Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,141 to 13,160 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Red Army, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin; Soviet people

    Red Army scenes in Red Square: thousands of troops march, horses galloping. Extensive, good scenes. Scenes shot by Julien Bryan in the Soviet Union (also at Library of Congress) include women from ballet company bathing on beach. More of Red Army in Red Square. Julien Bryan footage along the Rhine River, with views of ruins, castles (Maeuseturm, Drachenfels) Maps, highlighting White Sea, Volga, Caucasus, Siberia, intercut with footage shot by Julien Bryan. Includes nurse with toddler; kindergarten children at small tables. Rare view of toppling of church domes during Soviet anti-religion ca...

  2. Helen Keller immortalized in marble!

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 3, No. 17, Part 5. Release date, 02/20/1931. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: News Paragraphs - New York, NY. Helen Keller immortalized in marble! Noted blind humanitarian poses for sculptured portrait. CU, Helen Keller posing. CU, conversing by finger code. CU, Helen Keller smiling. Other parts of newsreel include: 01:39:32 1: Mrs. Calvin Coolidge christens giant ship named for husband. 01:40:27 2: Idaho girl wins tahoe dog derby in driving snowstorm 01:41:28 4: News Paragraphs - Alexandria, VA 01:42:57 6: News Paragraphs - Miami, FL 01:43:46 7: New...

  3. Liberation: Germany; Czechoslovakia: Soviet and American Armies

    VS, high angle, woman in an overcoat walking down street; man in U.S. Army uniform holding a box, walking down street. Two separate shots of the woman walking. Cut to VS, pan of sky and clouds, for a brief moment a small plane is visible, flying low. Plane on an airstrip, the man in Army uniform seen earlier in a very LS walking on a concrete walkway between two buildings, presumably a U.S. Army base of some sort. Two airplanes are parked on the air strip. A group of boys and girls (4-6 years old) in FG, all dressed in red shorts and white shirts, walking hand in hand in an open field, tree...

  4. Verdoner family at home

    Yoka Verdoner and her mother Hilde, petting a horse that is pulling a green grocer's cart through the streets of Hilversum, Holland. Hilde purchases produce. EXT, clothing hanging on a clothesline. INT, VS, Francisca Verdoner being potty trained. VS, Francisca learning to walk with help from sister Yoka and father Gerrit Verdoner. VS, Yoka and Francisca bathing, blowing kisses to the camera, etc. EXT, VS, Francisca taking her first tentative steps alone, and then with the help of Yoka and Hilde.

  5. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    Headline reads, "Planes Pound Tunisia Without Let-Up As Allied Units Pierce Axis Defenses; Russians Push On In Bitter Battles"

  6. Hedy Tugendhaft Rosen photographs

    The Hedy Tugendhaft Rosen photographs depict Hedy and her parents, Max and Mania Tugendhaft, in Poland (Rudnik, Krakow, and Jaslo) before the war; Mania, Hedy, and Jewish children at the Sacred Heart convent in Przemyśl during the war; Jewish child survivors at a Jewish orphanage in Przemyśl after liberation; and Hedy with other displaced persons in Heidelberg. Additional photographs depict staged scenes at Dachau concentration camp after liberation, a roundup of Jewish deportees in Ukraine, and three nuns at the St. Joseph convent in Przemyśl in 1987.

  7. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    Headline reads, "Roosevelt Acts Here To Put NRA Into Full Swing." Photograph of the "First Faculty of the University-in-Exile"

  8. Litman family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of the Litman family of Zalishchyky, including their survival in Tovste and Jarosław, Poland with the use of false identification papers. Included are false identification papers identifying Olga Litman and her daughters Halina and Eva as Catholics with the last name Lityński, a work permit for Olga to work at a German military camp in Jarosław, DP identification cards, post-war British military papers of Ignacy Litman, marriage certificates, documents used for restitution, clippings, and photographs. The photographs consist of pre-war and ...

  9. Theresienstadt currency

    Contains seven bills of various denominations, issued in Theresienstadt in January 1943.

  10. Civilians aid in defense of Ukraine

    VS of a line of horse drawn carts driven by civilians are on the move. Civilians with spades are walking by a river/lake. CUs of civilians digging in the ground to build defense lines (trenches).

  11. Persecution of Christians discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 479) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 8, 1946. LS, MSs, US prosecutor Col. Wheeler presents evidence pertaining to the persecution of the Catholic church and other Christians in Germany and occupied countries. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe makes an opening statement on procedures to be followed by the prosecution for the individual defendants.

  12. German officer & von Manstein questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    01:14:31 (Munich 339) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 10, 1946. Unidentified German officer is interrogated by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence (latter is not seen). 01:16:13 (Munich 343) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, no date. Former Field Marshal von Manstein is cross-examined by US prosecutor Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor. Von Manstein is specifically questioned about the Einsatzgruppen in his area of operation, he testifies that he was not directly concerned with them and did not know what they were doing.

  13. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; various scenes of the Nuremberg Trial

    16:00:40 (Munich 263) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 27, 1946. Different shots of Capt. Raphael Schumacher questioning former Lt. Heinz Tomhardt. MS, visiting newspaper men seated in courtroom. 16:04:41 (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. (silent) LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. CU, assistant British prosecutor at table. CU, an American prosecutor at table. MS, Gen. Telford Taylor. MS, Sir Maxwell-Fyfe speaking to colleague. MS, showing part of the interpreters' bench. Pan to prisoners' dock. Two defense lawyers conversing during reces...

  14. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. LSs, Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, questions the witness Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius. MLS, Gisevius testifying. Pan to Hermann Goering scribbling notes. 19:02:40 Pan to dock, Ribbentrop. CU, Gisevius testifying. MCU, Dr. Otto Stahmer and another defense counselor making notes. 19:07:33 MCS, right side of dock, including Speer, Von Hindenburg, Fritsch, Frank, Frick, Streicher, and Funk listening to Gisevius testify. LSs, Gisevius speaking of the relationship between the German Army and the Gestapo. Pan from Chief Pr...

  15. Kyiv (Kiev) does not surrender

    Women with shovels, working, men erecting barricades and makeshift fortifications. VS of soldiers working. A newspaper headline reads: "The Fascists shall not be allowed to take the capital of Soviet Ukraine. Everything for the defense of our home, of all we love!" A sign (possibly at a movie theater) reads "Showing: Reports from the Front of the Patriotic War". People stand in street, looking at the sky. German planes. Soviet guns aimed at the sky. Another intertitle reads "Helios Pavlovich Mykhailyuk: a participant in the defense of Kiev". Street life. It would seem that this footage was ...

  16. Streicher testifies and prosecutors at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 133) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 30, 1946. HAS, MS, Dr. Hans Marx at lectern. Julius Streicher is heard (but not seen) testifying. HAS, prisoners accompanied by MPs taking their places in the dock. MS, Robert H. Jackson and Thomas J. Dodd at the prosecution table. Pan, members of Russian staff at table. MS, Justices Robert Falco and Henri Donnedieu de Vabre. Pan courtroom, Dr. Rudolf Dix at lectern. LS, Streicher testifying.

  17. Small suitcase used by a former hidden child to emigrate to the US

    Childsize suitcase used by 12 year old Michel Jeruchim when he and his siblings emigrated to the United States in October 1949. Among the items he carried in it was, Les Aventures de Jambo, an illustrated book created for him by his brother Simon. Nazi Germany occupied France in June 1940. Michel, then age 3, his parents, Samuel and Sonia, and his siblings, 14 year old Alice, and 10 year old Simon, remained in the Paris suburbs. In July 1942, Sonia heard of the Vel d'Hiv roundup, where thousands of Jews were to be arrested. Samuel and Sonia arranged with the Bonneaus, members of the undergr...

  18. German Hygiene Museum, Dresden; Transparent Man

    Film featuring the "world-famous" transparent man and the Deutsches Hygiene Museum [German Hygiene Museum] in Dresden. Dresden scenes, general views, Baroque architecture, river. 01:26:09: exterior: Deutsches Hygiene Museum. Interiors. 01:26:19 CU Poster 1911 Exhibition : "International Hygiene-Ausstellung Dresen" with large graphic eye. Bust of Karl Adolph Lingner, foiunder of the museum. A visit to the museum is shown. Visitors and exhibits, sculptures, models, visitors. Interactive exhibits on physiological aspects of the human body. 01:28:15 Cross sections of the human body on display. ...

  19. US Secretary of State Hull sails to Lima, Peru

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 723, Part 2A. Release date, 11/28/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Hull Sails to Lima Parley" New York, NY. The Secretary of State, sailing on the SS Santa Clara to the Pan-American conference in Peru, voices hope in the success of the mission. He also sees Ambassador Hugh Wilson, recalled from Germany because of Jewish outbreaks. Ambassador Hugh Wilson, who expressed some sympathy for Nazism, was recalled from Germany in the wake of Kristallnacht. The US never sent another ambassador to Nazi Germany. Other parts of the newsreel includ...

  20. War Crimes Trial, Ludwigsburg; Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    05:18:52 (Munich 56) War Crimes Trials (Borkum Island), Ludwigsburg, Germany, March 12, 1946 (silent). AVs, castle in Ludwigsburg where the trials are being held. POWs who had escaped were not taken back to the camp but were retained by the police, according to the witness. 05:19:55 (Munich 59) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 22, 1946. British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe cross examining Goering. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence at bench. MLS, US prosecutors at table. Maxwell-Fyfe reading from document, "where the Jews were left to themselves, as for instance in Poland...