
Displaying items 581 to 600 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Landesgericht Innsbruck

    • Innsbruck State Court of Justice
  2. Reichsstatthalter in Tirol und Vorarlberg

    • Reich Governor in Tyrol und Vorarlberg
  3. Tiroler Landesarchiv

    • Tyrolean State Archives
  4. Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv

    • Styrian State Archives
  5. Steiermärkische Landesregierung

    • Styrian State Government
    • Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung
    • Steirische Landesregierung
  6. Landesgericht Leoben

    • Leoben State Court of Justice
  7. Steirische Landesregierung

    • Styria State Governement
  8. Magistrat Graz

    • Graz City Administration
  9. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

    • Vienna University for Applied Arts
  10. Landesgericht Salzburg

    • State Court of Justice of Salzburg
  11. Marktgemeinde Werfen im Pongau

    • Werfen im Pongau Trade Community
  12. Salzburger Landesgalerie

    • Salzburg State Gallery
  13. Städtische Sammlungen

    • Vienna City Collections
    • Museen der Stadt Wien
  14. Vorarlberger Landesregierung

    • Vorarlberg State Government
  15. Universität Innsbruck

    • Innsbruck University
  16. Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg

    • Salzburg University Library
    • Salzburger Universitätsbibliothek
  17. Universalmuseum Joanneum

  18. Evreiskii Antifashistskii Komitet

    • Jewish Antifascist Committee
    • EAK


    In 1942-04 the Soviet government founded several antifascist committees. The Evreiskii Antifashistskii Komitet was the only one that represented a national group. The committee’s goal was to call on the Jews of the World, mainly American Jewry, to join the struggle against Nazi Germany. It used Jewish themes, symbols, and the names of prominent Jews to attract the attention of this target group. The committee was also one of the first institutions to document the atrocities of the Holocaust and the activities of the Jewish resistance. It worked with the Soviet Government Commission for the ...

  19. American Jewish Committee

  20. Київська українська охоронна поліція

    • Kiev City Ukrainian guard police