
Displaying items 2,601 to 2,620 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Elie Wiesel

    • אלי ויזל

    Jewish writer, Holocaust survivor.

  2. Jean Moulin

  3. Herbert Baum

    • הרברט באום

    Leader of anti-Nazi group in Berlin

  4. Iwan Pawicz

  5. Anton Orel

  6. Friedrich Entress

  7. Henry Ormond

  8. Karl Renner

  9. Hans Schule

  10. Adolf Heusinger

  11. Alfred Klee

    • אלפרד קליי

    Zionist politician

  12. Karl Reisinger

  13. Guido Schmidt

  14. Gertrud Slottke

    Administrator in Referat IVB4 in the Sipo-SD Headquarters in the Hague, Netherlands

  15. Edgard Seches

  16. Karl Lipott

  17. Rolubach