Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 107
Country: Romania
  1. Misc. Propaganda. Juridic.

    Instructions for the Propaganda units. Instructions for the Services of propaganda and counter-propaganda in the Army.

  2. Dispositions

    regarding the creation of a new Zionist organization, for the Jews from Romania. Information bulletin of the Pretorate in Odessa. 247 Jews in Shmerinca are taken over by German authorities. A German lieutenant is found to be a Jew from Cernauti.

  3. Problems related to Jews.

    Proposal to evacuate Jews ages 15 - 50 from towns in operation zones of the Army. On 30/6 Antonescu orders a curfew for Jews and placing them in guarded places during the night hours. Also hostages will be taken from Jews, communists, to be shot at the first signs of rebellion. The problem of transferring masses of Jews East of the Dniester and the Germans turning them back on the West banc. The Jews already in Transnistria will stay there until taken over by the Germans with whom a convention in this matter was signed. (Tiraspol, Oct.11, 1941). Orders to prevent contacts between Jews and t...

  4. Occupation troops between the Dniester and Dnieper.

    Orders and instructions given to the occupation troops of the 4-th Army, for guarding the territory between the two rivers. Decree of administrative organization of the province Transnistria. List of military units allocated. Text of the “accord” determining the safety, administration and economical development in Transnistria and the territory between the Bug and the Dnieper. Letter from Hitler to Antonescu. Organization of the administration, lines of communication. Infrastructure and military preparedness in Transnistria. The explosion of the military headquarters in Odessa: results, cle...

  5. Various

    The rebellion of 21.I, 1941. Orders received. 21.I - 31.I, 1941. Reports of military activity. Conclusions and further instructions to prevent unrest and rebellions.

  6. Notes and information.

    Instructions by the Soviet army for partisan groups: organization, fighting tactics, objectives etc. Instructions for conduct of the army toward the civil population.

  7. Ordinances in Romanian, German and Russian regarding the administration of Transnistria.

    Ordinances in Romanian, German and Russian regarding the administration of Transnistria. Measures for organizing the life of the Jews in Transnistria. Ordinance of the military commandment. Various other ordinances regarding the life and activities in Transnistria.

  8. Requests

    for maps indicating zones of fraudulent crossing of the Bug or Dniester, of partisans, of parachutists launching, communist nests etc.

  9. Pretorial service.

    Various correspondence regarding the administration of the territory and of the population. Information on the organization and working of the Soviet espionage obtained from a captured spy. Activity of the pretorial service June- Oct 1941.

  10. Jews

    Problems related to use of Jewish hospitals and workers, Various requests from Jewish communities and individuals, mostly related to forced labor. Lists of Jews provided with certificate of dispensation from forced labor.

  11. Orders

    with regard to measures taken to warrant internal peace and security. Lists of military units in charge of guarding main objectives.

  12. Campaign against Hungary

    Activity of the propaganda groups. Distribution to the troops of materials received from the Soviet Union. Preparations for a military gazette. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian army.

  13. Protection

    against parachutists, airborne troops and partisans.

  14. Misc. - territory - etapes.

    Instructions for organizing the secretarial service. Territorial distribution of military commands in Transnistria.

  15. Misc. notes, reports and counter-informative bulletins

    received from Gendarmes Units, police etc. in period 23 June - 25 August 1941.

  16. Plan

    of operations and maps regarding measures to protect main objectives against parachutists and partisans.

  17. Orders and requests.

    Orders of permanent nature, for military personnel and organization. Colonization of Bessarabia. Request to settle there, from a number of NC officers. Officers’ wives requested to perform duties at social services. Instructions regulating the duties of Jews in the working brigades. Order from Antonescu to limit the body weight of the officers to 75 Kg. Obligatory physical exercises are instituted. Casa Ostirii (Army Club): description, history, functions.

  18. Chiffered symbols and signatures.

    Measures are indicated to maintain secrecy as required; real names not to be used in telecommunications. Lists of signatures for telegraphic and telephonic communications. Lists for the symbols of various Units and Services.

  19. Contra-informative reports.

    (Note: some pages missing, being taken out by security services; most of the remaining pages hardly legible).

  20. Army Engineering Corps requests

    permission to use Jews in communication services and other special positions. Jewish women to be also mobilized; to be used for hospitals or other institutions and should not be put to heavy manual work.