
Displaying items 2,821 to 2,840 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Boris III

    • Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria, 1894-1943
    • Boris III, King of Bulgaria, 1894-1943
    • Boris III, vorst van Bulgarije, 1894-1943
    • Boris III, kung av Bulgarien, 1894-1943
    • Boris III, roi de Bulgarie, 1894-1943
    • ...



    King of Bulgaria. "Boris III believed Bulgaria's future lay in maintaining neutrality while tilting politically towards the Axis. This policy regained him South Dobruja from Romania in 1940. Still refusing to declare war against the Allies or supply troops to Hitler, he was killed by a pro-Soviet assassin.

  2. Baeck Leo



    Rabbi, president of the Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden (renamed the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland after the Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935), sent to Terezin aged 70.

  3. Gustave Mark Gilbert

    Gustave Mark Gilbert was an American psychologist best known for his psychological diagnoses of high ranking Nazi leaders and officials during the Nuremberg Trials.

  4. Yitzhak Stone

    Nuerenberg Trials

  5. Franco Francisco

    • Franco Bahamonde, Francisco, 1892-1975
    • Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975
    • Boor, J., 1892-1975
    • Andrade, Jaime de, 1892-1975
    • Franco, Francisco.
    • ...



    Spanish head of state from 1939 until 1975.

  6. Rust Bernhard

    • Rust, Bernhard
    • Rust, Bernhard, 1883-1945
    • Rust (Bernhard), Reichsminister, 1883-1945
    • Rust 1883-1945 Reichsminister
    • Rust, Karl Josef Bernhard 1883-1945



    Minister of Science, Education and National Culture in Nazi Germany (1934-1945)

  7. Czerniaków Adam

    • Czerniaków, Adam, 1880-1942
    • Czerniakow, Adam.
    • צ׳רניאקוב, אדם, 1880־1942
    • Czerniakow, Adam
    • Ṣ'erniyʼaqŵb, ʼAdam.



    Head of the Warsaw Judenrat. Kept a diary from September 6, 1939, until the day of his death (suicide). It was published in 1979 in the English language as the The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow: Prelude to Doom.

  8. Anne Frank

    • Annelies Marie Frank

    12 June 1929 – February/March 1945

    a German-born diarist and writer. She is a Jewish victim of the Holocaust. Her diary, The Diary of a Young Girl, documents her life in hiding in Amsterdam during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II, is still widely read across the world.

  9. Philip Mechanicus

    17 April 1889 - 12 October 1944

    Dutch journalist who wrote for Algemeen Handelsblad. Wrote about the Sovjet-Union and Palestine. Wrote a diary while enprisoned in Westerbork. This was published after the war.

  10. Edith Stein

    • St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

    12 October 1891 – 9 August 1942

    Edith Stein, also known as St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (12 October 1891 – 9 August 1942), was a German Jewish philosopher who converted to the Roman Catholic Church and became a Discalced Carmelite nun. She is a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church.

  11. Boegner Marc



    Theologist. Head of the Protestant church in France. French resistance.

  12. Ziereis Franz

    • Ziereis, Franz 1905-1967



    Commander of the Mauthausen concentration camp.

  13. Lozovskiy Solomon Abramovich



    Soviet politician and trade unionist. Deputy Foreign Minister (1939-1946).

  14. Otto Ohlendorf

    • Ohlendorf Otto

    From 04/02/1907 to 08/06/1951

    Associate professor in Kiel. Initiated Sicherheitsdienst (1936), and lead Einsatzgruppe D and Referat SD-Inland in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (1941-42). Undersecretary in the Reichwirtschaftsministerium.

  15. Seyss-Inquart Arthur

    • Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
    • Seyß-Inquart, Arthur, 1892-1946
    • Zajtich, Arthur, 1892-1946
    • Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 1892-1946
    • Seyss-Inquart, A. (Arthur), 1892-1946
    • ...



    Reich governor of Austria. Reich Commissioner of German-occupied Netherlands. Responsible for rounding-up of Dutch Jews.

  16. Hans Böhmcker

    6 November 1899 - 18 October 1942

    German "Beauftragter des Deutschen Reiches" for Amsterdam, Persecuted Jewish citizens.

  17. Wallenberg Raoul

    • Wallenberg, Raoul, 1912-1947
    • Wallenberg, Raoul 1912-1945
    • Vallenberg, Raulʹ, 1912-1947
    • Валленберг, Рауль, 1912-1947
    • Wallenberg, Raoul
    • ...



    Swedish architect, businessman and diplomat. He arrived in Hungary in July 1944 as a member of the Swedish diplomatic mission. He played a dominant role in the diplomatic protection provided for Jews. He issued thousands of protective documents and placed numerous Budapest buildings under Swedish protection during the Arrow Cross regime. Soviet authorities arrested him in January 1945 and took him to Moscow, where he died in 1947.

  18. Kusmin, M.A.

    • Major Kusmin
  19. Rahm Karl



    Born 1907 in Klosterneuburg. Died 1947 in Litoměřice. Austrian SS-Obersturmführer and commander in Terezín. Rahm worked at the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna and Prague. Commandant of Terezín from February 1944 - May 1945.