Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 65 of 65
Country: Bosnia & Herzegovina
  1. Kotarsko nadzorništvo narodne zaštite Sarajevo

    • District's Office for national protection Sarajevo

    Records that are part of the fond contain important information regarding the situation in Sarajevo and its immediate area during World War II (air raids and bombing of the city, lists of deceased people, information about property, etc.)

  2. Narodni odbor Grada Sarajeva

    • City Committee of Sarajevo

    Sarajevo, as a city and separate political and territorial unit became a separate government unit in 1945. City's People Liberation Committee was formed on 19th of April 1945 and operated until 21st of July 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in Europe (May 1945), when it was reformed and renamed to City's People Committee. The documentation deals with Sarajevo's five districts and has information about last stages of World War II and its aftermath and consequences.

  3. Komisija za ratnu štetu Narodnog odbora sreza Sarajevo

    • The Committee for war damages of Sarajevo County

    Contains details about damages/losses committed by occupying Axis forces and their local collaborators in Sarajevo region. The information presented mostly gathered with the aim of seeking war reparations.

  4. Uprava državnih nekretnina Sarajevo

    • The Office for State Property Sarajevo

    The Office for State Property Sarajevo was in charge of managing confiscated property seized by the new Yugoslav regime (Communist Party), but also managing of property whose owners were unaccounted for or perished in concentration camps (Jews, Serbs, etc.).

  5. Zemaljska komisija za Bosnu i Hercegovinu za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača

    • State Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Occupiers and their supporters

    Contains information about questioning and deportations of Jews in Banjaluka and confiscation of Jewish property, details of terror against Jews in Bihać during 1941, details about seized buildings by Ustasha government, extortion of gold and silver, theft of synagogue's inventory, etc. Also contains records regarding torture of Jews in town of bijeljina, conducted by local Culturbund (local Germans). Similar details can be found regarding town of Mostar, in 1942. Jews in Mostar were imprisoned by Italian government and transferred to camps located on island in Adriatic sea, where they were...