Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 3,219
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
  1. Erkennungsdienstliche Kartei der Gestapo-Leitstelle Wien

    • Vienna Gestapo Control Centre Registration Files

    Inhalt: Auf A5-Kuverts mit dem Fingerabdruck der Betroffenen stand die Personalbeschreibung: Zwölf Kategorien zur Beschreibung der Verfolgten sollten die Charakterisierung erleichtern. Zutreffendes musste nur unterstrichen werden: "Schwächlich" konnte die Gestalt sein, die Stirn "zurückweichend", die Ohrläppchen "zwickelförmig", die Nase "eingebogen, gradlinig, ausgebogen, winkelliggebogen, wellig". In fast jedem Kuvert befanden sich noch die drei klassischen Polizeiportraits: der Verdächtige im Profil, en face und in Halbseitenansicht. Von Homosexuellen fertigte man zusätzlich Ganzkörperau...

  2. Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo), Sicherheitsdienst der SS (SD)

    Folgende Aktengruppen haben sich in vorliegendem Bestand erhalten: 1. Rundschreiben und Berichte des Staatspolizeiamts, dann der Staatspolizeistelle Darmstadt 1933-1944 2. Restakten der Gestapo 3. Restakten des SD-Oberabschnitts Fulda-Werra bzw. Rhein und der SD- (Unter) Abschnitte Hessen und Darmstadt mit von Gestapo und SD herangezogenen bzw. beschlagnahmten Akten anderer Provenienzen (Kreisämter, Verbände).

  3. Records of the Gestapo in Łódź

    Consists of various documents created by the Gestapo in Łòdź, Poland, from 1940 to 1944. The records relate to emergency plans for air attacks, air-raid shelters, rebuild in after bomb raids, anti-Nazi literature, resistance of the Polish population, and individual criminal cases investigated by the Łódź Gestapo office. Also included are files for individuals who were deported to Auschwitz.

  4. Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo). Selected records, France.

    Wide range of documentation of Gestapo activities in France: deportations of Jews, implementation of anti-Jewish legislation (e.g., wearing the star of David, confiscation of property), propaganda, internment camps, relations between German and French police and military authorities, relations with Italian authorities, resistance and repression, and the like.

  5. Aryanization files of the Nuernberg-Fuerth Gestapo

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12435013
    • English, Hebrew
    • Financial accounts Inventory list Names of perpetrators Official documentation Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons

    Aryanization files of the Nuernberg-Fuerth Gestapo

  6. Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews

    Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews Included in the Collection, among other material, is a file with lists of emigres whose citizenship was revoked, and a file with decrees.

  7. Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo, 1933-1943

    Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1943

  8. Akten der Gestapo Trier, Gestapo-Bereich Köln, betr. im Reg. Bez. Trier wohnhafte Juden (umdatiert, Vorkriegs-und Kriegszeit.) - ...

    1. Transportlisten Gestapo

    Akten der Gestapo Trier, Gestapo-Bereich Köln, betr. im Reg. Bez. Trier wohnhafte Juden (umdatiert, Vorkriegs-und Kriegszeit.)1.) Verz. v. Juden, hauptsächlich Bewohner d. Stadt Trier, unter Angabe ihres Besitztums, und Aufführung d. am 28.02. u. 15.03.43 ausgesiedelten Juden.2.) Verz. d. Juden im Reg. Bez. Trier nach der Personenstandsaufnahme v. 10.10.38, kreisweise geordnet, mit statistischen Aufstellungen

  9. Gestapo and murder of Jews discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 458) US Prosecutor Col. Robert G. Storey tells of the Gestapo's part in Germany's attack on Poland ("attack" on the Gleiwitz radio station) and how the Gestapo and SD murdered thousands of Jews in occupied countries. CU, chart indicating the number of Jews murdered in the Baltic States and parts of Russia and Poland. Side view of Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence announces adjournment of court. LS, Tribunal, spectators, and others standing up and leaving courtroom.

  10. Evidence against Kaltenbrunner and Gestapo at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LSs, EXT, judges enter courtroom, spectators stand, are seated. Trial resumes. LS, MSs, Robert G. Storey in his opening remarks since the adjournment on December 20 continues presenting evidence on the policies of Ernst Kaltenbrunner and the Gestapo. MSs, defense counselor for Kaltenbrunner addresses the Tribunal. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence informs the attorney that he will have ample opportunity to question any evidence presented in relation to his client.

  11. Gestapo Düsseldorf Geheime Staatspolizei-Staatspolizeileitstelle Düsseldorf (RW 0058)

    Case files of individuals arrested by the Gestapo in the Rhine Land region, consisting of questionnaires, protocols, internments and dismissals, Schutzhaft orders, arrest orders, flyers, photographs, and biographical information with particular focus on the Communist Party in Germany and associated political organizations (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (KJVD), Kampfbund gegen den Faschismus, Roter Frontkämpferbund (RFB), Revolutionäre Gewerkschaftsopposition (RGO), Rot Sport, Aufbruch-Arbeitskreis, Ringbolschewisten); the Communist move...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Former Gestapo torture site in Paris

    Scenes of a "Gestapo torture chamber" in Paris. A contingent inspects the torture chamber; a line of relatives of torture victims waits outside. More interior shots, including a room where victims were burned. Handprints are visible on the walls, and a man points them out to the camera and places his hands in some of the impressions by way of illustration. In another room, a group of men inspects wooden posts to which people were presumably tied and executed. The tops of the posts are riddled with what may be bullet holes. A string of rosary beads and a blindfold have been placed on one of ...

  13. [The air raids on the Gestapo Headquater in Aarhus 1944]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A pamphlet of the R.A.F. about the bombing of the Gestapo Headquaters in the university of Aarhus on 31.10.44. A illegal map of the University. A illegal paper coering the dead and wounded of the bombardement.

  14. Gestapo preparation of conquest of Austria and C.S.R.

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file contains quotes from books published in Great Britain and one quote from the Manchester Guardian. The topic is the infiltration of Austrian society and police by Nazi agents and agents provocateurs prior to the "Anschluss". Similar techniques were used during the occupation of Czechoslovakia. The file lists the name of the book or newspaper, author and publisher.

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of Gestapo hierarchy in France

    14:55 Barbie's lawyer, Vergès, argues that the court has overridden France's judicial traditions in the trial so far, and that using force to make him appear in court would reduce the trial to a lynching 15:00 President Cerdini calls for a recess to deliberate 15:34 President Cerdini reads a decision noting the refusal of Klaus Barbie to appear in court and indicating that this will be ignored in the proceedings; reads a motion receiving the testimony of plaintiff Vogel, née Eissner 15:38 Prosecution lawyer Rappaport gives information concerning the recent desecration of a monument erected ...

  16. Liste von Ausländern, die auf Veranlassung der Gestapo

    1. Gefängnisse
    2. Listenmaterial Gruppe P.P.

    Liste von Ausländern, die auf Veranlassung der Gestapo hingerichtet, zwischen 1942 und 1944 im Krematorium Dortmund eingeäschert und auf dem Hauptfriedhof Dortmund beigesetzt wurden

  17. Maßnahmen gegen politische Gegner und Aufbau der Gestapo im

    1. Verfolgungsmaßnahmen insbesondere außerhalb der Grenzen des Deutschen Reichs
    2. Verfolgungsmaßnahmen Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren sowie Sudetenland

    Maßnahmen gegen politische Gegner und Aufbau der Gestapo im Sudetenland

  18. Copy Gestapo order re the confiscation of Agathe Barthel's property

    Copy order re the confiscation of all Agathe Barthel's property in accordance with laws ordaining the removal of the property of communists and enemies of the state.German