
Displaying items 3,361 to 3,380 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Związek Patriotów Polskich

    • Union of Polish Patriots
    • ZPP

    Founded in 1943

    Związek Patriotów Polskich was a pro-communist political organization, founded in the Soviet Union in 1943. Comprised of Polish Communists living in Soviet exile, it was obviously intended to promote Soviet objectives in Poland once the Germans were driven out. The Związek Patriotów Polskich was organized around a new weekly journal, Wolna Polska (Free Poland), and contained articles written by several leading Polish Communists.

  2. Armia Krajowa

    • Heimatarmee
    • AK


    Subordinated to the Polish Government-in-Exile in London, Służba Zwycięstwu Polski (Service for the Victory of Poland) and the Związek Walki Zbrojnej (Union for Armed Struggle) formed on 1942-02-14 the Armia Krajowa. During the war it became an umbrella organization of resistance groups. Attacks were limited to confiscating supplies, burning food-quota documents, and, perhaps, crippling machinery. This modus operandi denoted the desire of the independentists to avoid German reprisals against the people and the destruction of property which, after all, was Polish and would be used after the ...

  3. Narodowe Siły Zbrojne

    • National Armed Force
    • NSZ

    Founded in 1942

    Narodowe Siły Zbrojne was a right-wing, nationalist Polish resistance group that hated Jews, communists, and liberals. They refused to recognize the authority of the Armia Krajowa and operated independently. During the war, they murdered hundreds of Jewish partisans and others seeking asylum. Narodowe Sily Zbrojne terrorized and killed Jewish survivors after the war.

  4. Черкаська районна управа, м. Черкаси

    • Cherkasy district board, city of Cherkasy
    • Cherkaska raionna uprava
  5. Видавництво газети "Українська думка" - орган Черкаської районної управи, м. Черкаси

    • Editorial board of the "Ukrainska Dumka" newspaper, an official organ of Cherkasy district board, Cherkasy city
    • Vydavnytstvo hasety "Ukrainska dumka" - orhan Cherkaskoi raionnoi upravy
  6. Управління Служби безпеки України в Черкаській області м. Черкаси

    • Cherkasy Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine, city of Cherkasy, Cherkasy region
    • Upravlinnia Sluzhby Bezpeky Ukrainy v Cherkaskii oblasti, m. Cherkasy Cherkaskoi oblasti
  7. Черкаська біржа праці, м. Черкаси

    • Cherkasy labour registry office, Cherkasy city
    • Cherkaska birzha pratsi, m. Cherkasy
  8. people's court

    The twenty-four regional courts in post–World War II Hungary set up in 1945 primarily for the investigation of war crimes. The members of the people’s courts were predominantly political delegates and generally lacked law degrees. About sixty thousand people were tried in the people’s courts in the postwar years, and roughly twenty-seven thousand were found guilty. Of these, 477 people were sentenced to death, and 189 were actually executed.

  9. U.S. Department of State

  10. Foreign Office

  11. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Kriminalinės policijos Alytaus rajonas

    • Security Police and SD Commander of the Lithuanian Criminal Police in Alytus district

    Security Police and SD Commander of the Lithuanian Criminal Police in Alytus district was established in 1941 since the begining of the WWII and was in charge of arrests of communists, Jews and all suspected and criminal residents.

  12. Vilniaus žydų tikybinė bendruomenė

    • Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Wilnie
    • Vilnius Jewish Religious Community

    Vilnius Jewish Religious Community was established in 1919. The activities of the community were controlled by the municipality of Vilnius city, Board of Vilnius Voivodeship and the Ministery of Religious and Public Education of the Republic of Poland. On 16 September 1940 community was closed by the Soviet Authorities.

  13. Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Vašingtone

    • Lithuanian Embassy in Washington, DC

    Lithuanian Embassy in Washington, DC was established in August 1924.

  14. Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Londone

    • Lithuanian Embassy in London

    Lithuanian Embassy in London was established in January 1919. In the year of WWII tried to spead information all over the world about the situation in Lithuania.

  15. Žydų mokslo institutas (JIVO) Vilniuje

    • Žydowski instytut naukowy (JIWO) w Wilnie
    • Institute for Jewish Research (YIVO) in Vilnius

    "In 1925, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research was founded in Vilna (Wilno, Poland; now Vilnius, Lithuania), by key European intellectuals, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, to record the history and pioneer in the critical study of the language, literature and culture of the Jews of Eastern Europe. From its inception, YIVO was deeply concerned that the language and culture of East European Jewry were undergoing radical change in a rapidly modernizing world. YIVO's founders were tireless in collecting the documents and archival records of Jewish communities across Eastern Europ...

  16. Gebietskommissariat Dnjepropetrowsk-Stadt

    • Дніпропетровський штадткомісар, м. Дніпропетровськ
  17. Chef der Zivilverwaltung in Luxemburg

    • CdZ Luxemburg

    Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Head of Civil Administration, CdZ) was a German official title in the Second World War. Task of a Head of the Civil administration was to conduct on behalf of the Commander in Chief of the German army in conquered territories the civil administration.

  18. Добрянська міська управа, с. Добрянка Добрянського району Чернігівської області

    • Dobrianka village board, village of Dobrianka, Dobrianka district of Chernihiv oblast
  19. Сосницька районна поліція, смт. Сосниця Сосницького району Чернігівської області

    • Sosnytsia district police, town of Sosnytsia, Chernihiv oblast
    • Sosnytska raionna politsiia, smt. Sosnytsia Chernihivskoi oblasti
  20. Корюківська районна поліція, смт. Корюківка Чернігівської області

    • Koriukiv district police, town of Koriukivka, Chernihiv region
    • Koriukivska raionna politsiia, smt Koriukivka Chernihivskoi oblasti