Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 3,431
  1. 714. Sorani Settimio

    1. Vicissitudini dei singoli
    2. Vicissitudini dei singoli - Serie I

    Racconto di Settimio Sorani dal titolo "Come sono riuscito a imbrogliare la Gestapo" e risposta di Settimio Sorani al CDEC all'invito a partecipare al convegno su "L'occupazione tedesca e gli ebrei di Roma".

  2. Nicht angeführt (Vernehmung des Gaustabsamtleiters Gerdes über Ogruf. Kaltenburnner und seine Befehle.

    1. Card index of the “general documents” of the collection Incarceration and Persecution
    2. Konzentrationslager
    3. Konzentrationslager Allgemeines
    4. Aktionen

    Gestapo-Vertrauensleute gibt es auf allen Gebieten des Lebens und überall in deutschen Machtbereich.Kaltenbrunner verlangte die Ausrottung der führenden Menschen der Ostvölker. Auch sollten alle deutschen Frauen 4 Kinder gebären.Alliierte Fallschirmspringer sind zu töten.Häftling in Dachau, Landsberg und Mühldorf sollen vor der Ankunft der Amerikaner getötet werden. Die Aktionen "Wolke A 1" und "Wolkenbrand" sind erwähnt.Folio 255-262: DeutschFolio 263-266: EnglischFolio 254: Beweismaterial Analyse des US Generalanwaltes, Dokument 3462 PS.

  3. Zbierka IX. Nacistické okupačné jednotky

    • Collection IX. Nazi Occupation Forces

    Collection contains various documents dedicated to the activities of Nazi occupation forces which were operating in Slovakia after the outbreak of the Slovak National Uprising on August 29, 1944. Suppression of the armed uprising, which dominantly took place in the Central Slovakia with the center in the city of Banská Bystrica, was accompanied also by the massive and intentional persecution of the rest of the Jewish community in the Slovak territory. Material includes numerous information about mass executions in Kremnička and also about the later exhumation of the mass grave as well as th...

  4. Liste über Namen von Juden von denen Akten bei der Gestapo

    1. Archivverzeichnisse
    2. Diverse Archive

    Liste über Namen von Juden von denen Akten bei der Gestapo Düsseldorf vorliegen (in London)

  5. Arisierungsakten

    • Aryanisation Records

    Der Bestand teilt sich daher in die "Arisierungsakten des nördlichen Burgenlandes" (Kartons 1–68) und die "Arisierungsakten des südlichen Burgenlandes" (Kartons 69–83). Der Inhalt des Bestandes ist sehr uneinheitlich. Im Wesentlichen umfassen die Akten Schriftstücke, die in der Vermögensverkehrsstelle eingelangt sind oder ausgingen. In einigen der Akten finden sich außer einem Formular, welches der Aktanlegung von vermuteten jüdischen Firmen- oder Immobilienbesitzer diente, keine weiteren Schriftstücke. Andere enthalten umfangreiches Schriftgut. In den Akten finden sich vor allem: - allgeme...

  6. Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region

    Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region Documentation from the following organizations: - Polizeibehörden der NS-Zeit (including the SIPO. A separate sub-record group was opened regarding the Gestapo Saarbruecken, in Sapir item 11638053) - Bodenwirtschaftsamt Saarbrücken - Kulturamt Metz - Landeshauptkasse des Saarlandes - Landesrat des Saargebietes - Lehrerseminar Ottweiler - Mädchenrealgymnasium St.Wendel.

  7. Urząd Tajnej Policji Państwowej w Poznaniu

    • Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Posen
    • Gestapo Branch Office in Poznań
  8. Tajna Policja Państwowa - Urząd Tajnej Policji Ciechanów /Płock w Płocku/

    • Geheime Staatspolizei - Staatspolizeistelle Zichenau/Schröttersburg in Schröttersburg

    Akta gestapo - działalność niemieckiej policji i metod jakimi się posługiwała zwłaszcza w stosunku do osób podejrzanych o jakąkolwiek działalność antyniemiecką. Spawy prowadzone przeciwko ludności ograniczały się głównie do oskarżeń o wrogą działalność, zerwaniem umowy o pracę i kończyły się obozem koncentracyjnym, karnym lub obozem wychowawczym pracy.

  9. Gmina Żydowska w Wiedniu

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien
    • Jewish Community in Vienna

    I. Korespondencja gminy (fragmenty) z lat 1871-1940: - Israelitische Theologische Lehranstalt in Wien. [Izraelickie Seminarium Teologiczne w Wiedniu] 1893-1937 - statut, protokoły sesji egzaminacyjnych, korespondencja 1896-1930, notatki, 24 indeksy studentów z 1930 r., prace dyplomowe i seminaryjne słuchaczy, b.d. i 1935; - Vereinigung jüdischer Exportakademiker in Wien (Exportakademie des K.K. Handelsmuseums) [Związek Żydowskich Studentów Akademii Eksportu w Wiedniu (Akademia Eksportu Cesarsko-Królewskiego Muzeum Handlowego] - bd. - statut; - dokumenty biblioteki gminnej 1866 - po ...

  10. Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews

    Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews Included in the Collection, among other material, is a file with lists of emigres whose citizenship was revoked, and a file with decrees.

  11. Gmina Żydowska we Wrocławiu

    • Synagogen Gemeinde zu Breslau
    • Jewish Community in Wrocław (Breslau)

    Akta Gminy Żydowskiej we Wrocławiu, - protokoły posiedzeń Zarządu 1922-1939; - korespondencja Zarządu (1796-1939) z urzędami, gminami i związkami żydowskimi oraz osobami prywatnymi; w tym - korespondencja w sprawach opieki nad uchodźcami z Rosji, Rumunii, Galicji, Kongresówki 1867-1874, 1882-1907, 1914-1930, - dokumentacja przygotowań do III Zjazdu Związku Niemieckich Żydów w 1909 r., Okręgowego Związku Pruskich Gmin Żydowskich we Wrocławiu 1926-1931, korespondencja z Niemieckim Związkiem Gmin Żydowskich 1914-1924, korespondencja w sprawach emigracji 1934-1939; - wykazy tzw. S...

  12. M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region

    M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region History of the Archives: The Archives was established in December 1939 and was called the Regional Historical Archives of Stanislawow until 1941. Before its establishment, all of the documentation was kept in institutions of the authorities and in public institutions. This documentation began to be collected by the Stanislawow UNKVD as of November 1939 in the new regional Archives after the same institutions and organizations were cancelled by the Soviet authorities. The name of the Archives was changed during ...

  13. M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region

    M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region History of the Archives: The State Archives of the Lwow Region was established in December 1939 on the basis of the State Archives of Lwow. The archive was called the Regional Historical Archives in Lwow until 1941. It was called the State Archive of the Lwow Region during 1941-1958, and was called the Regional State Archives in Lwow during 1958-1980. As of 1959 the documentation that was in the Regional Archives in Drogobych was transferred to it. Since 1980 it has been called the State Archives of the Lwow Region. The Sub-...

  14. Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office), 1932-1939

    Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office) [predecessor of the Gestapo], 1932-1939 The documentation includes files from the Gestapa headquarters and files from the Gestapo headquarters from 1939 (prior to the establishment of the Reich Security Head Office ([RSHA]), when it was called by the double name Geheimes Staatspolizei and Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Some of the files contain police materials from the period before the Nazi rise to power and the establishment of the Gestapa; these materials were later handled by the Gestapa.

  15. Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo, 1933-1943

    Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1943

  16. Plans, essays and chapter headings, regarding research of the Holocaust

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    Plans, essays and chapter headings, regarding research of the Holocaust - Manner of writing the history of the Holocaust (Yiddish); - Article titled, "Hitler and the Gypsies. The Fate of Europe's Oldest Aryans", written by Dora E. Yates and published in "Commentary" Magazine, 11/1949; - Essay titled, "Jews of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany", written by Y. Guri (Pudriatzchik), regarding Jewish soldiers, fighters and generals who fought the Germans, including an Appendix with a list of Jewish Red Army Generals; - Chapter headings written by Jacob Leschinsky, regarding the "Chorbun" (di...

  17. German documentation used by the Prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    German documentation used by the Prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials - Speech given by Julius Streicher, 03/04/1933; - Demonstration by the Freedom Union in Vienna, 1936; - Directives by the SS regarding the surveillance of Catholics, Protestants, Free Masons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews, in preparation for the Referendum concerning the Anschluss (Annexation of Austria to Germany; - Report regarding the Judenaktion ["Kristallnacht"] on 09-10 November 1938; - Excerpts from the speech given by Julius Streicher on the day after Kristallnacht; - Steps taken by the Gestapo against the Jews,...

  18. Documentation of the Reichskanzlei (Reich Chancellery) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1934-1944

    Documentation of the Reichskanzlei (Reich Chancellery) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1934-1944 The material includes, among other items, a file dealing with the activities of Goering who was responsible for the Four-year Plan; proposals for promoting police and SD personnel (the proposals were sent from Himmler's headquarters to Lammers, the Reichskanzlei Executive Secretary. In the early years, there were personally signed by Himmler); file from 1934 containing official announcements of fealty oaths of the police chiefs to Hitler; Gestapo reports regarding opposition bodies to the Nazi...

  19. German documentation regarding various matters

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    German documentation regarding various matters - Correspondence regarding Volksdeutsche [residents] in the Galicia area, 03/1943; - Testimony of Rudolf Diels in the Nuremberg Trials, [regarding] the filling of functions in the Gestapo, the Berlin Police, the Government in Cologne, and including disobedience [?]; - Testimony of Hans Hager in the Nuremberg Trials, [regarding] his involvement in the deportation of Jews from Wołyń and Galicia to their extermination; - Testimony of Dutch officer A. F. van Velsen in the Nuremberg Trials, regarding Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz camps; - Testimony in...

  20. Zbiór akt instytucji niemieckich z Okręgów: Prusy Zachodnie [Gau Danzig-West preus sen] i Prusy Wschodnie [Gau Ostpreussen]

    Materiały zebrane przez GKBZHwP: akta instytucji i urzędów administracyjnych, policyjnych, wojskowych, NSDAP, Hitlerjugend i in. zawierające korespondencję i ankiety osób starających się o wpisanie na niemiecką listę narodową z powiatu Aleksandrów Kujawski; sprawy dochodzeniowe prowadzone przez Policję Kryminalną w Bydgoszczy; listy poszukiwanych, nakazy ujęcia oraz instrukcje policyjne pochodzące z Placówki Kierowniczej Policji Państwowej dla Rejencji Olsztyńskiej; zgłoszenia pobytu pracowników cudzoziemskich z terenu powiatu Kętrzyn; korespondencja starosty powiatu Ostrołęka z Gestapo w K...