
Displaying items 3,681 to 3,700 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Fischer, Vilém (1898 - 1956)

    Born 1898 in Český Krumlov. Died 1956 in Jindřichův Hradec. Engineer in a textile factory. Studied at technical university in Vienna. During WWI he served in Galicia. Worked in Southern Bohemia in a textile factory. During WWII he worked for the Jewish Community in Prague at the Jewish Labour Department. Deported to Terezín in February 1945. After the war he returned to work in the same textile factory.

  2. Fischer, Ludwig (1893 - 1945)

    Born 1893 in Dobříš. Died most probably 1945 in Prague. Worked for insurance company Koruna in Prague. During WWII employee of the Jewish Community in Prague, worked at the Department for Emigration. In August 1940 he was arrested for a few days for an unknown reason.

  3. Federer, Zdeněk (1900 - ?)

    Born 1900 in Řečany nad Labem. Businessman. In 1913 moved with his parents to Vienna. After annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany converted to Roman Catholic Church and moved back to Czechoslovakia. During WWII employee of the Jewish Community in Prague, but the exact department is unknown. Deported to Terezín in February 1945. After WWII moved to Děčín.

  4. Bonn, Hanuš (1913 - 1941)

    Born 1913. Died 1941 in Mauthausen. Czech Jew. Poet, reviewer, translator. Worked for the Jewish Community in Prague, Head of the Department for Emigration. In October 1941 forced by the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Prague to gather 5 transports of Jews from Prague, but complained that the time given by the Central office is too short. In October 1941 he was denounced and with his deputy to Mauthausen as a punishment.

  5. Beranová, Olga (1898 - ?)

    Born 1898 in Trněný Újezd. During WWII an employee of the Jewish Community in Prague, in the Personnel Office. Deported to Terezín in February 1945. After WWII worked for the company Kley in Prague, which specialised in textiles.

  6. Lietuvių saugumo policijos Vilniaus apygarda

    • Litauische Sicherheitspolizei Bezirk Wilna
    • Lithuanian Security police of Vilnius district

    Chief of Lithuanian Security police of Vilnius district was Aleksandras Lileikis.

  7. Ιερά Σύνοδος της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος

    • Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
  8. Vilniaus sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas (Vilniaus Lukiškių kalėjimas)

    • Das Lukischki-Gefängnis in Wilna
    • The hard-labour prison in Vilnius (Lukiškės Prison) of the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice

    The prison became more notorious during the Nazi occupation of Lithuania, when it was used by the Gestapo and Lithuanian Security Police as a holding cell for thousands of Jews from the Vilna Ghetto. The majority were taken to the outskirts of Vilnius and executed at Ponary (Paneriai). When Soviets reoccupied the territory in 1944, the prison was returned to the NKVD.

  9. Vilniaus apygardos teismo prokuroras

    • Staatsanwalt beim Bezirksgericht Wilna
    • Prosecutor of Vilnius district court
  10. Άγγελος Παπαιωάννου

    • Angelos Papaioannou
  11. Πάνος Τσιφτσής

    • Panos Tsiftsis
  12. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania

    The main goal of Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania was to persecute communists or communists-related, Jews, people who were not loyal to Nazi policy, to fight agains partisans and underground organizations.

  13. Ιφιγένεια Αναστασιάδου

    • Ifigeneia Anastasiadou
  14. Vilniaus apskrities policijos Naujosios Vilnios nuovada

    • Police Station in Naujoji Vilnia of the Vilnius County

    Police Station in Naujoji Vilnia of the Vilnius County was the lowest branch of Lithuanian Public Police.

  15. Οικογένεια Αλμπέρτου Ναρ

    • Family of Albertos Nar
  16. Vilniaus miesto vykdomojo komiteto Sveikatos apsaugos skyrius

    • Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city

    Health Executive Committee of Vilnius city maintained all health care institutions in the country.

  17. Lietuvių savisaugos dalių štabai

    • Kommandod der Litauischen Selbstschutzeinheiten
    • Lithunianian Self-defence battalions
  18. Reichsleiterio Rosenbergo operatyvinio štabo okupuotoms sritims Darbo grupė Lietuvoje

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete Arbeitsgruppe Litauen
    • Vilnius Branch of the Rosenberg Operative Command of the Lithuanian General Region

    In September 1941, the Nazis established the Vilnius and Kaunas divisions of the Alfred Rosenberg Headquarters. The goal of these units was to collect Lithuania’s Jewish artistic and cultural valuables, which amounted to the plundering and destruction of a large portion of Lithuanian Jewry’s cultural heritage. The Strashun, Balosher, and YIVO libraries, the Sh. An-sky Museum and the Kaunas Society of History and Ethnography were ransacked. A group of approximately twenty inmates from the Vilnius ghetto were forced to assist the Rosenberg Headquarters in this infamous work. Those Jewish inte...

  19. Lietuvos laisvės kovotojų sąjunga

    • LLKS
    • Fighters for Lithuanian Freedom Union

    Unerground group which operated the Soviet (1940-1941) and the Nazis (1941-1944) occupied Lithuania. The goal of the underground group was fighting for Lithuanian independence. The members of the organization were active in publishing newspapers. Also created divisions in each county town. The organization was divided into four districts (Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Panevėžys). Had about three thousand members in 1943. In the statute of the group is written that "The aim is to restore independent Lithuania and to unite all Lithuanians for joint work in honor of Lithuania and well-being".

  20. Γαβριήλ Γαβριηλίδης

    • Gavriel Gavrielides