
Displaying items 12,761 to 12,780 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Günther Pancke

    SS-Obergruppenführer; General der Polizei; from 1943 untill 1945 Pancke was Higher SS and Police Leader in Denmark.

  2. Stephen Samuel Wise

    Stephen Samuel Wise (1874-1949), the grandson and son of rabbis, was born in Budapest in 1874. When Wise was an infant, his parents emigrated to the United States. From a very young age, Wise aspired to be a rabbi, like his father. Wise completed his studies at Columbia University with excellence at the age of 18, and was ordained as a rabbi in 1893. He served as the rabbi in a number of communities in New York and in Oregon, and was a trail-blazer in the area of interdenominational cooperation in the United States. In 1902 he earned his doctoral degree from Columbia University. Wise began ...

  3. Hans Krebs

    Ethnic German politician. Born 1888 in Jihlava (Iglau). After WW I manager of the German National Socialist Workers' Party (Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (DNSAP)) in Czechoslovakia. 1925 to 1933 member of the Czechoslovak parliament. Fled 1933 to Germany and became member of the SS and 1936 member of the Reichstag. From 1938 to 1945 Regierungspräsident in Aussig (Ústí nad Labem). Sentenced to death by a Czechoslovak court and executed 1947.

  4. Erwin Weinmann

    Erwin Weinmann was a German medical doctor, SS-Oberführer and police colonel; in the Reich Security Head Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt) of Group IV D (Occupied Territories) within the Gestapo (Amt IV). From January 1942 to July 1943 Weinmann was responsible leader of the Sonderkommando 4a (Sk4a) for the mass murder of Jews in Ukraine. Since summer 1942 he was BdS in Prague.

  5. Lavoslav Schick

    • Lavoslav Šik

    Lavoslav Schick (Šik) was a Croatian/Yugoslav Zionist, Judaist, journalist and a lawyer. He was born on the 27th of November 1881 in Vienna. After the death of his father, his mother married again and moved with his new husband and her two sons, Lavoslav (Leo) and Otto, in 1891 to Zagreb (Croatia) – then part of the Habsburg Empire. Schick studied Law in Zagreb, Vienna and Budapest and worked as a journalist. Already at the end of the 19th century he affirmed himself as a Zionist. He organized youth meetings, supported the Association of the South Slav Academics Bar Giora, founded 1902 in V...

  6. A. Χαμπούρης

    • A. Chabouris
    • A . Hambouris

    A. Chambouris was a Greek Christian businessman from Thessaloniki and I. Asseo's business partner.

  7. Ι. Ασσέο

    • I. Asseo
    • I. Asseo
  8. Rudolf Müller

  9. Νίκος Νικολάου

    • Nikos Nikolaou
    • Nikos Nikolaou

    Nikos Nikolaou was a civil engineer and historiographer focused on the local history in Serres (Greece).

  10. Γεώργιος Μόσχος

    • Georgios Moschos
    • Georgios Moschos

    Georgios Moschos was a lawyer in Serres (Greece).

  11. Κωνσταντίνος Ζιώγας

    • Constantinos Ziogas
    • Konstantinos Ziogas

    Constantions Ziogas was a lawyer in Serres (Greece).

  12. Κωνσταντίνος Τριανταφυλλόπουλος

    • Constantinos Triantafyllopoulos
    • Konstantions Triantafilopoulos

    Constantinos Triantafyllopoulos was a Notary Public in Serres (Greece).

  13. Αλίκη Ζαμάνη Μοράλες

    • Aliki Zamani-Morales
    • Aliki Zamani-Morales

    Aliki Zamani Morales is ancestor of a Sephardic Jewish family from Kavala in Greece. She lives in South America.

  14. Νταβίντ Φαρατζή

    • David Faraggi
    • David Faragi

    David Faraggi was a Sephardic Greek Jew and tobacco merchant.

  15. Hans Joachim Harms

  16. Mikuláš z Bubna-Litic

    Mikuláš z Bubna-Litic was from February 1940 to February 1942 Minister of Agriculture in the government of Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia.

  17. Josef Kalfus

    Czechoslovak Minister of Finance since 1936 and staying in that position during the whole period of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia.

  18. Jaroslav Krejčí

    Jaroslav Krejčí served as Prime Minister of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from January 19, 1942 to January 19, 1945. He served as Minister of Justice in all Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia governments and temporarily he was also Minister of Agriculture.

  19. Ladislav Karel Feierabend


    From October 1941 to June 1945 the Czechoslovak Minister of Finance in Exile

  20. Abelis Klenickis

    Lithuanian composer, conductor and violinist was born on 14 July, 1904 in Tauragė. Studied at the Kaunas Conservatory in the classes of Juozas Gruodis and Jurgis Karnavičius. In 1953 Klenickis graduated (composition) at the Lithuanian Conservatory, he also took postgraduate cources at the Moscow Conservatory (conducting) in the class of L. Ginzburg. Klenickis served as president of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union. He died on 14 May 1990 in Vilnius.