
Displaying items 981 to 1,000 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Best Werner

    • Best, Werner
    • Best, Werner, 1903-1989
    • Best, Werner, 1903-
    • Best, Karl Rudolf Werner, 1903-1989
    • Best, Werner Karl Rudolf, 1903-1989
    • ...



    SS-Obergruppenführer (1944). Deputy of Reinhard Heydrich in the SD and later in the RSHA (1934–1940). German Statthalter in occupied Denmark (1942–1945).

  2. Frants Hvass

  3. Гроссман Василий Семенович

    • Grossman Vasily Semyonovich

    Василий Семенович Гроссман, настоящее имя Иосиф Соломонович Гроссман (1905 - 1964) - писатель, журналист, военный корреспондент. Родился в Бердичеве в еврейской семье. Несколько детских лет провел в Швейцарии. Получил образование в Киевском реальном училище, Киевском высшем институте народного образования, химическом отделении физико-математического факультета 1-го Московского государственного университета, однако научной карьере предпочел занятия литературой. В 1934 г. впервые был опубликован рассказ "В городе Бердичеве", посвященный Гражданской войне. В годы Великой Отечественной войны ра...

  4. Grossman Vasilii Semenovich‏

    • Grossman, Vasiliĭ Semenovich, 1905-1964
    • Grossman, Vassili, 1905-1964
    • Grosman, Ṿasili, 1905-1964
    • Гроссман, Василий Семёнович, 1905-1964
    • Grossman, Wassilij, 1905-1964
    • ...



    Jewish author; member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee; worked with Ilya Ehrenburg, collecting and editing material for Chernaia kniga (Black Book) on the destruction of Jews.

  5. Adolf Eichmann

    • אדולף אוטו אייכמן
    • Adolf Otto Eichmann

    German SS officer in charge of “Jewish affairs” at the Security Service from 1935. From 1941 he was the head of the Jewish Affairs Department of the Reich Security Main Office and he was in charge of deportations from various European destinations to ghettos and death camps. In March 1944 he arrived in Budapest with his special unit and they arranged the ghettoization and deportation of the Hungarian Jews. After the war he fled to Argentina. Israeli agents abducted him in 1960 and took him to Jerusalem, where he was tried and he was executed in 1962.

  6. Pius 12 Pope

    • Pius XII (papież ; 1876-1958).
    • Pacelli, Eugenio.
    • Pío XII.
    • Pij XII.
    • Pie XII (pape).
    • ...



    Head of the Roman Catholic Church (1939-58). Controversy around his and the Vatican's "neutrality" during the Holocaust

  7. Isaac Halevi Herzog

    • יצחק אייזיק הלוי הרצוג

    Chief Rabbi of Irland; from 1937 Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael & the State of Israel

  8. Richard Walther Darre

    SS-Obergruppenführer (the second highest SS-rank and the equivalent of a general) and the seventh most senior officer of the SS, a leading Nazi "blood-and-soil" (Blut und Boden) ideologist and Reich minister of Food and Agriculture from 1933 to 1942.

  9. Luther Martin



    Head of the Nazi Foreign Office's "Germany" Department. Played a significant role in the "Final Solution". Attended the Wannsee Conference

  10. Ribbentrop Joachim von

    • Ribbentrop, Joachim ˜vonœ 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim von
    • Von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Ullrich Friedrich Willy Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim 1893-1946
    • ...



    Minister of Foreign Affairs in The Third Reich 1938-1945.

  11. Christos Kavvadas

    • Mr. Christos Kavvadas
  12. Hans Frank

  13. Maglione

  14. Rotta Angelo

    • Rotta, Angelo, 1872-1965
    • Rotta, Angelo



    Apostolic Nuncio in Budapest at the end of World War II. Saved many Bulgarian and Hungarian Jews through his diplomatic activity. Righteous Among the Nations’ 1997.

  15. Mussolini Benito

    • Mussolini, Benito, 1883-1945
    • Mousolini, Benito, 1883-1945
    • Duce, 1883-1945
    • موسوليني، بنيتو، 1883-1945
    • מוסוליני, ביניטו, 1883-1945
    • ...



    Prime minister (1922-43). First European fascist dictator. Executed by partisans in 1945.

  16. Ciano Galeazzo

    • Ciano, Galeazzo, conte, 1903-1944
    • Chiano, Galeazzo, Conte, 1903-1944
    • Ciano, Galeazzo, 1903-1944
    • Ciano, Galeazzo, comte, 1903-1944
    • Ciano, Galeazzo, conte
    • ...



    Italian Statesman. Married to Mussolini's daughter, fascist. Ambassador to the Holy See (1943), prisoner of the Germans in Bavaria, then in the Gestapo prison in Vienna. Charged with treason on Mussolini's instructions for leading role in 25.7.1943 coup. Shot dead in Verona's Scalzi prison.

  17. Pétain Henri-Philippe



    General and chief of the collaborationist Vichy-government during the WWII

  18. Franz von Papen