Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,201 to 13,220 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: occupational therapy at hospital

    Reel 4 of 8: "Noch eine Karteikarte eines Schizophrenen" (woman). Natural sound during occupational therapy. Nun encouraging young woman. VAR scenes of women and occupational tasks. CU of nun with moustache. 00:17:53 Greenhouse and surroundings. New plants, men working, MS transplanting to baskets. 00:18:43 Kitchen, cabbage, vats of soup. 00:19:41 Women in laundry, wooden tubs, hands working. 00:20:27 WS ironing. Sewing machine. Women at work; look quite normal; work at looms. Nun working alongside. Men in woodshop: sawing, sanding, building furniture, making mats. Women: weaving, spinning.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Raids on Russian POWs; Patton's funeral

    1425 HH (16:15:11-16:18:12) Prattling, Germany. Snoop raids on civilian and returning Russian POWs. HAS, Russian POW camp, POWs being placed in line. HAS of POWs walking across field and being lined up. Closer shot, with POWs carrying their meager possessions. LS, line of GI trucks, Russian and US soldiers on guard. LS, line of Russian POWs being marched to trucks for return to Russia. Rear shot of prisoners getting into truck being guarded by rifle-carrying US soldiers. Rear shot, truck driving off. MLS, trucks driving up to train, prisoners being searched for knives or weapons of any kind...

  3. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies that the Nazi Party came into power legally: 1) Because of the 30 elections held in the years between 1925-1932; and 2) If Germany had a type of government similar to the US and Great Britain, power would have been theirs immediately. LS, several American and British prosecutors seated at table during trial. Goering testifies that after Hitler came to power, he suggested to Goering the formation of a government along the same lines as that of the US. More generally, Goering talks about how he saw hi...

  4. Hitler; Orthodox Jews working on road

    Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank. Hitler in military conference, in train, with generals. Shots from inside a plane, looking out at damage. The early campaign against Poland. Hitler with soldiers and Labor Corps men at the front. Tracking shot past Polish civilians taken prisoner. 00:26:16 Orthodox Jews with shawls, and a few others, doing work on a road. Sign: Gotenhafen. German military vehicles (half-tracks) roll through streets, crossing bridge. Hitler in field kitchen with officers, standing and eating, planes in BG. Hitler, Himmler, other high officers watching troops crossing river, advanci...

  5. Dr. Sievers on the stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 354) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 8, 1946. HAS, MSs, British prosecutor Mr. Jones questioning the witness Dr. Sievers. The cross-examination concerns the decapitation of concentration camp victims and sending the skulls to laboratories for pathological research. Pan shot of defendants (Goering) in prisoners' dock. Repeated mention is made of a report by Prof. Hirt, who was mainly responsible for the "acquisition" of skeletons and skulls. Sievers repeatedly delegates questions away from him to the report, prosecutor's assistance repeatedly points to the fact that he ...

  6. Schacht questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 138) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson at prosecution table before opening of court. Prisoners seated in dock in BG. Prisoners talk together and to their counselors. Pan, Jackson walks to lectern and begins his interrogations of Hjalmar Schacht (at 21:12:37). Defendant testifies that he told a woman that Germany had been taken over by a gang of criminals. When asked by Jackson to name the men that he referred to, Schacht only mentions men who are dead. Asked for the names of the "criminals," he testifies that he cannot answ...

  7. Greenland freed of Nazis; Warsaw Ghetto after uprising

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 359, Parts 1 and 3. Release date, 12/27/1944. Part 1 (13:00:40-13:03:00): According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Greenland Freed of Nazis" Nazi weather and radio stations in Greenland are located and destroyed by the US Coast Guard who dynamites its way through the Arctic ice fields to reach the enemy. Sleek German trawlers are destroyed or captured, and the Nazis are driven from their North Atlantic observation points. Part 3 (13:04:00-13:05:39): "The War in Poland" Review of German occupation of Poland (mostly if not all Warsaw). Footage of Wars...

  8. Auschwitz Concentration Camp

    Auschwitz concentration camp at liberation. Pan of camp: row after row of barracks. Quick shot "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Trench with bodies, MLS then MCU of woman in the trench. MS, line of camp inmates with Soviet soldiers standing above the trenches, taking down notes. VS, inmates, an old woman and a young boy stand side by side posing for the camera. They are both very emaciated, the woman is dressed in rags with a kerchief on her head, the boy is wearing shorts. VS, CUs of piles of hair, bundles with numbers on them, MS, inmates in uniforms in sleeping barracks. Translation of Ukrainian...

  9. Slovakian newsreel: Military school; Professor speaks

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Celebration with the new Slovak Lieutenant in the Military Academy in Bratislava. University Professor Dr. Subik speaks about his impressions of the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn forest in Poland.

  10. Syrets concentration camp, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Camp near Babi Yar. VS, EXT, pan of mountainside. The location is Syrets Concentration Camp, located outside Kiev. Pan to prison fences and barbed wire. A sign on wooden fence post reads: "Warning! Prisoners who attempt to cross to freedom will be shot." VS, bodies, INT and EXT of camp, faces of prisoners behind barbed wire, trains. Tranlsation: [Natalya Vasylivna - a survivor of Syrets - speaks in Russian] "This is Syrets concentration camp. It's very close to our house. All men were put at the very edge of a ravine. A car came very close to the ravine. And they shot all of them before my ...

  11. Albert Speer testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Herman Priess testifies

    05:35:24 (Munich 248) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 19, 1946. Albert Speer is sworn in. Pan from Speer to Dr. Hans Flaschner, his lawyer, speaking. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence corrects Dr. Flaschner on a point. MS, Speer testifying. 05:39:21 (Munich 245) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. Former SS general Herman Priess testifying.

  12. Lvov; POWs

    Lvov, scenes of corpses on the ground. Frozen corpces tended by relatives, they are taken out of mass graves. VS, railcar on fire, scenes of fighting, soldiers in the field, artillery fire, MS of a soldier with a camera, shooting the war around him, he is kneeling down, protected by a large piece of stone. Another shot of the cameraman, filming in the grass beside the railroad tracks, the railcar behind him has been destroyed. POWs, some with their hands raised above their heads, walking through the city streets. VS of Jewish prisoners, panning large group of Jewish male prisoners who are l...

  13. Workers deported to Germany

    Workers of Donbas (Ukraine) region deported* to Germany. VS, men being transported by bus to Germany. They are escorted off the bus by uniformed military personnel. They are escorted to their new living quarters and then to the factory. MS, several workers in an open rail car in what seems to be a miners' tunnel, the car exits the tunnel and the men jump out of the car, they are all carrying flashlights and wearing work clothes. Men being escorted around the grounds of a factory by soldiers, the men are dressed in suits and almost all are wearing caps. Workers and a man in uniform seated ar...

  14. Organization of SS and German police presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 457) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 20, 1945. Maj. Warren Farr of the US prosecution explains the subdivisions of the SS organization. CU, rear view, Maj. Farr. LS, side view of the Tribunal in the courtroom. "The personal staff. ... First, when the question is asked, how many persons in the SS had something to do with the concentration camp program... you may find out how many people were in the Deaths Head ..." CU, SS organization chart. "I shall read only the Himmler directive appearing on Page 2 of the translation. The Tribunal will note that it is addressed to e...

  15. Koos Vorrink testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 535) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 2, 1946. MSs, continuation of Koos Vorrink, Senator of the Netherlands and President of the Socialist Party in 1940, giving testimony. Rear views, Dr. Gustav Steinbauer, the counselor for Seyss-Inquart, questions the witness. (All testimony is in German.)

  16. Prof. Orbelli testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 04) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-22, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Professor Joseph Orbelli of the Soviet Academy of Science testifying. MSs, Russian Justice Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko, British Justice Birkett, and Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence. Whispered conversation between Birkett and Nikitchenko and then between Birkett and Lawrence. Rear views, Robert Servatius, defense counsel for Political Organizations, addressing Tribunal. MSs, Justices John J. Parker, Francis Biddle, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre. LSs, MSs, Prof. Orbelli answering questions of Servatius. MSs, Justices...

  17. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 6)

    Jews are forced to adopt the middle names "Israel" and "Sara." A pile of Jewish passports and an image of a crematorium as the narrator says, "So did Globke help prepare for the Final Solution." Shots of Hitler with his dog as the narrator says that after the Jewish name legislation was enacted Globke was promoted to the Ministerialrat in July 1938. Staged scenes of Kristallnacht as the narrator reads a quote from Globke. Footage of Jewish children sent on Kindertransport to England. The narrator makes the connection between Globke's idea of assigning Jews the names Sara and Israel, and Hey...

  18. Ravensbruck Trial: The Sentencing [Das Urteil]

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 90 Ravensbruck Trial. INTs, Curio House in Hamburg, Allied Military Tribunal presided over by British Gen. Westropp, sentences those responsible for the Ravensbruck women's camp. MCUs, Johann Schwarzhuber; Dorothea Binz, former SS woman guard; Carmen Maria Mory; and others sentenced to death by hanging. 01:12:40 The three women guards shown are: Dorothrea 'Thea' Binz (Stellvertrende Oberaufseherin/Replacement Chief Officer); Wachterin Margarete Mewes (who served as guard in the Ravensbrueck 'bunker'-jail); and Arbeitseinsatzfuehrerin Greta Boesel (born Mueller) who d...

  19. Prof. Leo van der Essen at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 541) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 4, 1946. LS, prisoners' dock. Pan to French prosecutor Faure questioning Professor Leo van der Essen, General Secretary of the Louvain University in Belgium. (French is spoken throughout the entire reel.)

  20. "Incurably insane"

    Located in an institution for the incurably insane. Shows the "insane" who must be restrained and artificially fed, unaware of their surroundings, incapable of useful work. 'The sins of the fathers are visited on their children. Innocent themselves, broken in body and spirit, a burden to themselves and others!' Individuals with bizarre, typically disturbed movements are shown. Three children tied to their beds 'for the duration of their lives.' 01:05:12 Title in large letters: "Soll es so weitergehen?" [Should it continue this way?] 01:05:40 "Nein! Nein! Niemals!" [No! No! Never!] Three fur...