Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 3,431
  1. Österreichs Freiheitskampf

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet published by the information service of the Austrian government provides an overview of the Austrian resistance movement during the Nazi era. It describes chronologically the situation in Austria from 1933 to 1938, the reprisals against any opposition during the Anschluss and the reorganization of resistance by imprisoned decision makers in various concentration camps. This newly formed cooperation enabled the creation of resistance cells which were under constant threat by Gestapo and SD. Their difficult work is explained in detail. The organization of the resistance in the las...

  2. Das Los der christlichen Presse im Dritten Reich

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet uses the Christian publication “Zukunft” (Better future) to illustrate the problems the Christian press faced during the Third Reich. It contains a sometimes supportive critique of National Socialism, harassment and interrogations by the Gestapo, arrest and protective custody. From these traumatic events the author finds explanations for the purpose of suffering and spiritual rebirth from catastrophes like war. The eternal wisdom and strength of the bible are used for guidance and comfort. Theological discussions with representatives of all social classes are included. While the...

  3. Nazi rule in Poland

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet describes the Nazi occupation of Poland from a catholic point of view. It examines the imprisonment and abuse of priests by the Gestapo. Many reports are referenced from newspapers published in the West. The booklet claims that religious freedom has been destroyed and schools are indoctrinated with anti-Christian ideology.

  4. Last letters of a young Danish patriot

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The booklet contains a short biography and the letters of Christian Ulrik Hansen, who was executed by the Gestapo on June 23rd, 1944. He is planning to return the Christian denominations back to unity, should he survive. His letters are full of clarity and wisdom, unafraid of the looming death.

  5. Biskupi i kapłani Lubelszczyzny w szponach Gestapo 1939-1945

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The Polish publication “Bishops and priest of the Lublin region in the clutches of the Gestapo” provides information on the abuse, torture and murder Catholic clergy had to endure at the hands of the Nazsi during its occupation of the Lublin region of Poland during World War II. It includes a list of victims.

  6. Den norske Kirkekamp

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The typewritten report by pastor Harald Sandbaek describes the efforts of Danish clergy to resist the Nazi occupation. He was a well-known resistance fighter who was responsible for acts of sabotage,then captured and tortured by the Gestapo. He managed to escape wounded and continued the fight after his escape to Sweden.

  7. An die deutschen Arbeiter und Angestellten in freien Ländern

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The pamphlet issued by the Internationale Transportarbeiter Föderation (International Federation of transport workers) gives an overview of illegal union activities in Germany. New methods of work and organization had to be developed (no membership registers or contribution receipts) and the establishment of underground networks was crucial. A testimony of a train employee reports of Gestapo supervision by the “Dezernat 36”. The situation in maritime transport is described by a sailor who talks of numerous deserters to Australia and America. Almost everyone refuses to raise their hand and g...

  8. MFS 4 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Dresden

    • Bundesarchiv-Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Dresden
    • MFS 4 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Dresden
    • German
    • 1942-1988
    • 10 Vorgänge innerhalb der Klassifikationspunkte 1.1 Stellvertreter Operativ, 2.2 Auswertungs- und Kontrollgruppe, 2.3 Büro der Leitung, 5.1 Untersuchungsorgan, 6.1.2 Personalakten, 7.1 Kreisdienststelle Bautzen, 7.2 Kreisdienststelle Bischofswerda bzw. 7.4 Kreisdienststelle Dresden-Stadt 1 Tonträger im Nebenbestand MFS 4-TON

    Ermittlungen gegen den Leiter des Referates IV.4 der Staatspolizeileitstelle Dresden Henry Schmidt; Recherchen gegen Beteiligte an der Ermordung jüdischer Häftlinge während eines Transportes in der Nähe von Burkau und wegen des Einsatzes im Ghetto Lodz, Theresienstadt; Hinweise zum Mord an jüdischen Bürgern Bad Gottleubas und Umgebung; Tonaufnahme der Vernehmung eines Angehörigen des Sicherheitsdienstes zur Beteiligung an Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Polen.

  9. MFS 1 Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS_HA_IX_11)

    • Bundesarchiv-Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Berlin
    • MfS_HA_IX_11
    • German
    • 1946-1989
    • 823 lfm Schriftgut und Karteien im Klassifikationspunkt 5.1.3 „NS-Archiv des MfS“ 3 Filme im Nebenbestand MFS 1-FILM 6 Fotoakten im Nebenbestand MFS 1-BILD 28 Tonträger im Nebenbestand MFS 1-TON

    Zentrale Untersuchungsvorgänge (ZUV), Allgemeine, Berichte (AB), Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (VgM) und Untertägige Anlagen (UTA) Untersuchungen und Ermittlungen zu von Wehrmacht, Polizei und SS während des II. Weltkriegs verübten Verbrechen u. a. gegen Personen jüdischer Herkunft Sowjetisches Militärtribunal (SMT) und Rehabilitierungsverfahren (RV) Dokumentation der Verfolgung von NS-Straftätern Aktuelle Fragen (AF), Auskunftsersuchen (AK), Messesonderkartei, Personenauskünfte (PA) Dossiers zur NS-Vergangenheit v. a. von Bürgern der DDR und Westdeutschlands sowie Einwohnern von Berl...

  10. Bequest Hermann Weinkauff

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Hermann Weinkauff from his granddaughter in June 2023. Hermann Weinkauff (1894-1981) was born in Trippstadt in Rhenish Palatinate on February 10, 1984. Until his Abitur in 1912, he attended the classical language high school in Speyer. He then studied law in Munich, Heidelberg and Würzburg. In Munich, he became a member of the fraternity Corps Hubertia Munich. Weinkauff participated in the First World War as a Bavarian field artillery volunteer at the Western Front and since 1917 as a reserve lieutenant. In 1920, he passed his first juridica...

  11. Bequest Peter Gingold

    Peter Gingold was born in Aschaffenburg on March 8, 1919. His family was Polish and Jewish and he grew up in Frankfurt (Main). There, he completed a commercial apprenticeship at a big music retail business in 1930. He joined the union Zentralverband Deutscher Angestellter (ZDA) (Central Association of German Employees) and in 1931, the Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (KJVD) (Communist Youth League Germany). In 1933, Gingold was arrested in a SA raid. With the help of friends, he fled via the Saarland to Paris where his family had already emigrated some months before. He proceeded...

  12. Bequest Eduard Wirths

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Eduard Wirths from his wife and children in July 2005. Eduard Wirths was born in Geroldshausen near Würzburg on September 4, 1909. He studied medicine at the University of Würzburg from 1930 to 1935 and earned his doctoral degree in 1936. Subsequently, he worked for the Thuringian Landesamt für Rassewesen, the public health office in Sonneberg, the University gynecological clinic in Jena, and the Reichsärztekammer. He joined the NSDAP and the SA as early as 1933. In 1934, he switched from the SA to the SS and became a member of the Waffen-SS...

  13. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien

    Deportationslisten, Ansuchen und Atteste betreffend Transportrückstellungen sowie Dokumente in Zusammenhang mit Deportationen

  14. Amtsdirektion der IKG Wien

    Beschlüsse, Telegramme, Aktennotizen, Korrespondenz und Rundschreiben der Amtsdirektion in Zusammenhang mit der Organisation der Auswanderung und der Devisen

  15. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderungsfragebögen, statistische Aufstellungen, Dokumente, Korrespondenz, Erhebungsbögen und Merkblätter betreffend die Auswanderung (u.a. auch die Kinderauswanderung) Auswanderungsfragebögen: Der jeweilige Hausvorstand musste auf dem Fragebogen folgende Informationen angeben: Namen (auch der im Haushalt wohnenden Angehörigen), Geburtsdatum- und ort, Familienstand, Staatsangehörigkeit, Aufenthaltsdauer in Österreich, Beruf und letzte Stellung, Verdienst und wirtschaftliche Situation, Sprachkenntnisse, Auswanderungsziel, finanzielle Mittel, Reisepassinformationen sowie Beziehungen ins A...

  16. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion file concerning Roma property

    Includes information about the confiscation of property of Roma deported to concentration camps from Berlin. The bulk of the records are dated 1943 with others dating as late as 1961.

  17. Prewar Jewish life in Alsace-Lorraine; tourist views

    June 8-15, 1927 in Ingwiller (the family stayed at the Hotel de la Gare in Alsace-Lorraine). Stone house in Ingwiller, France where August Levy grew up. Emilie and Robert play. Street life in the village - cow pulling a wagon with passengers moves along the town's main road passing "Epicerie et Mercerie" shop. 01:03:07 CUs of Levy relatives: Lucy Levy; Rachel Meis, half-sister of Henry Meis (who brought August Levy to Cincinnati in 1892), and August; Henry Meis (1857-) with Lucy Levy; another relative (woman) with Clara Levy; Henry Meis with Lucy Levy again, followed by Rachel Meis; Clara L...

  18. Soviet parade; beach; Kharkov Trial verdict; US soldiers in Paris

    Title: UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. SOVIET PARADES ITS ARMED MIGHT IN RECORD REVIEW. MOSCOW, U.S.S.R. Infantry units march in formation in Moscow’s Red Square. Soviet officers salute from platforms above. Narrator describes this as the “greatest display of might and power ever staged by Soviet Russia.” Artillery, motorcycles and tanks speed by, all meant to show the success of Russia’s mass production. Josef Stalin speaks and looks at the planes of the Russian Air Force flying in formation above. The narrator declares the parade “an assurance to communists and a warning to Russia’s enemies.” Men and...

  19. Leaflets of the White Rose Facsimile of the second White Rose leaflet

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn14333
    • English
    • a: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm) b: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm)

    Facsimile of the second White Rose leaflet, distributed by members of the White Rose, a German anti-Nazi group formed in Munich in 1942. Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell wrote the first four leaflets, possibly with contributions by Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst. The second leaflet calls Nazism a cancer on German society, states that the murder of Polish Jews by the Germans is a crime against humanity, and urges the citizens of Germany to resist the Nazi rule. The group was founded by students from the University of Munich in the late spring of 1942, and members consisted of Hans, Al...

  20. Reporters cover the opening of the Barbie Trial

    The opening of the trial against Klaus Barbie on the lunch hour news show "Midi 2," dated May 11 1987. Press were only allowed to film the opening of the trial. Shots include the arrival of Klaus Barbie and the President of the Court (the steward of the trial, Andre Cerdini), the roll call of attorneys and present witnesses, and commentary by Midi 2's reporter on the trial itself. The press are dismissed at the end of the clip, as they aren't allowed to film anything beyond the very start of the session before jurors are selected. As the dismissal takes place, the reporter (Paul Lefevre) de...