imprisoned , tortured and executed bu Hungarian authorities.

  2. Karski Jan

    • Karski, Jan, 1914-2000
    • Kozielewski-Karski, Jan, 1914-2000
    • Witold 1914-2000 Pseudonym
    • Kozielewski, Jan 1914-2000 Wirklicher Name
    • コジェレフスキ, ヤン
    • ...



    Resistance fighter. Member of the Polish underground, courier to the Polish Government-in-exile, slipped twice into the Warsaw ghetto in 1942 and subsequently made his way to London and the US to report on the deplorable conditions he witnessed. Righteous gentile.

  3. Sendler Irena

    • Sendlerowa, Irena, 1910-2008
    • Sendler, Irena, 1910-2008
    • Krzyżanowska, Irena 1910-2008
    • Krzyżanowska, Irena Stanisława, 1910-2008
    • Sendlerowa, Irena
    • ...



    Social worker and an active member in the Polish underground organisation Żegota (Council for Aid to Jews). Smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto providing them with false identity and housing outside the Ghetto. 1965 Righteous Among the Nations.

  4. Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa

    • Jewish Fighting Organization
    • JFO

    Founded in 1942-07-28

    Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa was set up in 1942. A more broad-based Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa was set up on 1942-10-15. The political leadership of ŻOB was the Żydowski Komitet Narodowy (Jewish National Committee), and the organization had about 500 members. Its units fought in the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto under the command of Mordechaj Anielewicz.

  5. Blum Leon

    • Blum, Léon, 1872-1950
    • Blum, Leʾon, 1872-1950
    • בלום, ליאון, 1872־1950
    • בלום, ליאון
    • בלום, לאיון
    • ...



    French statesman. First Jew and first Socialist to be premier of France (05.06.1936-19.06.1937 and 13.03.-10.04.1938), opposed granting absolute powers to Petain. Arrested on Petain's orders. Riom Trials (1942). Turned over to the Germans in March 1943. Liberated with the Niederdorf group.

  6. Vallat Xavier

    • Vallat, Xavier, 1891-1972
    • Vallat, Xavier Joseph, 1891-1972
    • Vallat, Xavier
    • Gustou dau Sardié 1891-1972
    • Vallat, Xavier 1891-1972



    Parliament member. Responsible for Jewish questions 29.3.1941-19.3.1942 as a head of CGQJ (General Office for Jewish Questions).

  7. Kubovy Aryeh Leon

    • Kubovy, Aryeh L., 1896-1966
    • Kubowitzki, Aryeh Leon, 1896-1966
    • Kubovy, Arieh Leon, 1896-1966
    • Ḳubovi, Aryeh L., 1896-1966
    • קובובי, אריה ל.
    • ...



    Israeli diplomat and writer. Director of World Jewish Congres (1940-). The second Chairman of Yad Vashem.

  8. Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center

    • יד ושם – רשות הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה
    • Yad ṿa-shem, rashut ha-zikaron la-Shoʼah ṿela-gevurah

    From 1953 to the present

    In 1953, the Israeli Knesset enacted the Yad Vashem Law, which determined that among its other missions, the task of Yad Vashem is “to collect, examine and publish testimony of the disaster and the heroism it called forth…” Indeed, efforts to document the Holocaust had begun long before the passage of the law. From the Nazi rise to power in Germany, and throughout World War II, there were those who documented the events as they were taking place, often under the harshest conditions. Immediately after the war, centers for documentation and the collection of testimonies were established in ma...

  9. Yad Vashem archives

    • ארכיון יד ושם
    • YV archives

    From 1953 to the present

    The Yad Vashem Archives holds various types of materials related to the Holocaust period, materials related to the life of the Jews in Europe between WWI and WWII and materials related to the life of the survivors after the Holocaust. Among these materials, the Yad Vashem Archives holds individual documents such as letters, diaries, photos, films, testimonies and personal documents which had been donated to the Archives by individuals. Many of these documents are original. Other types of documents available in the archives are those which were created by Jewish organizations before, during ...

  10. Filderman Wilhelm

    • Filderman, Wilhelm
    • Filderman, Wilhelm, 1882-1963
    • Filderman, W., 1882-1963
    • Filderman, W. (Wilhelm), 1882-1963
    • Filderman, Ṿilhelm 1882-1963
    • ...



    Jewish lawyer.

  11. Miklos Kallay

    Prime minister of Hungary during the Shoah - March 9, 1942 - March 19, 1944

  12. Richard Tuerk

    Head of the Department for Jewish Affairs in the office of the governor of the Lublin district

  13. Beitar - Brit Trumpeldor

    • בית"ר - ברית יוסף טרומפלדור

    Youth Movement Connected to the Revisionist Party

  14. Menahem Papo

    • צמחים פאפו
    • Menahem Leon Papo
    • צמחים לאון פאפו

    Born in September 1924. Arrested on 09/05/1943 while on a mission. Hanged in a Sofia prison on 02/11/1943. Betar member until 1941. In light of the rise of Fascism, members left the organization and joined the ranks of Bulgarian underground organizations.

  15. Richard Wagner

    • ריכרד וגנר

    German composer and antisemitic writer.

  16. Ehud Avriel

    • אהוד אבריאל

    Activist of "Hamossad Le'Aliyah Bet". After WWII member of the Knesset and Ambassador.

  17. Knesset

    • כנסת
    • Israeli Parliament
    • בית הנבחרים ישראלי

    From 14/02/1949 to the present

  18. Julian Tuwim

    • יולין טובים
    • Oldlen

    Jewish poet in Poland. One of his works was for the anthem of the underground in Poland. Author of "We, the Jews of Poland";

  19. Mezan Saul

    • Mézan, Saül 1893-1943
    • Mézan, Saül



    Poet and Zionist. Author of "Pesni za Erusalim" ("Songs of Jerusalem")

  20. Ralf Hochhut

    German writer. His play Der Stellvertreter was an indictment against Pope Pius 12 for not acting against the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis *