Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,661 to 12,680 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. German educational film: Geysers in Iceland

    This short educational film depicts two men's journey by horseback to a geyser on the island of Iceland. One of the men is identified by name, Dr. Erich Dautert. In several EXT shots a man is seen exiting his home with a grass thatched roof, and gathering together horses as well as supplies. He saddles some of the stout, long-haired horses with supplies, and he and another man ride two of the other horses. VS of the beautiful countryside of Iceland. The two men make their way over hills and much rugged terrain to reach the geyser. Beautiful scenes of waterfalls and jagged rock formations. V...

  2. Ida Sterno photograph

    Contains a photograph of Ida Sterno, a social worker who was very active in Jewish underground organizations in Belgium during World War II. Rectangular form with scalloped edges; on recto, black and white image of headshot of a middle aged woman wearing a decorative pin at her neck; on verso, handwritten text that reads "Ida Sterno 1944" and photographer's stamp.

  3. Verdoner family watches Christmas parade

    EXT, VS, MSs, procession of St. Nicolas on a white horse for the local children. St. Nicolas is accompanied by a man in black face (according to the Dutch tradition of a black dwarf that accompanies St. Nicolas on his rounds.) The children wave to him as he passes by, featured prominently is Yoka Verdoner, in her winter coat, hat and scarf. EXT, LS, Yoka, Francisca and Hilde Verdoner walking along a sidewalk in Hilversum, Holland. Yoka skips towards the camera until she is featured in ECU, Francisca follows her sister, stops and pauses for CU.

  4. Crayon drawing of a green leaved wreath with purple flowers made by a young girl while living in hiding

    Crayon drawing made by Betty Julia Ensel while she was living in hiding in the Netherlands. It depicts a wreath of green leaves and purple flowers. When Germany occupied the Netherlands in May 1940, three year old Julia lived in Amsterdam with her parents, Rose Marie Schink, who was not Jewish, and Guy Weinberg, who was Jewish. Rose Marie hid twelve Jews in the attic of her house in Blaricum and was in contact with the Dutch resistance movement. Julia attended school under her mother's maiden name in order to avoid suspicion about her Jewish ancestry. Julia, her mother, and all of the Jews ...

  5. Reading of judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Wide shot of defendants, slow wide pan of room. Judgement of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. French Justice continues reading the judgement about the 1934 Non-aggression Pact between Germany and Poland and events in 1939 (04:23:08 partial simultaneous translation into German - ). Shots of prosecution staff listening, including Shawcross, Dodd, Telford Taylor. 04:24:23 MS showing portion of translators section, to 04:25:30. MS, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Arthur Seyss-...

  6. Doll hat

    Julia Schor played with the doll hat while in hiding during the Holocaust.

  7. Julia Schor papers

    The Julia Schor papers consist of biographical materials, clippings, a guest books, a library catalog, and a memoir documenting Schor’s childhood in Amsterdam, the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, being disguised as a Gentile in Blaricum, the work of her mother, Rosemarie Ensel, work for the Dutch Resistance, and the Jewish people her mother hid in their attic. Biographical materials include a poem about Christmas in wartime, a certificate supporting Rosemarie’s efforts to obtain a visa, a receipt for seizure of property, and three records documenting Judah Ensel’s efforts to retrieve je...

  8. Trotsky and other Russian leaders

    Russian Revolution. "Russian Republic" Bolsheviks. Opens with MS of an unidentified man in Russian army jacket speaking; then a group of Bolshevik leaders sitting at a long table in a meeting, Leon Trotsky among those present. Shot of 4 men standing outdoors, wearing uniforms in various states.

  9. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Pan courtroom; spectators; some take pictures. Strasser testifying. Back view, defense table; everyone rising for entrance of six-officer Military Commission. Pan, spectators; defense attorney Capt Arley Bjella speaking. Strasser, Sessle...

  10. DP Camp Brand; bodies of anti-Nazis found

    02:21:25 (LIB 6654) Camp Brand, Brand, Germany, May 15, 1945. MSs, CUs, children of DP Camp Brand in open nursery school. Russian male civilians of camp in "close order" drill. EXTs, women wash clothes and prepare meals. MSs, camp buildings, formerly German Officers' School. CU, Russian flag flying over camp. 02:25:52 (LIB 6655) Nazi Atrocity Uncovered, Ratingen, Germany, May 13, 1945. CUs, bodies of eight German anti-Nazis, one woman and two Polish men, lying in woods (overexposed). SEQ: German civilians, former Nazi party members, prepare graves and rebury the bodies in a churchyard. MSs,...

  11. German educational film: the codfish industry in Iceland

    VS, views of a port in Iceland. Fishermen along the shore in a small schooner. VS, CU's buckets of fish (presumably cod fish) men cleaning and sorting fish. CUs, men deboning and skinning the fish, Once the fish are cleaned, several are laid out and salted. and left to dry/cure in the sun. CU, layers and layers of dried, salted fish. Man carries the dried fish away in a wheel barrow. Women working at the docks cleaning fish, scrubbing the skin with water and brushes. VS, of vast amounts of fish laid to dry on the rocks near the shore, several people, mostly men and some women, sorting and l...

  12. Frits & Jeanne Kan in US, postwar

    Color. Jeanne walks towards the camera, wearing a fur coat and hat. Frits walks towards the camera. Jeanne gets onto a plane.

  13. Various war news; DC at night; Churchill and FDR

    04:21:19 Red Rally at Stadium, New York 04:22:34 Flat Top: Navy Carrier takes Army Planes to War 04:24:08 Gen. Omar N. Bradley 04:24:20 Eisenhower's Christmas Dinner in Tunisia: Gen. Eisenhower extracts food from ration can and eats. 04:25:22 Capitol at Night: AV, Washington, DC at night. CU, Capitol dome and parts of building with lights on. The Government Printing Office neon sign. 04:27:47 Gen. Carl Spaatz Decorates Airmen: Spaatz decorates wounded sergeant and lieutenant. 04:28:18 Lt. Gen. Joseph H. Stilwell at Home: in his garden with his dog in Carmel, California. 04:29:25 Winston Chu...

  14. Knapsack

    Knapsack carried by Ruth Berkowicz when she was fleeing from Warsaw, Poland, to Japan during the Holocaust.

  15. Day of German Art: exhibition and parade

    05:54:50 Day of German Art. HAS of Munich. Cables. Banners everywhere. Boys' chorus recital in Feldherrnhall. Steady camera shots thru city, past various statues. Flowers decorate town, festival atmosphere. Hitler and entourage arrive at art exhibit. Road is lined with SS soldiers in long coats. Hitler opens art exhibition, speaking to a well-dressed crowd: "Rarely in German history is one so richly moved in peacetime...everyone singularly great." ["selten in der deutschen Geschichte eine so reich bewegte Friedenszeit...Kulturprogramm von einmaliger Groesse."] CUs of Nazi elite...

  16. Verdoner family in their garden

    Francisca and Yoka Verdoner playing at home and in the garden with a large metal spinning top toy. VS, of the children playing with several family members- identified in original documentation that accompanied films as Grandma and Grandpa Vinkeles (Hilde's parents). More scenes in the garden with unidentified family members, sitting and talking. Yoka and Francisca continue to play in the BG, and FG. VS, MCU, CU, MS Yoka and Francisca picking mushrooms in the garden with their mother, Yoka eats one of the mushrooms.

  17. 16th Soviet Congress

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 88, Part 1. Release date, 11/05/1930. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "16th Soviet Congress Pledges Intensive 5-Year-Plan Support." Moscow, USSR. Stalin, Litvinoff and other chiefs of the New Russia perfect program for great agricultural and industrial drive, involving millions of workers, which is intended to put nation on a par with rest of world in production of raw material, foodstuff and manufactured goods. CU, young Stalin with Molotov, followed by lots of workers strolling around. Stalin chats with army officer, Kalinin in group. Stali...

  18. German Girls, Aryan ideal

    Life as RADwJ (Reichsarbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend), referred to as "Arbeitsmaiden" The young women tend to garden, cook, help farmers, do calisthenics, dance, care for hospitalized. Young women walking. Train in Hamburg. "Arbeitsmaiden-Transport ins Elsass (Alsace)" Exiting train, entering home, receiving uniform, medical examination, running outside, playing with ball, chalet on water, singing in forest, Nazi flag, mopping floor, cleaning house, preparing meal in kitchen, eating, washing dishes, gardening, talking at table outdoors, riding bicycles, laundry. Young woman playing with...

  19. Celebration in Luxembourg; Nice, Monaco coastline; returning to New York

    MLS, jumpy scenes of young men running across a field, wearing red shorts and no shirts. Young women in red and blue skirts with white shirts processing around the field where the boys were running (also very jumpy). Girls hold and wave white handkerchiefs. LS, young men perform calisthenics on the field. MS, young women on the field. END VS, Col. Zabin horseback riding and jumping. VS, Col. Zabin waterskiing in Nice and Monaco. VS, high angle views of the beach and coast, people walking along a paved path by the beach. END LS, high angle, hills, coastline, and the water beyond, red-tiled r...

  20. New York World-Telegramt (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    A newspaper article titled "Orphans of the World Storm: Nazi Forces Germany's 'Best Minds' to Scatter Over the World" with image of Albert Einstein.