
Displaying items 681 to 700 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Gradsko poglavarstvo Tuzla

    • City municipality Tuzla

    The municipality functioned under the Independent State of Croatia since 1941, as par of newly formed Province of Usora and Soli (velika župa). It was reformed in 1944, after liberation of Tuzla by the Communist Partisans.

  2. Okružni narodni odbor Tuzla

    • County People's Committee Tuzla

    Territorry that was supervised by the Committee included 12 municipalities of Tuzla and its immediate surrounding area.

  3. Okružna uprava narodnih dobara Tuzla

    • The Office for Regional Management of public property Tuzla

    The Office for Regional Management of public property dealt with property and goods, land, buildings, companies, etc that were nationalized and became the state property under Communist Yugoslavia, right after World War 2. In some cases, not only property of Germans and their collaborators became state property, but also the state managed properties of those who were killed during the war (in concentration camps, etc.) or their whereabouts were unknown. In case of Jewish people, the state introduced state-management of their properties either until legal inheritors claimed the property in q...

  4. Okružna uprava narodnih dobara Banjaluka

    • The Office for Regional Management of public property Banjaluka
  5. Arhiv Republike Srpske

    • Archives of the Republic of Srpska
    • Arhiv Bosanske Krajine

    The Archives of the City of Banja Luka was established by the Decision of the People's Committee of the City of Banja Luka, number 4735 dated 20 April, 1953. According to the approval of the Executive Council of the National Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 1719-14 dated 30 May, 1956, the Archives of the City of Banja Luka became County Archives, authorized for the areas of the municipalities of Banja Luka and Prijedor. The establisher's rights were taken over by the People's Committee of the County Banja Luka (Decision no. 2170 dated 29 June, 1956) with the consent of the People's C...

  6. Imamat džemata Tuzla

    • Muslim Community of Tuzla

    The Muslim Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina was formally established as autonomous religious community in 1909, by the Austria-Hungary's Emperor Franz Joseph I. The organization in Tuzla survived and functioned through period of first Yugoslavian state and was closed down in 1949 by municipal Communist authorities. During the Second World War (and the rule of the Independent State of Croatia) the Muslim community received numerous requests for conversion to Islamic faith by Jewish families from Tuzla and nearby towns. The documentation includes these requests for approval of conversion, ...

  7. Kantonalni arhiv Travnik

    • Travnik County Archives
    • Cantonal archives of Travnik
    • Arhiv Srednjobosanskog kantona

    The Archive of Travnik is main archival institution in Central Bosnia Canton, but it also covers Zenica-Doboj Canton in most cases.

  8. Rimokatolička škola Gornji Dolac

    • Catholic School Gornji Dolac

    Gornji Dolac is a settlement near Travnik, mainly inhabited by Catholic population of craftsmens and traders. During 19th century Gornji Dolac was also the headquarters of Parish Travnik-Lasva. First modern elementary school in the region was founded here (1847). New school building was created 1871, and Fransicans gave it to nuns of St. Vinko to manage. Several Jewish families located near Gornji Dolac sent their children to this school.

  9. Djevojačka narodna osnovna škola Travnik

    • Primary public school for girls

    Primary public school for girls in Travnik was created from the Second public elementary school Travnik, after the school reform in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. As evident by the name, it was girls-only school, and it had students of all nationalities and religions.

  10. Dječačka narodna osnovna škola Travnik

    • Primary school for boys Travnik

    Primary school for boys Travnik inherited the First People's elementary school in Travnik, after the school reform that followed the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918). It existed until the next reform that took place after Second World War, 1945.

  11. Arhiv Hercegovačko-neretvanske županije/kantona

    • Archives of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton
    • Archives of Herzegovina

    The Archives in Mostar were founded in 1954. The name was changed to "Archives of Herzegovina" in 1964. After the Dayton Agreement and creation of Cantons it became archival institution under the supervision of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. The institutions keeps archival records from the area of Herzegovina, more specifically Herzegovina - Neretva Canton.

  12. Okružna uprava narodnih dobara Mostar

    • The Office for Regional Management of public property Mostar

    The Office for Regional Management of public property dealt with property and goods, land, buildings, companies, etc that were nationalized and became the state property under Communist Yugoslavia, right after World War 2. In some cases, not only property of Germans and their collaborators became state property, but also the state managed properties of those who were killed during the war (in concentration camps, etc.) or their whereabouts were unknown. In case of Jewish people, the state introduced state-management of their properties either until legal inheritors claimed the property in q...

  13. Narodnooslobodilački odbor za Hercegovinu

    • People's Liberation Commitee for Herzegovina
  14. Hercegovački Okružni Narodni odbor Mostar

    • Herzegovina Regional People's Committee Mostar

    The Committee started to work on 17th of April 1942. It preformed the role of regional Communist government (under its supervision were municipalities of Mostar, Trebinje, Bileća, Gacko, Nevesinje, Stolac, Konjic, Čapljina, Ljubinje, Ljubuški, Posušje i Široki Brijeg) during and right after World War 2.

  15. Sudbeni stol u Mostaru

    • The Court of Mostar

    The court was active from 1941 to 1945. Iz had juidicial authority in Mostar, Prozor, Lištica, Konjic, Ljubinje, Ljubuški and Stolac. Since 1st of November 1941. it also supervised local court in Trebinje, Nevesinje, Gacko, Bileća and Ravno. It mainly handled criminal cases as second-level, regional court, but it also handled complaints, declaring of deceased or missing persons during the war, sales of property, etc. It was abolished on 3rd of February 1945.

  16. Sudbeni stol Banjaluka

    • Court Table of Banja Luka

    Court Table of Banjaluka which was one of 19 regional courts formed in the Independent State of Croatia. These courts were abolished in 1945, and their legal decisions were annulled.

  17. Gradsko poglavarstvo Banjaluka

    • Municipality of Banjaluka 1941-1945
  18. Ravnateljstvo za ponovu Banjaluka

    • The Directorate for Renewal Banjaluka
  19. Rizničko upraviteljstvo Banjaluka

    • Treasury directorate of Banjaluka
  20. Župsko redarstveno ravnateljstvo Banja Luka

    • County's Police Directorate of Banjaluka

    Police Directorate of the county, under the Independent State of Croatia, puppet state of Nazi Germany. This state and its police force persecuted Serbs, Jews, Roma, etc.