
Displaying items 1,261 to 1,280 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Sonderkommando 1b


    Special SS units of the Einsatzgruppe A.

  2. Einsatzgruppe C

    • EG C


    Einsatzgruppe C, 750 commandos initially, had its headquarters in Kiev. Areas of operation were southern and central Ukraine. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind the lines and murdered political opposition. The Einsatzgruppen murdered between 1.25-2 million Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet citizens and Soviet POWs.

  3. Einsatzkommando 6

    • EK 6


    Mobile killing squads of Einsatzgruppe C.

  4. Sonderkommandos 1005

    • Sonderkommando 1005
  5. Sonderkommando 4b


    Special SS units of the Einsatzgruppe C. Sonderkommando 4b is also known as Einsatzkommando 4b, even in reports of the Nazis in 1941.

  6. Einsatzkommando 3

    • EK 3


    Einsatzkommando 3 was a mobile killing squad of Einsatzgruppe A.

  7. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien

    • Gmina Żydowska w Wiedniu
    • Vienna Israelite Community
    • IKG

    Gmina Żydowska w Wiedniu powstała w XII wieku. W 1936 r. liczyła 176 tys. osób. Od marca 1938 r. dotknięta szczególnie brutalnymi represjami. Przesiedlenia do wyznaczonych miejsc na terenie Polski i Czech rozpoczęły się już w październiku 1939, ostatnie transporty do Terezina i Auschwitz miały miejsce we wrześniu i listopadzie 1942 r. Na miejsce formalnie zlikwidowanej w 1942 r. gminy żydowskiej powołano Judenrat, który istniał w mieście do końca rządów hitlerowskich i przejął archiwa gminy, natomiast archiwa innych instytucji i organizacji żydowskich zostały zagarnięte przez gestapo w list...

  8. Einsatzkommando 9

    • EK 9


    Einsatzkommando 9 was a mobile killing squad of Einsatzgruppe B.

  9. Sicherheitsdienst Leitabschnitt Salzburg

    • SD Leitabschnitt Salzburg

    The Sicherheitsdienst was an intelligence and surveillance organization, established in 1931 under Reinhard Heydrich. Among its major tasks were monitoring real or imagined enemies of national socialism and reporting on the state of opinion among the German public. The SD was widely represented, for example with an office in Salzburg.

  10. Schutzstaffel

    • Black Shirts
    • SS
    • SS - Schutzstaffel

    Founded in 1925

    The Schutzstaffel was a small detachment was formed in 1925 to provide security for Hitler. Beginning in 1929, under the tutelage of Heinrich Himmler, the SS was enlarged and became an independent entity (1944-07) within the Nazi Party. In 1934, it effectively eliminated its rival, the SA, during the Night of the Long Knives. The SS was composed of the Gestapo, Kriminalpolizei, Waffen-SS,and Totenkopfverbaende. All police agencies were brought under the control of the SS in 1936. The Nuremberg Tribunal declared the SS to be a criminal organization for the ‘persecution and extermination of J...

  11. Agudat Israel - Germany

    • אגודת ישראל - גרמניה

    Organization of Orthodox Jews in Germany

  12. Agudat Israel

    • Union of Israel
    • Aguda

    Orthodox, religious political party hostile to Zionism.

  13. World Zionist Organization

    • ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית
    • WZO

    Founded in 1897

    The World Zionist Organization was founded by the architect of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, in 1897 as an international federation of diverse Zionist groups. Under Chaim Weizmann’s leadership, the organization was pro-British and played a pivotal role influencing the Jewish Agency in distributing Palestine Certificates. These permits meant life and death in late 1930s and early 1940s. The WZO was roundly criticized for favoring young and healthy pioneers, leftist Zionists, and non-Orthodox Jews.

  14. Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency in Budapest

    • ועדת העזרה וההצלה ב-Budapest

    Hungarian Zionist Alliance for Rescuing Refugees and Persecuted Jews

  15. Histadrut Hadassah

    • הסתדרות הדסה
    • הדסה
    • Hadassah

    1912 -

    American Jewish volunteer women's organization founded in 1912 by Henrietta Szold,

  16. Mapai - Mifleget Poalei Eretz Israel

    • מפא"י - מפלגת פועלי ארץ ישראל
    • מפא"י
    • Mapai

    Socialist zionist political party

  17. Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce

    • Political representation of Jews in Poland
    • CKŻP


    The most prominent official Jewish institution in Poland following the Holocaust, the Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce, attended to the needs of Jews from fall 1944 until 1950. It sponsored a variety of programs, providing food, shelter, education, medical assistance, cultural activities, and employment services and vocational training. The CKŻP also supervised the repatriation of Jews from the Soviet Union and assisted with legal emigration. The CKŻP was supported financially by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. In 1950-10-29 CKŻP was connected with Żydowskie Towarzystwo Ku...

  18. ŻEGOTA

    • Council for Aid to Jews


    ŻEGOTA is a Polish name for the underground Rada Pomocy Żydom. ŻEGOTA was initiated by writer Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, and it included both Jews and non-Jews from many different political movements. Despite their differences, they were motivated to fight the injustices perpetrated by the Nazis. By the summer of 1944, ŻEGOTA was helping 4,000 Jews. However, they were unable to provide aid for more people due to a chronic shortage of funding. ŻEGOTA furnished many Jews with false identification papers, money, and safe hiding places. Despite the death penalty imposed on people who hid Jews, ŻEGO...

  19. Histadrut Ha'ovdim b'Eretz Israel

    • הסתדות העובדים בארץ ישראל

    Confederation of Trade Unions in the former mandate of Palestine and actual State of Israel.