
Displaying items 381 to 400 of 14,601
Language of Description: English
  1. Spartakusbund

    • Spartakus
  2. Ľudový súd v Trenčíne

  3. Ústredný hospodársky úrad

    • UHU

    In Slovakia, anti-Jewish measures has started in 1938, and became increasingly severe as Jews were pushed out of jobs, forbidden to pursue professions, and dispossessed. A specially created Central Economic Office headed by Augustin Morávek, Ústredný hospodársky úrad, was responsible for carrying out expropriations.

  4. Ľudový súd v Bratislave

  5. Okresný úrad vo Zvolene

  6. Department of Justice (Ireland)

    • Republic of Ireland - Department of Justice
    • Free State of Ireland - Department of Justice
  7. Department of the Taoiseach

    The Taoiseach is the head of the cabinet and Prime Minister of the Irish Government. The office of Taoiseach was established under the Constitution of 1937. From 1922-1937 the equivalent post was the President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State, and during the 1922 the office was that of Chairman of the Provisional Government of Southern Ireland, which was established under the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty. This fonds contains records from each of the offices from 1921 onwards.

  8. Pohronská župa

  9. Úrad predsedníctva vlády Slovenskej republiky

    • ÚPV
  10. Slovenská tlačová kancelária

    • STK
    • Slovak press agency
  11. Nitrianska župa

  12. Okresný úrad v Nitre

  13. Šarišsko-zemplínska župa

  14. Okresný úrad v Prešove

  15. Okresný úrad v Novej Bani