
Displaying items 281 to 300 of 5,124
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Луциківська районна управа Штепівського району Сумської області

    • Lutsykivka village administration in Shtepivskyi district of Sumy region
    • Lutsykivska raionna uprava Shtepivskoho raionu Sumskoi oblasti
  2. Фалештский Комиссариат Полиции

    Comisariatul poliției Fălești avea în subordinea sa 3 secții: Secția Administrativă; Secția Siguranță; Secția Judiciară. Statele de personal al Comisariatului poliției Fălești: 1 comisar, care conducea Comisariatul; 2 ajutori ai comisarului, 2 agenți de poliție, telefonistul, șeful secției, 10 polițiști și curierul.

  3. Роменський виконавчий комітет районної ради народних депутатів

    • Romny Executive committee of the District council of People's delegates
    • Romenskyi vykonavchyi komitet raionnoi rady narodnyh deputatov
  4. Сумська обласна надзвичайна комісія по встановленню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників

    • Sumy regional extraordinary commission on investigation of the German-Fascist crimes
    • Sumska oblasna nadzvychaina komisiia po vstanovlenniu zlochiniv nimetsko-fashystskyh zaharbnykiv
  5. Poale Zion-Right

    • פועלי ציון ימין

    Founded in 1920

    Poale Zion was a Zionist socialist party. In 1920 as a result of a split, the more radical Poale Zion-Left and the more moderate Poale Zion-Right were formed.

  6. Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia

    • Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia
    • Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije

    Founded in 1944

    The former Yugoslavia was liberated in 1944. After the Second World War, the region became known as the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia. Throughout the entire region, only 14,000 Jews returned after the war. The Jews opened the Federation of Jewish Communities. Many of the Jewish communities throughout Yugoslavia were reclaimed. In 1946, the government in Yugoslavia changed again, and it became known as the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The Zionist attitude of the Yugoslav Jews was also reestablished and, in 1948, the Federation of Jewish Communities gained the right to begin emigr...

  7. Полиция города Оргеева

    • Politsiya goroda Orgeeva
    • Police of Orhei city

    1918 - 28th June 1940; July 1941 - 1944

  8. Comune di Arco

  9. Comunità ebraica di Modena e Reggio Emilia

    • Comunità israelitica di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  10. Comunità ebraica di Napoli

    • Comunità israelitica di Napoli
  11. Comunità ebraica di Fiume

  12. Comunità ebraica di Ferrara

    • Comunità israelitica di Ferrara
  13. Senato della Repubblica