
Displaying items 4,301 to 4,320 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Trakų apskrities viršininko fondas

    • Governor of Trakai County

    The office of the Governor of Trakai County was officially established on 18 December 1918 and existed until 1940. On June 1941 the office was re-established and remained until 1944.

  2. Lietuvos žydų sporto ir gimnastikos sąjunga „Makabi“

    • Lithuanian Jewish Sports and Gymnastics Organization Maccabi
  3. Πρωτοδικείο Βόλου

    • Court of First Instance in Volos
    • Protodikeio Volou
  4. Δημοτική Βιβλιοθήκη Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Municipal Library of Thessaloniki
    • Dimotiki Vivliothiki Thessalonikis
  5. Viktoras Golovčineris

    • Victor Golovchiner

    He was born on June 28, 1905 in Minsk into a teachers' family. In 1921-1926 he studied at the Belarusian opera and drama studio in Moscow. In 1938-1949 he taught at the art school in Minsk. From 1934 he was a member of the Soviet Writers' Union. He acted in and directed many Belarusian theatres until 1949, when he was accused of staging 'nationalistic' and 'cosmopolitan' plays. In 1949-1953 he was a theatre director in Irkutsk, and in 1953-1954 in the Tashkent Russian Drama Theatre. In 1949-1955 he taught at the Tashkent Institute of Theatre Arts. In 1955-1961 he taught in the Conservatory ...

  6. Žydų muzikos institutas Vilniuje

    • Jewish Musical Institute in Vilnius

    The Institute was established in 1925 in Vilnius; it was famous not only in Poland and Lithuania but throughout Europe for its education and training in fortepiano and voice. At the beginning of the Nazi occupation all Jewish students and teachers were dismissed; the institute was later reorganized into a musical school. Most of the Jewish students, teachers, and staff members were transferred to the Vilnius ghetto and later killed in the mass executions at Paneriai (Ponary).

  7. Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič

    The list of the Jews killed in Varėna was compiled by the survivor David Jeršanski’s daughter-in law-Rina Jeršansky-Dubrovič (her father was from Kaunas).

  8. Харсиківська сільська управа, с. Харсики Чорнухинського р-ну Полтавської обл

    • Kharsyky village board, village of Kharsyky, Chornukhy district (raion), Poltava region (oblast)
    • Kharsykivska silska uprava, s. Kharsyky Chornukhibskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti
  9. Говтвянська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Говтва Козельщинського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Hovtva village board, village of Hovtva, Kozelshchyntsy district, Poltava region
    • Hovtvianska silska uprava (siluprava), s. Hovtva Kozelshchynskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblast
  10. Сенчанська районна управа

    • Senchanska district board
    • Senchanska raionna uprava
    • Sencha district council


  11. Ebredo Magyarok Egyesulete

    • Awakening Hungarians Association
    • EME


    The anti-Semitic Ebredo Magyarok Egyesulete had been founded in 1917, by soldiers discharged during the war. EME continued to function despite its official liquidation in 1920. It organized attacks on Jewish students and on several occasions beat them bloody. These incidents went on through 1921, 1922, and 1923.

  12. Lakatos Géza

    • Lakatos, Géza
    • Lakatos, Géza, 1890-1967



    Military oficer and politician. Prime Minister of Hungary 29.08./16.10.1944.

  13. Kállay Miklós



    Hungarian politician. Prime Minister of Hungary between March 9, 1942 and March 22, 1944. Kállay unsuccessfully attempted to extricate Hungary from the German alliance. After the German occupation of Hungary in March, 1944 he was forced into hiding, subsequently taken prisoner, being held at the concentration camp of Dachau and, later, Mauthausen.

  14. Teleki Pál

    • Teleki, Pál, gróf, 1879-1941
    • Teleki, Pál, 1879-1941
    • Teleki, Paul.
    • Tèleki, Paul 1879-1941
    • Teleki, Paolo 1879-1941
    • ...



    Geographer and politician. Hungarian Prime Minister 1920-1921 and 1939-1941). Wrote the preamble to the Second Anti-Jewish Law (1939) and prepared the Third Anti-Jewish Law ( 1940). Signed more than 50 anti-Jewish decrees during his rule. In April 1941 committed suicide to protest Hungary's active support of Nazi Germany's invasion of Yugoslavia.

  15. Imrédy Béla

    • Imrédy, Béla, 1891-1946
    • Imredy, Bela



    Hungarian economist and politician, the Minister of Finance under the Gömbös Cabinet (1932-36), and the President of the Hungarian National Bank. Under Prime Minister Darányi he was Minister of Economics. From May 14, 1938, to February 14, 1939, he was Prime Minister. He founded the Party of Hungarian Renewal (Magyar Megújulás Pártja) in 1940. The first anti-Jewish law was passed under and the second was introduced by his government. He resigned when it was suggested that he had Jewish ancestors; the main reason for his downfall, however, was that his politics was incompatible with Horthy’s...

  16. Lajos Reményi-Schneller

    Hungarian financial expert. He served as minister of finance from March 1938 to March 1945. He was one of the Germans’ most trusted men in Hungarian politics, he regularly informed the Germans about the Hungarian political developments. As minister of finance he significantly furthered the country's economic delivery for Germany. In 1946 the people’s court sentenced him to death and he was executed.

  17. Miklós Kozma

    Hungarian right-wing politician. He was the supporter of Miklós Horthy from begins. He worked as head of the Hungarian Telegraphic Office (MTI) from 1922 until his death. From 1935 to 1937 he served as minister of the interior in Gömbös- and Darányi-government. In 1940 he was appointed to the regent’s commissioner of Carpatho-Ruthenia and he was one of the initiators of the Kamenets-Podolski deportation in 1941.

  18. Abetz Otto



    German ambassador in Paris since August 1940.

  19. Abromeit Franz



    Judenberater of Eichmann. SS-Hauptsturmführer in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt.

  20. Adler Hans Günther

    • Adler, Hans Günther. | Panorama

