Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,301 to 13,320 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Liberation by Russians; crowds; Polish prisoners

    Crowds of people waving and rejoicing as the Red Army troops enter the town. Troops marching prisoners (perhaps Polish) along a road outside the city, then cut back to the center of town. Lvov: more crowds of people, fists in the air, cheering the Soviet liberators. Men climb up onto tanks and throw pamphlets and newspapers at the crowd. The crowds lift the soldiers up onto their shoulders. Cut to a field with damaged vehicles, Polish prisoners laying on the ground, walking along a road. A band plays in the street. VS of an acrobat-contortionist and a clown performing for groups of soldiers...

  2. Legacy of Babi Yar

    Babi Yar (?). Visitors to mass graves. The ground is covered with a light dusting of snow. Exhumation of bodies. Pan down ravine. Wide angle shot of bodies in a ditch, CU of a skull, propped on top of clothing, the skull still has hair, menacing placement of the skull staring at the camera. Translation of Ukrainian narration: [Abrupt] Babi Yars all over Ukraine: in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kerch, Lviv. Criminals were forced to look at what they had done. [A woman's voice behind the camera. Abrupt.] "The only thing I want to say: all this horror that happened..."

  3. Trial re: Slovak Jews

    News Film - The Week in Film: Dr. Anton Vasek before the National Court in Bratislava on trial for deeds perpetrated against Slovak Jews.

  4. Jewish workers demonstration

    Title in Ukrainian reads: "Proskurov ( now Khmel'nyts'ki). Jewish workers have organized an anti-Passover demonstration." Jewish workers organize an anti-Passover demonstration. VS of large crowds of workers, both men and women, gathered in the streets of the town of Proskurov ( now Khmel'nytski), Ukraine for a street demonstration.

  5. Albert Speer testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 248) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 20, 1946. MS, Dr. Hans Flaschner speaking, pan to Speer answering. MS, Thomas J. Dodd and Robert H. Jackson of the US prosecution talking to others in the courtroom during recess. MS, Jackson speaking to British officer. MS, Dodd conferring with US officer. MLS, Speer standing alongside witness box eating candy before being sworn in. Shot of Lawrence administering oath. MS, Flaschner at stand. CU, Justice Lawrence at bench. Pan from Maxwell-Fyfe at table to Dodd, Jackson, and Gen. Rudenko. Pan, spectators in gallery, mostly US soldiers.

  6. U-boat officer questioned, "Der Stuermer" photos shown at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 503) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 14, 1946. LS, courtroom. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence stops the German counselor attempting to read a written statement of Admiral Karl Doenitz. LS, Peter Josef Heisig, a U-boat officer, is questioned by German counsel. MLS, Heisig sworn in and testifies. British prosecutor Col. H. Phillimore questions the witness. Inserts, various pages of Julius Streicher's articles in "Der Stuermer" showing pictures of alleged Jewish ritual murders of boys, men, and women (images are medieval art reproduced in newspaper dated May 1939).

  7. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 3: Change of camera angle. "Unser Ziel sei" [Our goal will be] in 1950 re. diseases. We know so much more now about ways to good health, vitamins, etc. 01:18:49 Closer shot of Conti. If we should achieve victory (and be in the East), we must...[see Protokoll for content]. Krieg ist der...als dies Mal: "Dazu kommen die Fragen der Rassenpflege, die ebenfalls umfangreicher geworden sind denn die Judenfrage Osten...Volkserziehung fest zu begrunden...nicht Mischung mit dem Ost..."

  8. Captured soldiers

    Captured Soviet soldiers, long columns of captured soldiers guarded by Germans, and several destroyed military vehicles. Translation of Ukrainian narration: The number of prisoners constantly increases. Their long columns are being sent to the rear.

  9. Persecution of religious and other victim groups presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 479) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 8, 1946. Rear views, Col. Wheeler of the US prosecution continues speaking about the persecution of religious groups, particularly "Bibelforscher," in Germany and occupied countries. Enumerates other victim groups incarcerated at Dachau, including Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, asocials. Rear view, US prosecutor addresses the Tribunal about the knowledge of the defendant's actions to instigate pogroms and set the pace of atrocities committed against the people of Germany and occupied countries, and concludes that they were willin...

  10. Post war trials of collaborators in Ukraine

    Village (unidentified, in Ukraine). Women are beating a prisoner [the prisoner may be Zvarych: a well-known Ukrainian collaborator, this needs further research and documentation]. Someone behind the camera interviews a man. CUs of an interviewee. Another man is testifying at the Soviet court. CUs of witnesses testifying, CUs court documents, CUs judges. Translation of Russian narration and Ukrainian testimony (Russian is dubbed over Ukrainian, both are heard): As children our parents would frighten us with "Zvarych." "You'll see, the 'red boots' will come." Zvarych was the "red boots." [At ...

  11. Microscope

  12. Slovakian newsreel: Bratislava; Eternal Jew exhibition

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Normal life in Bratislava after the bombing. Anti-Soviet traveling exhibition ("Eternal Jew" art exhibition?) displayed in railroad cars.

  13. Jackson accuses defense counsel of antisemitism at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 95) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 10, 1946. MLS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson telling the Tribunal that Dr. Alfred Thoma, defense counselor for Rosenberg, had translated sections of documents in an antisemitic character. Jackson charges that the defense is trying to disseminate antisemitic propaganda. Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, defends before the Tribunal the entire defense staff whom he feels has been accused by Jackson. Note: Camera did not catch all of Jackson's charge. Jackson holds up the stencils involved in his accusation.

  14. Autopsies, human skin discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd continues reading Dr. Franz Blaha's signed affidavit which tells of the Gestapo forcing him to work in the autopsy room. Dr. Blaha performed 7000 autopsies during his stay. He filled many requests for human skin that was cured in the sun and used for making saddles, gloves, and ladies' handbags. In his testimony, Dr. Blaha identifies Wilhelm Frick and Alfred Rosenberg, whom he saw touring the Dachau camp.

  15. Bach-Zelewski testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 488) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 7, 1946. Col. Telford Taylor identifies the witness Eric von dem Bach-Zelewski and asks him to identify himself. The witness says he is a former general of a branch of the SS and spells out his name. LS, Bach-Zelewski takes the oath administered by Justice Lord Geoffrey Lawrence. The witness tells of his background from 1917 to 1942. He is asked whether he gave commands/ROEs to Wehrmacht officers about how to deal with partisans ("...with regard to the methods that should be applied to combat partisans ..."), and he answers "Yes," t...

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- V2 rockets fired in US

    April 1950 - Rocket camera views earth from 76 mile height in White Sands, NM. 1947 - V2 Rocket fired from Midway and White Sands, NM.

  17. Soviet partisan units, Ukraine

    VS of a Soviet partisan unit marching in the woods (both men and women). VS of Alexander Saburov addressing the partisan unit. Saburov was a member of the NKVD as well as a leader of the Soviet partisan resistance in western Russia and Ukraine. VS of people receiving honors from Saburov. CU of a man pinning a medal on a female partisan. CU of honored partisans.

  18. Jewish agricultural college

    Jewish Agricultural college in Mykolaiv (Nikolaev) region. EXT: students in outdoor classroom, sitting on ground, as teacher demonstrates. Agit-Prop political education. Scene includes open wagon with projector. Exercises, beehives and beekeeping, making honey. Spraying pesticides, harvesting grapes. VS of pigs and suckling piglets, a silo for storing grain, VS of women gathering wheat shafts for storage in the silo. All intertitles in Ukrainian: First intertitle reads: "A car for political education" [A sort of propaganda car]. Written on the car: "A traveling agricultural museum." Slogan ...

  19. Russian prosecutor presents case

    (Munich 04) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-22, 1946. Russian prosecutor Maj. Gen. Lev Romanovitch Shainin presents case to the Tribunal. MSs, Justices A F Volchoff (USSR), Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko (USSR), and Birkett (Britain). Russian prosecutor M Y Raginsky presents case on the destruction of cultural and scientific treasures and churches.

  20. Robert Haguenauer papers

    Contains letters and cards from Raymond Haguenauer written to his wife Marthe from Camp Drancy (1942); family genealogical information including Red Cross tracings of family members; and Robert Haguenauer's personal memoirs (approximately 25 pages).