Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,701 to 12,720 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin reviewing parade in Red Square. EXT, day, various scenes of mass demonstrations/parades in Red Square. Including: army soldiers; navy sailors; cavalry; workers; tanks; Joseph Stalin and others reviewing parades from atop "Lenin's Tomb"; air force planes. Celebrations in honor of the 17th Anniversay of the Revolution.

  2. US Army soldiers on Omaha Beach, France

    MS, parade of soldiers in naval uniforms march through city streets (unidentified army) carrying rifles. An awning sign reads: "HAMILTON and BELL." Another store sign reads: "HUINS." To the left, a banner hangs from a window: "SOLDIER TO SOLDIER" with drawings of a marching soldier on either side of the banner. A different group of soldiers marches past the camera. Civilians line the parade route. Marching band passes by, followed by U.S. Army soldiers in dress uniforms, followed by soldiers in combat gear, and one with an American flag. American women in uniform, another group of unidentif...

  3. Yugoslavia: damage; village; soldiers marching; liberation ceremony in village square; food truck

    Reel 5: Destroyed bridge in Vinkovci. Street scene, troops marching through village; soldiers' feet as they are marching revealing ragged shoes; partisan soldier band playing in honor of late FDR. Tanks lined up, men standing at attention, bugler plays salute. Infantry troops firing volley of shots. Troops crossing destroyed bridge carrying Yugoslavian flag, supplies, ammunition. Speakers and dignitaries standing on flag-draped balcony; citizens of Vinkovci gathered in streets to celebrate the liberation of their village. Mayor Nikola Jaksic speaking to crowds, cheering. Col. Mijaklo Todoro...

  4. Yugoslavia: soldiers resting and singing; wounded soldiers; accordion

    Reel 6: Soldiers washing, resting, writing letters, reading, singing, playing accordion. Wounded soldiers carried, placed in hospital trucks; soldiers on straw-covered hospital floor. Nurses and doctors operating on wounded. Gens walking along path. Soldiers dancing the "Kola and Kozark" in streets of Vinkovci, accordion player in FG.

  5. German educational film: daily life in Lapland

    VS, EXT, lake views with mountains in BG. VS, a family of Laplanders (father, mother and child) come to shore in canoe, carrying their belongings, they head toward their tent and enter with all of their belongings. Two dogs enter the tent with them. MCU, man smoking a pipe, then cooking a meal while two children look on. VS of Laplanders in their tent, women, children, baby, etc, carrying out daily tasks. VS, Laplander children in a rural classroom, sitting on the ground in an open tent, there is a female teacher, all students have lap desks and notebooks, they are reading and writing. Ther...

  6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases & their consequences

    Propaganda film, re: gonorrhea, syphilis, sores. Two parts with long German intertitles.

  7. German educational film: marriage customs in Upper Silesia

    This short documentary depicts the town of Schonwald in Upper Silesia, and the various activities which occur in preparation for a wedding ceremony that takes place in the village. VS, villagers carrying farm implements, heading off to fields. MCU in the village (of Schonwald), two peasant women read an announcement posted on the side of a building. CUof the announcement (in German), stamped by the town official. VS, young woman pumping water at a well. VS, young townswomen in tradtional costume, kneeding dough and preparing large trays of bread. MS, two older women braid the hair of a youn...

  8. US troops crossing the Rhine River

    (LIB 4557) 5th Infantry Division Rhine River Crossing. Neirstein, Germany, March 23, 1945. CU, sign "Bismarckstrasse." MS, long lines of trucks on both sides of narrow street. MS, sign, "Nierstein" with railroad station and town in BG. MS, tank comes out of railway underpass. LCVP loaded with soldiers leaving river bank. Tank loads onto pontoon raft and is ferried across river. LS, 4th Div tanks line up along river bank waiting to be ferried across. MS, German prisoners come off LCVP. Tank boards pontoon raft. LCVP hits beach, soldier get off and move up river bank.

  9. Verdoner family out in Hilversum

    Yoka Verdoner out for a stroll with her mother Hilde Verdoner and her baby sister Francisca Verdoner (in baby carriage). Yoka wheels along a baby doll in a play stroller. VS, of the family on their outing through the streets in their home town of Hilversum, Holland.

  10. Russian News (1944, No. 1)

    Russian troops, tanks, and motorcycles cross the Dvina River on rafts and reach Vitebsk. Artillery fires on the city. Troops march through its ruins. Germans surrender and are marched to the rear. Citizens berate them, and embrace Russian soldiers. Rockets and artillery are fired. Russian planes pass over. Shows German dead, abandoned equipment, and German prisoners. Five German generals are interrogated by Russian troops.

  11. US Army medical unit conducts target practice and eats

    American soldiers (US Army) in an open field for target practice. The unit's medical truck is visible in the BG, identifiable by the large red cross on the side of the truck. VS of the members of the unit shooting guns, setting up targets, sorting ammunition, talking, etc. The soldiers take a break: CU of a soldier smiling, sitting down on the ground to eat a sandwich and soup.

  12. Ruins of Berlin; German POWs; Private Snafu cartoon

    Reel 2 shows the ruins of Berlin, German POWs, wreckage of the I.G. Farben plant, and close-ups of Pres. Truman, V. Molotov, Stalin, and Churchill. Narrator refers to "race hatred" and "intolerance." Question marks on screen. "How can we be sure Germany won't try it again?" Footage of German civilians burning Nazi books and papers, with a brief shot of Hitler's image. Germans look at posters showing corpses from a concentration camp. The narrator says, "It is not our intention to enslave the German people, but to reeducate them toward a democratic way of life." newspaper headlines of the Ru...

  13. Poster

  14. Honorary degrees awarded

    Sorbonne gives honorary degrees. High long shots, Sorbonne University officials enter with orchestra and choir playing "La Marseillaise." LS, people are seated, music stops. MLS, man introduces Prof. Edward Jenks (seated next to Albert Einstein) who has been given an insignia and honorary degree. Audience applauding, orchestra playing. Man addressing assembly. Assembly exiting. EXT, day, MS, Einstein, Jenks, and others.

  15. Postwar: Verdoner children playing

    Otto Verdoner, now at least 6 years of age, playing in the family yard, postwar with his sister Francisca Verdoner. The three Verdoner children were hidden children during the war. This footage was shot shortly after the children were reunited. Their mother, Hilde, is not present, she was deported to Auschwitz and died during the war. CU, Yoka sitting in a club chair in the house doing schoolwork. The three children are also playing with another young girl, possibly a neighbor or a relative. VS, MS, CUs of the children playing ball in the yard. Francisca and Otto climb up to a roof top and ...

  16. Labor, POWs

    Various shots of labor. Group of soldiers, one delivering paperwork, pan left. A guard observes the soldiers (captured?) running to gather their belongings piled against building. Truck with POWs. Men with shovels and armbands, walking toward and past camera. POWs (Chinese?) shoveling dirt into wheelbarrow. Under guard of one armed soldier, young, strong French POWs working (shoveling, wheelbarrows, massive pit). POWs farming, guard on horse. Hauling supplies and bundles into and out of railroad cars. INT, stockroom with cardboard boxes piled on top of one another, POWs moving supplies onto...

  17. Kan family vacationing during summer in Switzerland

    In 2002, siblings Robert F. Kan and Betsy Klein donated this and other films (see more below) that capture vacations, daily activities, and other moments in their Dutch Jewish family's prewar life. They and their parents, Frits Kan and Jeanne (Bloch) Kan, escaped the Nazis by immigrating to the United States in May 1940. Robert's wife, Francisca Verdoner Kan, and her siblings also donated family films. Side view of a bus. Plaque: "Chur - Flims Wald Haus." Jeanne, Robert, and Betsy sit in the bus. People move luggage, seen from the rear of the bus. Robert in a lake wearing a hat and playing ...

  18. Sinclair

    "Upton Sinclair to Run for Governor," California. Upton Sinclair, noted author explains what he hopes to accomplish if elected. VCU, Sinclair. NOTE: Footage preceding this story from 01:38:07 - 01:38:45 is unrelated News Flashes.

  19. Hygiene promotion

    Jolly hygiene guidelines. Includes animation with photography. German intertitles.

  20. Book