Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,161 to 13,180 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case - Opening Statement by Telford Taylor

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. High angle medium-close views of defendants in dock as they are arraigned and individually asked if they've read the indictment and how they plead. Motion for continuance denied - judge at bench. American Prosecutor Telford Taylor to podium and begins: "The grave charges in this case have not been laid before the Tribunal casually.... It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and murder. ... There is no laughter in this case. Neither is there any hate."

  2. General Keitel testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 93) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 9, 1946. British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe cross examines Wilhelm Keitel. While the prosecutor questions the witness, the camera pans the courtroom. Dr. Otto Nelte, counselor for Keitel, addresses the Tribunal. LS, Maxwell-Fyfe argues about the proper procedure for presenting evidence. Justices consult. MLS, Justices Birkett, Lawrence, and Biddle. A court attendant whispers to Justices Falco and de Vabre. The justices confer. MS, Justice Lawrence states the procedure for presenting evidence about Gen. Westhoff.

  3. World War I: German retreat & Battle of Arras

    Parts 1, 2, and 3. World War I scenes. (Double Intertitles: German and French) "2me partie" [Part 2]. Artillery at Mons front (British). Arras railway station, heavy damage. Three soldiers smoking. [Part 3] Battalion of London Stock Exchange en route to Arras. German prisoners carry wounded Brits on stretchers. Long, close to camera. Germans in both caps and helmets. Up and past camera (to left). Other stretchers in background. Rough, wet, muddy ground. Difficult work of Sam ..... in trenches. Trenches and explosions. Artillery fire. Distant fog. Explosions at horizon (strange effect on fil...

  4. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 12)

    Footage of deportations from the Warsaw ghetto (identified as Hungarian deportation), Soviet soldiers liberating Lublin in July 1944. The accused in the dock at the Majdanek trial. Scenes of Lugano, Switzerland, where Globke went on the advice of his doctor in 1944. Battle scenes and a quote from Globke about how he has destroyed most of his uniform. Shots of Russian soldiers raising the flag over the destroyed Reichstag. Globke is sought as war criminal number 101. Shots of the corpses of Globke's three bosses, Goering, Frick, and Himmler. Photo of his fourth boss, Konrad Adenauer. The nar...

  5. 1936 Olympics: diving; swimming

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 6: Shows fancy diving and swimming events.

  6. German invasion of Soviet Union

    Reel 2: German artillery and rockets fire at Russian positions along Leningrad front. German planes bomb the Russian city Orel and troops burn village of Russian partisans. Shots of captured Russian partisans and of German supply train going to Orel front. Shots of captured Russian POWs; German troops eat and go into battle.

  7. Liberation of Kiev

    Liberation of Kiev. VS of the city. Soviet troops take the city by storm, routing the German forces. Tanks roll in. A huge icon, perhaps of Jesus, is shown covering the side of a demolished building. A woman cries. Soviet troops greet and embrace women, who thank them for liberating the city. Children walk about. VS, children, women, destruction and rubble in the streets, etc. VS, on a train of German official Hans Frank and advisors discussing plans for the region. Animated maps of Ukraine and Kiev city map. 01:13:37 Translation: They [Soviet army soldiers] reached Kyiv's suburbs. The flas...

  8. Soviet prosecutor's summation at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Continuation of Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko's summation. MLS, MS of MP guards standing at the prisoners' dock. Pan of courtroom as Gen. Rudenko sums up. LS, rear view of Gen. Rudenko bowing to the court and walking off.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran, reel 2

    Reel 2: Iran. Trucks, nomads. Nomad migration, dancing, cooking, plowing, threshing grain. Ancient Persian watchtower. Food market. Washing clothes. Bathing in water from river, washing cattle. Life in a native oasis village. Truck assembly at water pump.

  10. Agricultural exhibition

    Agricultural exhibition in the town of Radomyshl in the Zhitomir area of the Ukraine. For some reason, a map of Italy flashes for a split second, then cuts to a road sign reading "Radomyschl" (the German spelling). German officers, accompanied by farmers, walk about, inspecting farm equipment and machinery. Farmers look at model houses, signs advertising seed prices, and bundles of grain. VS, women and children looking at a demonstration on bee keeping and fish in glass tanks. Translation of Ukrainian narration: An agricultural-scientific exhibition is opened in Ukraine under German supervi...

  11. Franz Sobotka papers

    The Franz Sobotka papers consist primarily of letters Franz wrote to his family while imprisoned at Buchenwald. The letters relate how Sobotka misses his family, include instructions for sending him packages, and inquire about news of relatives and friends. The collection also includes letters to him from his wife and son, many with draft replies from him on the versos, as well as a 1944 map of the Weimar SS garrison command (Standortbereich), stamped "SS-Kraftfahr Ausbildungs und Ersatz regiment!"

  12. Soviet Lviv, Ukraine

    Lvov, 1929-1939 (Polish Production). VS, streets and buildings, lion and coat of arms, several fountains with statues, VS of main market that still exists today. The market is filled with people. MLS, MS, MCUs of people buying and selling wares. Two intertitles read, in Polish, "Types of peddlers" and "Old stone houses at the Lvov Market". Shots of said houses, then the façade of the Boym Chapel. High angle shots of the city. An intertitle reads "Armenian quarter, with the Armenian Cathedral." The Armenian district's many arched alleys and entryways, porticos, windows, and cobblestones. An ...

  13. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi instructional (propaganda) film about measures to contain typhus, indicating the Polish-Jewish population is responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 1: Narration/voiceover, maps of Poland, Russia, incl. Bialystok, Lublin, Warsaw, Łódź, Pinsk. 00:34:54 Jews, seen closeup, with and without clothes. Ghetto scenes. Crowd on rail platform, threatening German soldiers, etc. Farm, thatch, geese. 00:35:54 INT, dwelling with filthy conditions, Jewish. Woman in bed, with child. Cartoon portrayal: KRANKE LAUS. An infected louse, goes onto inn...

  14. Prosecution explains collection of documents for Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS, prisoners and others in court stand at attention as court is called to order (23:09:48). Pan to Tribunal as it is seated. 23:14:30 MCU, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and Doenitz listening to prosecutor. MS, rear view of unidentified American civilians, members of the prosecution, as he tells the court how documents and briefs were obtained by special units attached to the advancing military units. 23:11 " the US army advanced into German territory. These were attached to each army and...specialized military personnel...duties ...

  15. 1936 Olympics: marathon

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 11: Marathon. Closing ceremony?

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran

    Iran: Ancient minarets in Teheran. Russians accepting planes with US insignia. Lend-lease. Natives assemble freight cars. Trains going through mountains, railroad yards. Russian soldiers.

  17. Romanian military in Odessa; Romanian occupation

    Military actions in Odessa, which was captured by German and Romanian forces in 1941, then occupied by Romania. A plane flies over sections of a city which have been bombed out and lie in ruins. Fire and smoke billow out from buildings, including the Theater Kotovsky (still in Odessa?). Romanian troops in occupied Sevastopol. First days of Romanian occupation.

  18. Decision Board Trial: Fritz Kuhn

    Decision Board Trial - Fritz Kuhn, Munich, Germany, February 14, 1949. MSs, CUs, Fritz Kuhn sitting in courtroom, looking at papers, talking to counsel. CU, book "Under Cover" by John Roy Carlson. MS, Kuhn seated at table talking to court. CU, prosecutor. Cut-ins, people in courtroom. CU, German papers with headlines. CU, article showing Bundsfuehrer Fritz Kuhn in San Francisco. Reporters in courtroom taking notes. Periodicals showing pictures of Kuhn at Bund meetings in America. MS, witness for prosecution, Mr. Wiedemann, former Consul General in San Francisco. MS, witness Mr. Krott, Ribbe...

  19. Von Papen on trial

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 92 Von Papen at the Decision Board. MCUs, Franz von Papen in courtroom is tried for his crime against the German people. Cut-ins, courtroom attendance.

  20. Goering interrogated by Soviet prosecutor, Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 68) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 21-22, 1946. Courtroom scene before session begins. (Rebecca West? talking to man, left of screen) Gen. Rudenko, Chief Russian prosecutor, cross-examines Goering on the authenticity of certain documents. 01:47:46 Goering says clearly, and with disdain, in response to Rudenko's question: "Jawohl. Dafuer war er der Fuehrer." [Of course. That's why he was the Fuehrer.] 01:48:20 Very good character CU, reply by Goering - methodical, slow, clear, "Das war versheiden..." 01:50 He makes reference to Bodenschatz. Goering is asked if he subscr...