
Displaying items 2,721 to 2,740 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Fritz Merdsche

  2. Albert Kalev

  3. Ernst Wilhelm Bohle

    מנהל ה-Auslands-Organisation של ה-NSDAP.

  4. Chaim Nachman Bialik

    • חיים נחמן ביאליק
  5. Joseph Wolf

  6. Karl Roques

  7. Franz Tesar

  8. Martin Weiss

  9. Laura L. Margolis

  10. Georges Edinger

    • ג'ורג' אדינז'ה

    Member of the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF-General Union of Jews in France)

  11. Kurt Mueller

  12. Eli Mazner

  13. Franz Sprinz

    • פרנץ שפרינץ

    head of department IVB 4 in the Cologne Gestapo, took part in organizing the deportation of Jews to Theresienstadt, 1944 Commander of Einsatzkommando EK8 in Hungary

  14. Georges Scapini

  15. Erwin Lahousen

  16. Sigmund Halpern

    • סיגמונד הלפרן
  17. Gustavo Orlandini

  18. Elsa Bernstein

    • אלזה ברנשטיין

    Novelist & playwright

  19. Franz Prüfer

    • פרנץ פריפר

    Deputy Head of department for Jewish matters at the state police, regional headquarters, Berlin