
Displaying items 4,701 to 4,720 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. ELTA Elektronine Lietuvos telegrafo agentura

    • ELTA Electronic Lithuanian telegraph agency

    Created in 1920 and exited untill 1940. Have a cooperation with REUTERS, DNB, HAVAS, STEFANI, TASS. Since 1940 was a branch of TASS untill 1989. Since 1990 is an independent Lithuanian news agency.

  2. Valstybinis durpių pramonės trestas

    • Torf-Industrie-Zentrale
    • State Peat Industry Center

    State Peat Industry Center was established in June 1941 and operated until 1 March 1943. Since 2 March 1943 was called Torf-Industrie-Zentrale. The Centre was under the Nazi administration authority.

  3. Darbo birža Kaune

    • Arbeitsamt Kauen
    • Labour Office in Kaunas

    Labour Office in Kaunas was established under the supervision of Nazi authorities in September 1941 and was resposible for all activities concerning with labour.

  4. Jakovas Bunka

    • Yakov Bunka

    Bunka was the only Jewish folk artist in Lithuania. Now he is also the last Jew in Plungė, a town which once was known for its numerous Jewish community.

  5. Ašmenos kalėjimas

    • Ašmena Prison

    Ašmenos prison was established on 1 April 1942. The prison was under the authority of the Prison Management Department. Ašmenos prison was for political and criminal prisoners but there were imprisoned Jews also.

  6. Alytaus apskrities viršininkas

    • The Chief of Alytus District
    • Der Kreischef Kreis Alytus

    The chief of Alytus district was responsible for the internal security of the county, took care of the education, health, care, catering, and the establishment of associations and activities.

  7. István Bethlen

    Hungarian conservative politician. He was the prime minister of Hungary from 1921 to 1931. He represented a moderate right-wing, anti-Nazi, pro-English stance and he rejected the Hungarian anti-Jewish laws. After the German occupation he was forced to go into hiding. In the summer of 1944 he wrote a secret memorandum to Miklós Horthy, calling on him to stop the deportations of Jews. He was arrested by Soviets in 1945 and he died in Moscow in 1946.

  8. 814-oji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Feldkommandantur 814
    • Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius

    Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius was established in July 1941 and existed untill July 1944. The institution was under the authority of Der Kommandant in Litauen des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers Ostland. The Commandant handled almost all military and civilian affairs, except for the political. Also supervised activities of the committee of the citizens' of the Vilnius city and the area and activities of the Lithuanian auxiliary police.

  9. 1-asis lietuvių policijos batalionas

    • Das litauische Schutzmannschafts- W-Bataillon Nr. 1
    • Lithuanian 1st Police Battalion

    The 1st Battalion which was located in Kaunas and was active in the mass murdering process of Jews in Kaunas and the periphery in summer and autumn 1941. The 1st Battalion's soldiers killed tens thousands of Lithuanian and foreign countries (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic) Jews. Since 20 December 1941 the Battalion was renamed to 13th Battalion and was active in Byelorussia.

  10. Polizeibehörden des Kreises Tukums-Talsen

    • Tukums-Talsi District Police Institutions
    • Tukuma-Talsu apriņķa policijas iestādes
  11. Stadtverwaltung Lemsal

    • Limbazi City Council
    • Limbažu pilsētas valde
  12. Polizeibehörden Kreis Madohn

    • Madona District Police Institutions
    • Madonas apriņķa policijas iestādes
  13. Stadtverwaltung Kandau

    • Kandava City Council
    • Kandavas pilsētas valde
  14. Stadtverwaltung Goldingen

    • Kuldiga City Council
    • Kuldīgas pilsētas valde
  15. Generaldirektorium für Landwirtschaft. Departement für Lebensmittelbeschaffung

    • Directorate General for Agriculture – Department of Food Provision
    • Lauksaimniecības ģenerāldirekcijas Pārtikas nodrošināšanas departaments
  16. Der Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Ostland

    • Commandant's Office of the Security Police and the SD in Ostland
    • Drošības policijas un SD pavēlnieks Austrumzemē
  17. Riga Arbeitsvewaltung

    • Labour Administration Riga
    • Apgabala komisāra Rigā darba pārvalde
  18. Χρήστος Καββαδάς

    • Christos Kavvadas
    • Christos Kavadas

    Christos Kavadas is a bookseller and collector who lives in Thessaloniki.

  19. Eesti NSV Oktoobrirevolutsiooni ja Sotsialistliku Ülesehitustöö Riiklik Keskarhiiv

    • Central State Archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic


    After the Second World War, the Estonian State Archive was under Soviet occupation and was renamed Eesti NSV Oktoobrirevolutsiooni ja Sotsialistliku Ülesehituse Riiklik Keskarhiiv / ORKA (Central State Archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction of Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic). After the transitional period 1989-1991, the archive continued acting as State Archives of the Estonian Republic.

  20. Landesheilanstalt Meseritz-Obrawalde

    • Regional Treatment Institute in Międzyrzec-Obrzyce
    • Krajowy Zakład Leczniczy w Międzyrzeczu–Obrzycach

    This was a hospital for mental and nervous illnesses. Most of the surviving files (in all 4,626 items) are the personal and case notes of patients (call no. 148-4626) and the personal files of nurses and auxiliary personnel. The papers of the hospital’s director and the doctors who took part in the euthanasia programme are missing, however. From 1933 and throughout World War II, Obrzyce was the site of crimes against individuals both sick and healthy who came into conflict with the German Nazis. From 1939 the hospital in Obrzyce was a transit point for sick people destined for sites of mass...