
Displaying items 701 to 720 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Ustaški stožer i Povjereništvo za bivšu Vrbasku banovinu Banjaluka

    • Ustasha Headquarters and the Commission for former Vrbas banovina (province) Banjaluka

    Local Ustasha regime in Banjaluka, which was also the seat of former Vrbas province (banovina) in Yugoslavia. Ustasha movement led the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska) as a puppet-state of Nazi Germany and Italy. In accordance with that, it followed series of Nazi-approved laws regarding racial purity. Ustasha's persecuted Jews, Serbs, Roma, etc.

  2. Velika župa Sana i Luka Banja Luka

    • The Province of Sana and Luka

    Regional government of Axis-puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia. The county of Sana and Luka had it's capital in Banja Luka, in northwestern Bosnia. Banja Luka was considered as potential capital of the Independent State of Croatia, as it was geographically it's center, and this was seen as politically prudent. But this move of capital from Zagreb to Banja Luka was never completed.

  3. Komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača u Banja Luci

    • Committee for crimes of occupation forces and collaborators in Banja Luka

    Just after the war Committee's were organized with the goal to research and document all war crimes committed by the Axis powers and their local collaborators. The documentation contains information about victims, war damages, etc.

  4. Oblasni Narodni oslobodilački odbor za Bosansku krajinu

    • Regional People's Liberation Committee for Bosanska Krajina

    Regional People's Liberation committees were formed during World War 2 to ensure organizational and political activity in liberated territories of Yugoslavia. They were formed by the Communist Partisans, and their goal and task was to regulate everyday life in free, liberated territories; it participated in resolving sensitive issues and problems, thus earning good reputation among the population. The material contains data produced by Regional People's Liberation Committee for Bosanska Krajina (northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina).

  5. Tsentralny shtab partizanskogo dvizheniya

    • Central Staff for the Partisan Movement
    • TsShPD


    Tsentralny shtab partizanskogo dvizheniya, the organizing center of military operations under the leadership of the partisan movement in German-occupied areas of the USSR, was created under the staff of the Supreme High Command on 1942-05-30.

  6. Inspectoratul general al Jandarmeriei

    • Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie
  7. Komisija za ratnu štetu Narodnog odbora sreza Sarajevo

    • The Committee for war damages of Sarajevo County
  8. Кабінет єврейської культури Академії Наук УРСР

    • Кабінет єврейської літератури, мови та фольклору
    • Kabinet ievreiskoi literatury, movy ta folkloru
    • Cabinet of Jewish literature, language and folklore

    Кабінет єврейської культури АН УРСР (Кабінет єврейської літератури, мови та фольклору) створений у 1936 р. на основі відділу етнографії та фольклору Інституту єврейської культури (перша назва – Інститут єврейської пролетарської культури, Київ, 1928–1936). Працював до 1950 р. Від 1928 до 1936 р. функціонував у складі Інституту єврейської пролетарської культури як Кабінет музичної фольклористики. У зв’язку зі справою Єврейського антифашистського комітету (1948) більшість співробітників були репресовані, а сам Кабінет ліквідований у січні 1949 р. Каральні органи вилучили частину документів та ...

  9. Кишиневская городская примария

    • Chisinau City Hall
  10. Бельцкая уездная префектура

    • Balti district prefecture
  11. Тигинская уездная префектура

    • Tighina district prefecture
  12. Ministerul de Justitie. Sectia Judiciara.

    • Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary.
  13. Comunità Ebraica di Venezia

    • Jewish Community of Venice
  14. Corte di Appello di Trieste

    • Trieste Court of Appeals
    • Corte d'Appello di Trieste
  15. Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives

    • Institute for the Study of Jewish Questions
    • IEQJ
    • IEQJE
    • Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives et Ethnoraciales


    The Institut d’Étude des Questions Juives was founded in Paris in 1941-05, mostly funded by the SS, and headed by a bizarre character, Paul Sezille, a former colonial officer whose philosophy was that ‘the Jew must disappear for many future generations’. The pseudo-academic Institute was supposed to study and draw attention to all Jewish matters. It did this by organizing meetings addressed by anti-Jewish speakers, covering the walls of Paris with anti-Semitic posters and using issuing malevolent anti-Semitic pamphlets. The IEQJ was transformed in 1943 into the Institut d’Étude des Question...

  16. Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft GmbH

    • Société fiduciaire bruxelloise sprl
    • Brusselse trustmaatschappij
    • Brussels Trust Company ltd
  17. Groupe 12, Avoirs ennemis et juifs

    • Groep 12, Vijandelijk en Joods Vermogen
    • Gruppe XII, Feind- und Judenvermögen
    • Group 12, Enemy and Jewish Assets
  18. Office des Séquestres BTG

    • Dienst Sekwester BTG
    • Sequestration Office BTG
    • Office des Séquestres de la Société fiduciaire bruxelloise / Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft
    • Dienst Sekwester van de Brusselse trustmaatschappij / Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft
  19. Kolonialpolitisches Amt der NSDAP, Dienststelle Belgien

    • Office de Politique coloniale de la NSDAP, Service Belgique
  20. Associazione donne ebree d’Italia - Women’s International Zionist Organisation, Venezia

    • Women's Italian Jewish Association - Women’s International Zionist Organisation, Venice
    • ADEI WIZO, Venezia
    • Associazione donne ebree d’Italia. Sezione veneziana

    L’Associazione donne ebree d’Italia (ADEI) nacque a Milano nel 1927, per iniziativa di Vittoria Cantoni Pisa, con lo scopo di promuovere l’ideale e la cultura dell’Ebraismo. La sezione veneziana fu fondata l'anno successivo da Amelia Fano (Venezia, 7 gennaio 1875 - 30 ottobre 1964), esponente della vita culturale ebraica veneziana. In consonanza con gli scopi dell’associazione a livello nazionale, l’ADEI di Venezia fu promotrice di iniziative sia di interesse locale, a sostegno delle attività culturali e didattiche nell’ambito della Fraterna generale, poi Comunità israelitica, sia di caratt...