Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,861 to 19,880 of 55,777
  1. Bea Browdy letter

    The Bea Browdy letter consists of a copy of a letter written by Army nurse Bea Browdy and addressed to her friend Mildred Herman, dated May 11, 1945. The letter describes the wartime experiences of the American army nurse and includes descriptions of Dachau concentration camp and the conditions there shortly after liberation. Both women served as nurses in the United States Army.

  2. Provincial Information and Propaganda Office in Kielce Wojewódzki Urząd Informacji i Propagandy w Kielcach (Sygn. 319)

    Situation reports and press articles related to anti semitic events and Jews properties after World War II. Includes newspaper clippings related to German crimes committed during WWII.

  3. US battalion lays cable; DPs interrogated

    (LIB 4607) Co "C" 93rd Signal Bn Lays Communication Cable, Nierstein, Germany, March 24, 1945. SEQ: Cable on reel is let out from boat to men on shore who tie it to trees along bank of Rhine River. Engineers dig trench along river and lay cable in it. Telephone terminals are set up on shoreline. Lt. Gen George S Patton Jr and Maj Gen Manton S Eddy speak with engineer personnel. MSs, CU, approximately 18 displaced persons gather on the east side of Rhine River who are French, Italian, and Polish (formerly of the slave labor battalions used by the Germans) are interrogated by 5th Inf Div sold...

  4. Martin S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin S., who was born in Bronx, New York in 1922 and served in the United States military as a radio repair man in Europe during World War II. He recounts passing outside of Buchenwald immediately prior to its liberation and observing thousands of skeletal prisoners in striped uniforms as well as the pervasive stench of dead bodies. Although his unit left the next day, having no exposure to the prisoners except briefly observing them twice, Mr. S. notes it was one of his most traumatic experiences.

  5. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Cantal

    This collection contains records from the Prefect’s Office, under headings “Foreigners”, “Jews”, “War Damages” and “Internment and Shelter”. It includes local objections to use of the thermal bath resort of Chaudes-Aigues as an internment site for Jews (under house arrest), correspondence concerning foreign Jewish refugees, Jews’ response to a call to work at Organisation Todt construction sites, and reports on war crimes committed during the war, including those concerning Jews.

  6. Stadt und Amt Sobernheim

    Bd. 1: Verfassung, Verwaltung, Bevölkerung; Bau- und Wegesachen; Bergwerke; Geschichte und Statistik; Gemeindegüter; Justiz; Inventarien; Sammlung kurpfälzischer Verordnungen; französische Verordnungen; Kirchen, Schulen, Hospitäler; persönliche Angelegenheiten; Zunftwesen; Kriegs- und Militärwesen; Markt, Handel und Gewerbe; Milde Sachen; Mühlen; Polizei; Prozesse; Steuern, Schätzung, Contribution, Fronden; Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht; Wald-, Weide, Flur- und Grenzsachen; Zinsregister, Bede- und Grundbücher; Gerichtsprotokolle; Stadtratsprotokolle; Hospitalrechnungen; Bürgermeisterei- und ...

  7. Biblioteca Archivio "Renato Maestro"

    • Library and Archives "Renato Maestro"

    Complesso che comprende l'archivio di deposito e corrente prodotto nell’ambito della gestione dei servizi bibliotecari e dell’archivio storico della Comunità israelitica, ora ebraica, di Venezia a partire dalla costituzione della così denominata biblioteca archivio Renato Maestro. L'archivio conserva anche gli strumenti di consultazione anche delle biblioteche di provenienza delle collezioni librarie, repertori compilati a cura del personale bibliotecario e documentazione inerente agli utent e alle ricerche svolte presso la biblioteca archivio. L’archivio comprende infine documentazione rel...

  8. Processo de pedido de visto para Emilio do Nascimento Gomes, Manuel Ferreira Vaz, Eugénio dos Santos, Manuel Martins e Paulino da Santa

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Rio de Janeiro para Emilio do Nascimento Gomes, de nacionalidade brasileira e residente no Brasil, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição do visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Rio de Janeiro para Manuel Ferreira Vaz, de nacionalidade brasileira e residente no Brasil, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição do visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Rio de Janeiro para Eugénio dos Santos, de nacionalidade brasileira e residente no Brasil, com destino a Portuga...

  9. Graser, O.

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen Geschreven en getypte documenten, geen bijzondere handschriften

  10. W.B. Curtis, III collection

    Photo album: containing photographs primarily taken by William Bostwick Curtis, III (donor's stepfather) documenting the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp; images show victims, newly liberated prisoners, rockets and munitions built at the factory, American soldiers at work and rest, as well as general scenery; dated 1945

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Home Defense

    03:13:35 Shot with Leblay camera: Barricade on road in England. Military sentry stopping passenger car to check papers. All cars going into protected area are stopped, those leaving are not. Lewis gun in FG. MS, officer stopping car. CU, driver of car handing over papers. Red Cross ambulance being passed through. Shot of improvised barricade made of farm implements and barbed wire. Cyclists are stopped. MS, troops building barricades, with bus having difficulties in passing. LS, same (control not yet established on this barricade). MS, building barricades, schoolchildren passing in BG, stop...

  12. Dr. Sievers on the stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 354) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 8, 1946. HAS, MSs, British prosecutor Mr. Jones questioning the witness Dr. Sievers. The cross-examination concerns the decapitation of concentration camp victims and sending the skulls to laboratories for pathological research. Pan shot of defendants (Goering) in prisoners' dock. Repeated mention is made of a report by Prof. Hirt, who was mainly responsible for the "acquisition" of skeletons and skulls. Sievers repeatedly delegates questions away from him to the report, prosecutor's assistance repeatedly points to the fact that he ...

  13. Case of Julius Streicher presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 490) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 10, 1946. Rear views, Col. Griffith-Jones of the British prosecution presenting the case against Julius Streicher. He reads articles and describes pictures in "Der Stuermer" about alleged atrocities committed by Jews. MLS, defense counsel for Streicher, Dr. Hans Marx, asks the Tribunal questions about the book offered as evidence. 06:37:35 Photographer visible behind the judges. The British prosecutor steps in and explains. Defense counsel returns to his place and the British prosecutor continues. MS, prisoners' dock showing Streich...

  14. Children Parade; Hitler Youth

    LS Children parade down street of Jihlava, Czechoslovakia in this very regimented series of events. Various views of spectators lining sidewalk; man in SA uniform; boys marching through field in costume, carrying what seem to be toy rifles with bayonets. LS pan over field with Nazi banners, onlookers on hillside. Parade grounds and children marching in formation. CU children. Narrator tells of Germany's gradual replacement of population in region (German for Czech.). CU medieval banner. CU Nazi officer speaking. VS of children in costume. Night bonfire: LS then MS Hitler Youth in a row, hol...

  15. John R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John R., who was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1917. He recalls enlisting in the United States Army; moving from England through France to Germany; having no prior knowledge of concentration camps; arriving in Buchenwald shortly after its liberation; initial shock at the conditions; emaciated, lethargic prisoners; piles of corpses; several prisoners dying in front of him; the contrast between the prisoner and SS barracks; and taking pictures so he would not forget what he had seen. Mr. R. notes the lack of interest of those to whom he described his visit; ceasing to d...

  16. Lucie W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lucie W., who was born in Bad Berleburg, Germany in 1924. She describes instances of Nazi-related antisemitism in public school; her family's experiences during Kristallnacht and its aftermath; her journey to Belgium, along with her brother and sister, on a children's transport; and her unsuccessful attempt to escape into France. She also relates her illegal entry into Germany in February 1941, in order to emigrate to the United States with her family, and her subsequent emigration to the United States via Portugal.

  17. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Witness Berndt von Brauchitsch, former colonel in the German Luftwaffe, is sworn in and testifies. Brauchitsch is being questioned concerning a document apparently referring to a meeting in which destructive measures of the Luftwaffe during operation "Barbarossa" were outlined. He insists not knowing or remembering the document, now having been present at the meeting and thus not able to elaborate on any of the issues discussed there. To his knowledge at the time, the targets for the Luftwaffe were exclusively airports, not ...

  18. Jüdische Gemeinden (überwiegend vor 1945)

    Personenbezogene Unterlagen der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin, darunter: -Austrittskartei der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin, Ende 19. Jh.−1941 -Registerbände des Jüdischen Krankenhauses, 1888−1978 -Kartei und Akten des jüdischen Friedhofs Berlin-Weißensee, 1880−1990 (Mikrofiches) Jüdische Gemeinde Halle/Saale, 1859−1990 (Benutzung vorbehaltlich der Zustimmung der Jüdischen Gemeinde Halle/Saale)

  19. O.40 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Netherlands, primarily during the Holocaust period

    O.40 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Netherlands, primarily during the Holocaust period In the Collection there are files submitted to Yad Vashem by private people including personal documents from the war period, correspondence with the German authorities in the Netherlands, correspondence with family members; correspondence after the war; anti-Jewish orders and directives, newspaper clippings including information regarding the persecution of the Dutch Jews, documentation concerning the rescue of Jews, Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) activities, the Westerbork transit camp, concent...

  20. Von Papen and Hitler on election day

    Hitler's car pulls up to a curb and he gets out, dressed in a suit and tie, and salutes a small crowd. People in the crowd take photos of him. There are election posters and placards outside of the bulidng that Hitler enters. Hitler is shown exiting the same building. A larger crowd salutes enthusiastically. As Hitler prepares to drive away, someone in the crowd shouts "Unser Fuehrer!" Hitler hands an envelope (a card?) and a bouquet of flowers to a man in the backseat of the car. A car pulls up outside a different building and von Papen gets out. He wears a black armband (mourning) and car...