
Displaying items 12,821 to 12,824 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Hans Helm

    The Bavarian Hans Helm began his police career in Munich. Born in 1909 in a poor family, and has not completed the study of philosophy, and instead he got a job at the Munich police. He proved to be "an eager, disciplined and capable officer" and promoted as a forensic officer. As of 1937 he started working for the Gestapo. Among other activities within the scope of work of the Gestapo, Helm supervised and processed Ustasha intelligence exiles in Germany. At the same time he maintained official contacts with the Yugoslav police, who searched for the Ustashe as members of a terrorist organiz...

  2. Walter Schroeder


    Walter Schroeder was the SS and Police Leader in Latvia in 1941-1944

  3. Anthoni, Arno

    Arno Anthoni, originally a lawyer, was the chief of the Finnish State Police in the years 1941-1944. Openly antisemite, and pro-German, Anthoni had close relations with the Sicherheitspolizei which led to the deportation of eight Jews to the German authorities on November 6, 1942 on the ship Hohenhörn. After the war, in 1945, Anthoni was arrested. He was the only member of the State Police to be put on trial. After his process in 1948 Anthoni was released and continued to work as a lawyer.

  4. Fritz Braune

    Braune joined the SD in 1935 and was Kommandeur of Sonderkommando 4b of Einsatzgruppe C from 2nd October 1941 until 21st March 1942.