
Displaying items 3,501 to 3,520 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Polizeipräsident Warschau

    • Prezydent Policji w Warszawie

    Urząd mieścił się w Warszawie. Prezydentem policji był każdorazowy dowódca SS i policji na dystrykt warszawski. Do zadań prezydium policji należało: wydawanie i dopilnowanie wykonywania zarządzeń policyjnych, nakładanie kar, załatwianie spraw gospodarczych policji, małego ruchu granicznego, paszportów, dowodów osobistych, pozwoleń, spraw związanych z ruchem ulicznym, obroną przeciwlotniczą, strażą pożarną, godziną policyjną.

  2. Československý úřad pro hospodářskou pomoc a obnovu

    • Czechoslovak Office for Relief and Rehabilitation
    • UNRRA

    The Czechoslovak office for Relief and Rehabilitation (also known as the UNRRA) arranged the contact and negotiations between the postwar Czechoslovak establishment and the international organization of UNRRA - United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. The office was established as a part of the Ministry of Nutrition and later in 1948 incorporated into the Ministry of Finance. It was divided into several departments and officially was functioned till July 1947, however the disposal of the office lasted till 1951.

  3. Magyar Izraeliták Pártfogó Irodája

    • Bureau for the Protection of the Rights of the Jews of Hungary
    • MIPI

    The Bureau for the Protection of the Rights of the Jews of Hungary was established with the official permission of Ferenc Keresztes-Fischer, the minister of Interior in 1938. It was a Jewish aid organization and it was permitted to negotiate with Western Jewish organizations, the most important of which was the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).

  4. Auschwitz Protocol

    • Vrba-Wetzler Report

    This report based on accounts by prisoners Walter Rosenberg and Alfréd Wetzler, who had escaped from Birkenau in April 1944. It provided a precise description and map sketches of the camp’s layout, operation, selection and extermination techniques. In Hungary the illegal Zionist organizations were the first to receive the information, but the protocol soon reached the Central Jewish Council as well as members of the non-Jewish resistance and Regent Miklós Horthy’s circles. Through Zionist channels, a copy of the protocol reached Switzerland and the British and U.S. governments.

  5. Sondereinsatzkommando Eichmann

    • Eichmann-Sonderkommando
    • SEK

    It was a special unit of SS soldiers under the immediate command of Adolf Eichmann. After the German occupation of Hungary Eichmann arranged with his special unit the ghettoization and deportation of the Hungarian Jews.

  6. Budapesti Segélyező és Mentőbizottság

    • Budapest Relief and Rescue Committee
    • Vaadat ha’ Ezra ve’ha’Hatzalah
    • Vaada

    An illegal Hungarian Zionist relief organization founded in 1942–1943 for the rescue, hiding, and support of Jews fleeing from neighboring countries. Its most renowned members were Executive Director Ottó Komoly, Executive Vice Director Rezső Kasztner, Joel Brand and his wife Hansi, Mózes (Moshe) Schweiger and Ernő Szilágyi. After the German occupation of Hungary the Vaada initiated negotiations with the SS in order to rescue Hungarian Jews.

  7. National Committee of Hungarian Jews for Attending Deportees

    • Magyarországi Zsidók Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottsága
    • DEGOB

    One of the key organizations responsible for the repatriation and relief of Holocaust survivors in Hungary. DEGOB was established in Budapest in March 1945. It received its financial support from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the International Red Cross, and the Jewish Agency for Palestine. DEGOB organized twenty-six expeditions in 1945 and managed to repatriate several thousand Hungarian deportees from former Nazi camps throughout Europe. In addition to providing aid for survivors, DEGOB was one of the earliest and largest projects to document the mass destruction of Eu...

  8. Ministerstvo hospodářství a práce

    • Ministry of Economy and Work
    • Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
  9. Ministerstvo zemědělství

    • Ministry of Agriculture
  10. Ministerstvo sociální a zdravotní správy

    • Ministry of Social and Health administration
  11. Sippenamt

    Office in the German Ministry of Interior and responsible for racial declarations "Ariernachweis". Opened branches in Vienna, Luxembourg and Prague.

  12. Úřad policejního prezidenta Praha

    • Amt des Polizeipräsidenten Prag
    • Office of the Prague police president
  13. Policejní ředitelství Praha

    • Polizeipräsidium Prag
    • Prague Police Headquarters
  14. Ministerstvo průmyslu, obchodu a živností, Praha

    • Ministry of Industry, Trade and Crafts
    • Ministerium für Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe
  15. Instytut Pamięci Narodowej

    • IPN
    • Institute of National Remembrance

    In 1991, Poland’s new democratic government transformed the Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Polsce into the Główna Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu (Main Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes Against the Polish Nation), which is part of the Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (Institute of National Remembrance).

  16. Archives Managed by the Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Polskich

    • Head Office of the State Archives
  17. HICEM

    Founded in 1927

    HICEM is established in 1927, with the goal to help European Jews emigrate. HICEM was formed with the merger of three Jewish migration associations: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which was based in New York; Jewish Colonization Association, which was based in Paris but registered as a British charitable society; and Emigdirect, a migration organization based in Berlin. By the time the Second World War broke out in 1939-09, HICEM had offices all over Europe, South and Central America, and the Far East. Its employees advised and prepared European refugees for emigration, including helping the...

  18. Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés

    • Committee for Assistance to Refugees
    • CAR

    With the moderation of French policy toward the refugees as a result of the election of the Popular Front government in the spring of 1936, French Jewish refugee relief revived. At the initiative of the Joint Distribution Committee, a new committee, Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés, was established with Raymond-Raoul Lambert as its general secretary. Under Lambert’s leadership, CAR focused on providing assistance, including vocational retraining, that would enable the refugees to finds a niche in France. From the fall of 1938 until the outbreak of the war in 1939-09 the staff of CAR worked ...