
Displaying items 1,281 to 1,300 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Hapoel Hatzair

    • הפועל הצעיר

    Founded in 1905

    The non-Marxist Hapoel Hayzair, which means 'the young worker', was organized in 1905. The Zeirei Zion (Zionist Youth), and Hapoel Hayzair joined forces at the Eleventh Zionist Congress, held in Vienna in 1913.

  2. Verband nationaldeutscher Juden

    • Association of German National Jews
  3. Sturmabteilung

    • Storm Troopers
    • SA

    Founded in 1921

    The Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, was formed in 1921. It initially comprised mainly German World War I veterans, militia members, and others opposed to both the democratic Weimer Republic and to the Communist Party. Its terror tactics against opponents increased the public visibility of the Nazi movement, both before and after Adolf Hitlers’s rise to power. Once the Nazi regime was established, it began to perceive the disruptive tactics of the SA as a threat. Hitler agree to the murder of the SA’s top leadership in the Röhm Purge, or, ‘the night of the long knive...

  4. Jewish Infantry Brigade Group

    • הבריגדה היהודית
    • Brigata Ebraica
    • Jewish Brigade

    Established on the 03.07.1944. Its activity ends officially in July 1946.

    A brigade group of the British army that was made up of Jewish volunteers from Palestine. The Jewish Brigade was formed in 1944 and helped liberate Italy in 1945. The brigade was composed of 5,000 soldiers. The Zionist flag was chosen as its banner—making it not the first Jewish unit to fight in the war, but the first one to be recognized as representing the Jewish people. At the war's end, members of the Jewish Brigade helped prepare Displaced Persons for "illegal" immigration to Palestine. The British disbanded the brigade in July 1946.

  5. Reichswehr

    • הצבא הגרמני
  6. Zionist Union of Yugoslavia

    • הסתדרות הציונים ביוגוסלביה

    Main Zionist organization in Yugoslavia.

  7. Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Berlin

    • Gestapo Berlin

    The Geheime Staatspolizei, the Gestapo, was one of the most unfamous police organisations in the 1930s and 1940s. The Gestapo was widely represented in the occupied zones but also in Germany, for example with an office in Berlin.

  8. KdS Minsk - Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Minsk

    מפקדת משטרת הביטחון וה-SD ב-Minsk

  9. Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Düsseldorf

    • Gestapo Düsseldorf
    • Tajna Policja Państwowa w Düsseldorfie

    The Geheime Staatspolizei, the Gestapo, was one of the most unfamous police organisations in the 1930s and 1940s. The Gestapo was widely represented in the occupied zones but also in Germany, for example with an office in Düsseldorf.

  10. Comite voor Joodse Vluchtelingen

  11. Youth Aliyah


    Not far from the Nazi headquarters in Berlin, Recha Freier, a woman of determination and Zionist passion created the organization that would, a few months after Hitler took over the reins of power, be called Youth Aliyah. In the course of the harrowing years that followed Youth Aliyah saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children by bringing them to Palestine and Great Britain. Freier’s work did not, however, end in 1945. Over the years and until today Youth Aliyah is working tirelessly to bring homeless and traumatised Jewish children from more than 20 countries to one of its Youth Villa...

  12. Poale Zion

    • Zionist Workers
    • פועלי ציון

    Poale Zion was a Zionist socialist party. In 1920 as a result of a split, the more radical Poale Zion-Left and the more moderate Poale Zion-Right were formed.

  13. British Army

    • Britse Strijdkrachten
    • Anglická Armáda
    • הצבא הבריטי
  14. Ringelblum Archives

    • Oneg Shabat

    A group of Jewish social historians compiled notes, data, and documentation of Warsaw Ghetto life and the process of annihilation. The group was led by Emmanuel Ringelblum and collected 100 volumes of material, after who the archive is named. After the war, two milk cans and ten cases or records, documents, journals, and notes were unearthed. Historical documentation of ghetto conditions was forbidden by the Nazis and punishable by death.

  15. Mizrachi

    • מזרחי
    • East

    Mizrachi is a worldwide religious organization of Zionists, dedicated to rebuilding Israel according to Orthodox Jewish law.

  16. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

    • National Socialist German Workers Party
    • NSDAP

    Founded in 1917

    The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei started as an appendage of the Thule-Gesellschaft formed in 1917. Anton Drexler and other railroad workers founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which often held meetings in Thule quarters. In 1919, Hitler was sent by army intelligence to spy on the party and quickly became its chairman of propaganda and soon its leader. He added the term Nationalsozialistische to Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which became ‘Nazi’ in common vernacular. By 1932, it was the largest single party in Germany, but not the majority. In the election that year, Nazis polle...

  17. Young Mizrachi

    • צעירי מזרחי

    Youth organization of Mizrachi, a worldwide religious Zionist organization.

  18. General Zionist pioneers

    • החלוץ הכלל-ציוני

    Pioneers' movement of the General Zionists