
Displaying items 1 to 20 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Organization Todt

    • Todt Organization
    • OT

    Organization Todt formed Nazi-sponsored, paramilitary labor battalions. This German military organization was dedicated to heavy construction and utilized concentration camp labor. OT also operated in the rearguard of Einsatzgruppen activity. It was headed by Dr. Fritz Todt until his death in 1942.

  2. Ustasa

    • Ustasha


    Ustasa was a Croatian fascist party that controlled the Independent State of Croatia, a puppet state of Nazi Germany, from 1941 to 1945. This organization helped to implement the Holocaust in Croatia. Under leader Ante Pavelic, the Croatian state persecuted its Serb, Jewish, and Roma populations. Thirty thousand Jews and 325.000 to 333.000 Serbs were murdered in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia under the Ustasa government.

  3. Hashomer Hatzair

    • השומר הצעיר

    Founded in 1913.

    Zionist socialist youth movement created in Galizia (at that time a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). Hashomer Hatzair forthwith adopted a Zionist ideology and stressed the need for the Jewish people to normalize their lives by changing their economic structure (as merchants) and to become workers and farmers, who would settle in the Land of Israel and work the land as "chalutzim" (pioneers). They were influenced, as well, by the burgeoning socialist movement, and they dreamt of creating in their new homeland a society based on social justice and equality. During the Holocaust Hasho...

  4. Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hadamar

    • Health and Care Institute Eichberg

    Die Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hadamar entstand 1906 aus der 1883 auf dem Mönchsberg errichteten 'Corrigendenanstalt', die zuerst als Arbeitshaus zur Umerziehung von straffällig gewordenen Landstreichern und Prostituierten dienen sollte. Mit dem steigenden Bedarf an stationärer psychiatrischer Versorgung wurde 1906 diese Einrichtung in die sog. Landespflege-Anstalt für psychisch Kranke umgewandelt. Träger war der Bezirksverband des Regierungsbezirks Wiesbaden, ein Vorgänger des Landeswohlfahrtsverbandes Hessen. Ab 1920 wurden zusätzlich zu den Patienten der Psychiatrie auch sog. 'Psychopathinn...

  5. Okrajni ljudski odbor Lendava

    • People's Committee of the Lendava District

    1945 - 1952

  6. Mestni ljudski odbor Dolnja Lenadava

    • Municipal People's Committee of Dolnja Lendava

    1945 - 1952

  7. Bezirkshauptmannschaft Rudolfswerth

    • Okrajno glavarstvo Novo mesto

    1849 - 1945

  8. Gorenjski muzej

    • Gorenjska Museum
  9. Arhiv Republike Slovenije

    • Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
  10. Comando del Gruppo Carabinieri Reali di Lubiana (1941-1943)

    • Poveljstvo grupe kraljevih karabinjerjev Ljubljana (1941-1943)
  11. Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije

    • Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia
  12. Center judovske kulturne dediščine Sinagoga Maribor

    • Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor
  13. Swedish Red Cross

    • צלב אדום - שבדיה
    • Svenska Röda Korset
  14. URO - United Restitution Organization

    • אור"ו - ארגון מאוחד לקבלת שילומים

    ארגון לסיוע משפטי בקבלת שילומים מגרמניה

  15. Judiska församlingen i Stockholm

    • Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Mosaiska församlingen i Stockholm

    Judiska församlingen i Stockholm leder sitt ursprung till sigillgravören och köpmannen Aaron Isaac, som 1774 kom från Mecklenburg till Stockholm och 1775 fick Gustav III:s tillstånd, ett så kallat skyddsbrev, att med sin familj bosätta sig här. Snart därpå anlände släktingar och vänner och därmed var Stockholms judiska församling grundad. Riksdagen beslöt 1779 att utvidga religionsfriheten. Reglerna för judarnas offentliga ställning i Sverige fanns i det av Kommerskollegium 1782 utfärdade ”judereglementet”, som i sina huvuddelar blev gällande till 1838. Genom en kungl. förordning 1838 upphä...

  16. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

    • UNRRA

    1943/1945 - 1947

    United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was an international relief agency, largely dominated by the United States but representing 44 nations. It was founded in 1943 but its main activity started after WWII in 1945. UNRRA has an aim to relief the victims of war by donating them food, fuel, medical care, shelter, clothing and other essential necessities. UNRRA cooperated with many charitable organizations and later in 1948 it was replaced by Marshall plan.

  17. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    • AJDC


    Founded in 1914, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provided assistance to Jews around the world, particularly in eastern Europe. During the Nazi era, this umbrella agency for aid organizations in the United States was involved in emigration planning and relief work in Germany, until 1939 providing an increasing share of the budget for German Jewish organizations, such as the Reichsvertretung. The Joint efforts continued after the war began and extended beyond the Reich into countries occupied or controlled by Germany.

  18. Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants

    • Children’s Aid Society
    • OSE

    Founded in 1912

    Begun by physicians in Russia in 1912 as Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyev (Society for the Protection of the Health of Jews), the organization expanded into many European countries with significant Jewish populations and focused increasingly on the welfare of children in its care. Relocating to Paris in 1933, the organization assumed the name Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants. OSE ran a number of orphanages in France for Jewish refugee children and, when the deportations of Jews in France began in 1942, organized an underground effort to smuggle many of the children from OSE orphanages to...

  19. Kindertransport

    The Kindertransport was a rescue mission of nearly 10 000 predominantly Jewish children from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. It started nine months before the outbreak of the Second World War. The children were taken to the United Kingdom.