
Displaying items 1,201 to 1,220 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Gestapo Staatspolizeileitstelle Wien

    • Gestapo Wien IIB4J
  2. Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Wien

    • Gestapo Wien

    The Geheime Staatspolizei, the Gestapo, was one of the most unfamous police organisations in the 1930s and 1940s. The Gestapo was widely represented, for example with an office in Wien.

  3. Stadt Linz

    • City of Linz
  4. Hotel-Gesellschaft

    • (Linz) Hotel Company
  5. Gaue Niederdonau und Steiermark

  6. Einsatzkommando 14

    • EK 14

    Einsatzkommando 14 operated in 1944-1945 in Slovakia, where in 1944-08 a revolt against the Germans broke out.

  7. Einsatzgruppe H

    • EG H

    In 1941-06, before the attack on the Soviet Union, Einsatzgruppe H was stationed in Slovakia. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind the lines and murdered political opposition. The Einsatzgruppen murdered between 1.25-2 million Jews and tens of thousands of Soviet citizens and Soviet POWs.

  8. Aktion Gildemeester

    • Gildemeester
  9. Caritas

  10. Hlinkova slovenská l’udová strana

    • Hlinka Slovak People’s Party
    • HSLS

    Wartime Slovakia was run by a triumvirate of anti-Semitic leaders who supported most of Nazi Germany’s racial policies. Father Jozef Tiso, a Roman Catholic priest, was the country’s president. Vojtech Tuka, the prime minister and foreign minister, was also head of the Nástupists, the radical wing of the Hlinkova slovenská l’udová strana. Alexander Mach, Slovakia’s propaganda minister, headed the Hlinka garda (Hlinka Guards), the armed Nazi-Fascist wing of the HSLS. This triumvirate gradually transformed Slovakia into a Fascist state.

  11. Commissariato di pubblica sicurezza di Foligno

    • Foligno Police Station
  12. Comune di Assisi

    • Municipality of Assisi
  13. Comune di Orvieto

    • Municipality of Orvieto
  14. Prefettura di Livorno

    • Livorno Prefecture
  15. Questura di Livorno

    • Livorno Police
  16. Prefettura di Trieste

    • Trieste Prefecture
  17. Prefettura di Potenza

    • Potenza Prefecture
  18. Reichsstatthalterei Kärnten

    • Carinthian Reichsstatthalterei
  19. Landesgericht Linz

    • Linz Regional Court
  20. Verband ehemalig politisch Verfolgter

    • Association of formerly politically persecuted