
Displaying items 661 to 680 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Javni ured rada Sarajevo

    • Public Office for Work Sarajevo

    Public Office for Work Sarajevo in Sarajevo was founded in 1941, under the supervision of main Office in Zagreb. It was in charge of establishing free working places (available jobs), transfers of employees, signed and dissolved work contracts, etc. It was closed down in 1945.

  2. Prefettura di Mantova

    • Mantua Prefecture
  3. Questura di Mantova

    • Mantua police-headquarters
  4. Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine

    • Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Arhiv BiH

    Founded in 1947.

    The Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the first modern archival institution in Bosnia-Herzegovina is established 1947. by decision of The Government of Peoples Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina No. 1061 on December 12, 1947. Nowadays this date is known as Archives Day in Bosnia-Herzegovina. From 1965, by provision of Archives Act, name of this institution is changed into Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Today, in the independent state of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Archives works under this name.

  5. Ministerul Apărării Naționale

    • Ministry of Defense
  6. Povjereništvo za radnje Sarajevo

    • The Office for Stores Sarajevo

    Just after the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (10th of April 1941) temporary offices were formed and operated from April to July 1941. One of these offices that operated in Sarajevo was the Office for Stores (shops) which had a goal to complete seizing of Jewish and Serbian stores and shops. After 2 months, the Office became part of the Ministry of economy, which took over its records and duties.

  7. Zemaljska komisija za ratnu štetu Bosne i Hercegovine

    • The Committee for war damages in Bosnia and Herzegovina


    Contains reports of war damages (1941-1945). the Committee, formed in 1945, had a goal to collect, process and make estimates regarding the damages and losses that occured during the Second World War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It finished its work and collected all relevant data by 1946, but it was abolished in 1950.

  8. Savez "Napretkovih" zadruga Sarajevo

    • Union of "Napredak" cooperatives Sarajevo

    Founded on 22th of August 1935, the Union continued its work during the Independent State of Croatia. Since December of 1941. it formed a contract with Ministry of State Treasury by which the collectives took the work of nationalization of state-controlled trading and crafting companies. The Union could alone decide which confiscated, nationalized company could be sold and under which conditions. The Union stopped functioning sometimes during 1945.

  9. Zemaljska komisija za Bosnu i Hercegovinu za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača

    • State Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Occupiers and their supporters

    State Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Occupiers and their supporters was created in 1944. with the goal to collect evident of war crimes commited by Germany, Italy and their collaborators.

  10. Zemaljska uprava narodnih dobara za Bosnu i Hercegovinu

    • State Office for people's goods of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    During the second meeting of AVNOJ, on 21st of November 1944 a decision was made to seize all property of enemies of the state, and to introduce state management over properties of absent persons, as well as manage and resolve the status of properties seized by occupying powers during World War 2. Thus, in April of 1945. the State Office for people's goods of Bosnia and Herzegovina was formed and all immovable goods and rights, land property, houses, furniture, forests, mining rights, companies, valuables, stocks, etc were under its management. The goal was to use these assets to maximise t...

  11. Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarstvenu ponovu

    • State Directorate for Economic Renewal

    The State Directorate for Economic Renewal was part of the Independent State of Croatia's government that was in charge of tracking and taking over properties of Jews, primarily companies but all Jewish property in general. Confiscated property would be sold on auctions or given away. The Directorate had complete authority when it comes to Jewish property and thus led an active role in seizing and stealing property and goods from Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina (and the rest of the Independent State of Croatia).

  12. Velika župa Vrhbosna

    • Province of Vrhbosna

    Two months after the creation of "Independent State of Croatia", which included Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 10th of June 1941 new legislation was created which formed new regions (velike župe). The state had 22 of these regions at first: Zagorje, Prigorje,Bilogora, Baranja, Vuka, Posavlje, Livac i Zapolje, Gora, Pokuplje, Modruša, Vinodol, Gacka i Lika, Pribir i Sidraga, Cetina, Hum, Dubrava, Usora i Soli, Lašva i Glaž, Pliva i Rama, Krbava i Psat, Sana i Luka, and Vrhbosna. As a head of each "velika župa" there was a governor (veliki župan) that had ministerial authority and led complete ci...

  13. Poglavnikovo povjereništvo Sarajevo

    After the declaration of "Independent State of Croatia", on 10th of April 1941 on its territory news temporary government. Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, without former Vrbas banovina (province) was entrusted to Hakija Hadžić and Božidar Bralo from Sarajevo. "Poglavnikovo povjereništvo" started its work in Sarajevo on 24th of April 1941, and it took the role of provincial government. The one in Sarajevo had 8 departments. It was operational until 7th of August 1941, since new legislation declared after 10th of june 1941 created new regional government units (velike župe).

  14. Jevrejska općina Mostar

    • Jewish municipality Mostar
  15. Muzej Jevreja Bosne i Hercegovine - Muzej Sarajevo

    • Jewish Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Museum of Sarajevo

    The Sarajevo Museum is a public institute founded by Sarajevo Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It now consists of the main building, with depots, and five dependencies: Svrzo’s House, the Despić House, the Jewish Museum, the Brusa Bezistan, and the Museum of Sarajevo 1878-1914. The Jewish Museum or Museum of the Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovina is housed in the oldest synagogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina, built in 1581. Many experts are of the opinion that this was the finest exhibition space in the whole of ex-Yugoslavia; and indeed, on entering the Synagogue, one steps into a di...

  16. Muzej Unsko-sanskog kantona

    • Museum of Una Sana Canton
    • Muzej Bihać

    Regional museum located in town of Bihać, in northwestern Bosnia.

  17. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona

    • Tuzla County Archives
    • Archive of Tuzla Canton

    The establishment of the Archives in Tuzla and the establishment of archival activities in the wider Tuzla area was carried out only after the Second World War. Archive of Tuzla was founded by the City People's Committee in Tuzla on July 1, 1954, in accordance with the recommendation of the Executive Council of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NR BiH) No. 3768/53 of 24 January 1954. Archive of Tuzla was founded as Archive of Tuzla town, and very started to supervise the region of northeast Bosnia which,since 1962, included 18 or 19 municipalities. Regional Archive jurisdicti...

  18. Gradsko poglavarstvo Brčko

    • City municipality of Brčko

    Local, municipal government of Brčko, located on Sava river, on the Bosnia's northern border.

  19. Državna realna gimnazija Tuzla

    • The State Gymnasium Tuzla

    The Gymnasium in Tuzla was formed in 1899 and always had significant number of students of all confessions and nationalities, including Jewish students as well as Jewish teachers. It was one of the oldest and prestigious high schools in the country.

  20. Industrijska škola Tuzla

    • School for Industry and Crafts Tuzla