
Displaying items 4,421 to 4,440 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Ganzenmüller Albert

    • Ganzenmueller, Albert
    • Ganzenmüller, Albert 1905-1996
    • Ganzenmüller, Albert, 1905-
    • Ganzenmüller, Albert, b. 1905



    Staatssekretär in the German Transport Ministry (Reichsverkehrsministerium). Involved in the deportation of German Jews.

  2. Gebirtig Mordechai

    • Gʿebiyrṭiyg, Mordekay, 1877-1942
    • Guebirtig, Mordje, 1877-1942
    • Gebirtig, Mordechaj, 1877-1942
    • געבירטיג, מרדכי, 1877־1942
    • Gebirtig, Mordechai, 1877-1942
    • ...


    June 1942

    Yiddish poet and songwriter, wrote what became the anthem of Cracow's Jewish underground resistance: Undzer shtetl brent (Our town is burning), shot and killed by German soldiers.

  3. Geissmann Raymond

    • Geissmann, Raymond

    Lawyer, director of the Lyon UGIF in 1943-44, witness in Barbie trial, son of Holocaust victim, Nazi hunter and French Holocaust historian.

  4. Gemmeker Albert Konrad

    • Gemmeker, Albert Konrad, 1907-1982
    • Gemmeker, Albert, 1907-1982



    SS-Obersturmführer. Commander of Westerbork camp.

  5. Gens Jacob

    • Gens, Jacob, 1903-1943
    • Gens, Jacob, 1905-1943



    Commander of the ghetto police and from 1942 head of the ghetto administration and sole representative of the ghetto (Ghettovorsteher), murdered in the Vilnius ghetto.

  6. Gerlier Pierre-Marie

    • Gerlier, Pierre, 1880-1965
    • Gerlier, Pierre 1880-1965
    • Gerlier, Monseigneur 1880-1865
    • Gerlier, Cardinal 1880-1965
    • Gerlier.
    • ...



    French Cardinal of the Catholic church, archbishop of Lyon 1937-1965, , protested publicly against anti-Jewish measures.

  7. Géron Josef

    • Géron, Josef



    Geron was the chairman of the communities committee in Sofia, during the war.

  8. Gertler David

    Commander of the Special Section of the Jewish police in the Lodz ghetto.

  9. Ghingold Nandor

    Physician, Jewish leader. Ran the Centrala Evreilor (Jewish institution similar to Judenrat) in Romania, got a long prison sentence after liberation.

  10. Gildelman Moshe


    Partisan, commander of a Jewish partisan unit which was active in the area of Wolyn and Zhitomir.

  11. Ginz Petr

    • Ginz, Petr
    • Ginz, Pitẹr 1928-1944
    • Ginze, Petra, 1928-1944
    • Ginz, Peter, 1928-1944
    • גינז, פטר
    • ...



    Jewish teenager who spent his adolescence in the children’s home in the Terezin ghetto camp. Talented at writing and drawing, he edited the youth newspaper Vedem ‘We are the Leaders’ and wrote a diary. He was murdered in Auschwitz.

  12. Gitler Barski Jozef

    • Barski, Józef (1898- ).
    • Gitler-Barski, Józef (1898-1986).
    • Barski, Józef Gitler.
    • Barski, Józef (1898-1986).



    Lawyer, member of the KPP, head of the JDC in Warsaw, Centos activist, one of the founders of the PPR, taken via the Polski-Hotel to Bergen-Belsen. Survived.

  13. Gitterman Yitzhak



    A director of the JDC in Poland and a member of the underground Jewish Fighting Organization (Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa; ZOB).

  14. Globke Hans

    • Globke, Hans, 1898-1973
    • Globke, Hans
    • Globke, Hans Josef Maria, 1898-1973
    • Globke, Hans Maria 1898-1973
    • גלאבקע, האנס
    • ...



    Jurist. Leading legal expert in the German Interior Ministry (Reichsinnenministerium), involved in drafting Nazi laws, including the implementation decrees to the Nuremberg Laws.

  15. Globocnik Odilo

    • Globocnik, Odilo, 1904-1945
    • Globots'niḳ, Odilo, 1904-1945
    • גלובוצ׳ניק, 1904־1945
    • Globocnik, Odilo



    SS-Obergruppenführer. 1939 SS- und Polizeiführer in Lublin. Commissioned by Himmler with the "Final Solution" in Poland, code name "Aktion Reinhard". Responsible for the establishment of the extermination camps Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. In addition, 1943 manager of the Ostindustrie GmbH (OSti) in Lublin rob Jewish assets and to exploit Jewish labour prior to mass murder. Since 13 Sept 1943 Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland, including the Italian concentration camp San Saba in Trieste. Suicide.

  16. Glücks Richard

    • Gluecks, Richard
    • Glücks, Richard, b. 1889
    • Glücks, Richard, 1889-
    • Glücks, Richard ca. 1889-1945



    SS-Obergruppenführer (1943), Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS. Since November 1939 head of the Inspektion der Konzentrationslager.

  17. Goeth Amon



    SS-Hauptsturmführer, commander of the Plaszow camp and organiser of liquidations of several Polish ghettos. Sentenced to death and executed in Poland in 1946.

  18. Gozlan Elie



    Head of the JDC cooperating committee in Algiers.

  19. Grajek Szalom


    Zionist activist of the Poale Zion-Right in the Warsaw Ghetto. Fought in the ghetto uprising.

  20. Greiser Arthur

    • Greiser, Arthur Karl, 1897-1946
    • Greiser, Arthur.
    • Greiser, A.
    • Greiser, Arthur, 1897-1946
    • Greiser, Arthur 1897-1946
    • ...



    President of the Danzig Senate and Nazi Gauleiter of the Warthegau during World War Two.