Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,601 to 7,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Ration Coupon

  2. Krystyna Siwek-Wilczynska collection

    Four (4) photographs illustrating the experiences of the Diament family before the war and the donor in hiding during the Holocaust in France.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- French Forces of the Interrior (FFI) delegates in New York

    Women come and go through an office door marked "Delegation de la France Libre aux Etats Unis." A Cross of Lorraine (two-barred cross, symbol of the French resistance) is painted on the door. Interior shots of drawings hanging on the wall, also marked with two-barred crosses. Two men sit at a desk: the man behind the desk is Jacques de Sieyes, formerly Charles de Gaulle's representative in the United States and now "appointed to Syria" (according to the March of Time dope sheet). His companion is Mr. de Manziarly. The next scene shows the delegate R. de Roussy de Sales as he dictates to his...

  4. Concentration camp uniform pants worn by a Hungarian Jewish prisoner

    Concentration camp uniform pants issued to Max Rottenberg while imprisoned at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany in 1944 and 1945. Max, his parents, Albert and Anna, and sisters, Illus, Elisabet, Erna, Erzsebet, and Bozsi, lived in Dés, in the Transylvania region of Austria-Hungary (now Dej, Romania). Between February 1938 and August 1941, Max and his sisters, Elisabet and Ilus, relocated to Spišská Stará Ves, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia). In the spring of 1942, the Slovakian authorities deported Elisabet to Auschwitz concentration camp German-occupied Poland, and Max began living un...

  5. Smietanowski family papers

    Contains fifteen photographs, identification documents, and one postcard, documenting the experiences of Jozef and Irena Smietanowski, of Warsaw. Includes German-issued identification card for Irena Smietanowska (1942), two identification cards issued to Jozef in 1939, and one issued to the couple in 1938. Also, one postcard sent to Irena Smietanowska from friends in Rovno, 1940.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Invasion of Poland

    Footage of Hitler, Jodl, Keitel, in train car looking at a map; invasion of Poland including captured Polish troops marching through a city, Germans on horseback, shot of motorized vehicles passing sign, ethnic Germans greeting soldiers; removing border barriers; tearing down sign of Poland. Good images of destruction and Polish POWs.

  7. Rohony family papers

    The Rohony family papers are comprised of postcards and photographs documenting the Rohony family’s circumstances during World War II, primarily between 1943 and 1944. Comprised of János, his wife Anna, and their daughter, Zsusana (later Susan), the Rohony family was living in Budapest, Hungary until 1943 when János was forced into the Hungarian labor battalions and Anna was arrested by the Gestapo. János perished in Ohrdruf in 1944. Anna and Zsusana survived the war. The vast majority of this collection consists of extensive correspondence in the form of postcards and letters between János...

  8. Leon Denski photograph

    Contains a photographic print, black and white, showing two American soldiers standing next to large pile of bodies to buried; taken in an unidentified concentration camp after liberation; dated April-May 1945. This photo was brought home from WWII by Leon A. Denski (donor's father) whose job after liberation was to bury the bodies that were found in the camps into mass graves.

  9. Julius Blum collection

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Julius Blum (donor's husband) and his family during the Holocaust. Julius Blum was from Munkacs, Czechoslovakia and survived multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz and Mauthausen, where he was liberated.

  10. Leser family papers

    Correspondence, diaries, photographs, identification documents, postcards, and books, belonging to the family of Helen Leser (also known as Helene Leser, Chana Leser), originally of Rozwadów, Poland. Documents include identification documents for family members during the German occupation of Poland; materials from the Soviet Union during the time of her family's exile there, including postcards received and a children's book; diaries written by Leser while in France after the war; notebooks containing written poetry in Russian and Yiddish; correspondence received by family members and frie...

  11. Portfolio

    Folio cover for an introductory insert and a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  12. Hanna Herzig collection

    Contains family photographs of the Herzig and Stock families in Drohobycz, Poland before the war, and in the Foehrenwald DP camp in Germany after the war, including photographs showing Zygmunt Herzig in his official role as legal council. Includes a drawing depicting Zygmunt Herzig's sister, who was murdered in Drohobycz; identification cards of donor's parents from the DP camp; immigration application forms; receipts for donations; and general correspondence, Also includes prayer books from the Foehrenwald DP camp; contemporary photographs showing the house in Drohobycz where the donor's p...

  13. Sydney Goodman papers

    The Sydney Goodman papers include a diary, correspondence, subject files, and photographs relating to Sydney’s experiences as a Jewish American soldier who was captured as a POW during the Battle of the Bulge and sent to Stalag IX B and Berga an der Elster as a forced laborer. Sydney began his diary shortly before he was captured in 1944 and continued writing until liberation in 1945. He wrote on the back of 36 family photographs about his experiences as a POW at Stalga IXB and Berga and kept a list of those who died. Correspondence includes telegrams and letters from the War Department to ...

  14. American soldiers in Landsberg; liberated Polish Army soldiers and surrender of German forces

    (LIB 6181) A soldier holds up a slate that reads: "30 April 45, Hitler's Room Landsberg Prison." The cameraman's name is Olin. Far view of the prison. A street sign reads "Hindenburg-Ring." Various exterior shots of the prison. Men hang flags (surrender?) out of two prison windows. Two guard watchtowers and downed fencing, presumably part of the prison complex. 01:39:09 Two uniformed American soldiers and a civilian wearing a white armband enter Hitler's former prison cell. The civilian points out details in the cell, including a guest book and a portrait of Hitler hanging on the wall. He p...

  15. Nazi rallies in Neuer Platz and Linz

    Men in suits wearing Nazi armbands march in unison. Spectators on the sidewalk give the Nazi salute to a car driving down the street in a processional. Rows of young men in uniform, carrying an enormous Nazi flag and marching in unison. A procession of men in long black coats carrying shovels follow. Planes flying overhead. Panoramic shot of a town in the countryside. Young uniformed men marching and waving Nazi flags down a country road. A processional going through a city street in Linz. Tanks and cars drive down the streets. Pedestrians give the Nazi salute to the passing cars. Lines of ...

  16. Dr. Guido Schoenberger collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, reports, photographs and other materials relating to the emigration of the Schoenberger family from Germany to the United States; to family and friends remaining in Germany; to the Schoenberger family's new life in the United States, to Dr. Schoenberger's professional career as an art historian; and to his work for Jewish Cultural Reconstruction.

  17. Roman Antoniak papers

    The Roman Antoniak papers consists of two identification documents issued by the East German Enamel and Metal Factory and the Ukrainian support committee to Roman Antoniak of Lwow, Poland (L'viv, Ukraine) in 1942.

  18. Tour of Vienna

    Title card: “An der Kamera: Mario Wiberal.” “Gesamtbildgestaltung: Frank Rossak.” “Der Film zeigt Kultur- und Baudenkmäler sowie Wiens Garten von heute.” Church on Leopoldsberg in Vienna. Pan of the city and countryside below. Pan of Stephansplatz. Vienna Parliament and city council. A streetcar passing in front of the Parliament. The Volksgarten. The Naturhistorisches museum. The Theseus Temple. The Burgtheater. Cafe Landtmann. The City Council. The Rathausplatz. Various statues. A streetcar passes in front of the Rathaus. The Universität Wien Hauptgebäude. The Liebenberg statue. The Ratha...

  19. Refugee girls at the de Monbrison chateau in France

    Refugee girls living at a chateau owned by Count Hubert Conquere de Monbrison in Quincy-sous-Senart, located about 30 km south of Paris. De Monbrison and the Princess Irena Paley (a niece of the last Russian czar who later became Monbrison's wife) used the chateau to house refugee girls from the Russian and Spanish civil wars. In 1939 de Monbrison was approached by his children's Jewish physician, who was a member of the board of the OSE, and asked whether he would take in a group of forty German Jewish refugee children. The count agreed and the Kinderstransport of boys arrived on July 4, 1...

  20. Tenin and Dakhis family papers

    Photographs (9) and postcards (2) relating to the wartime experiences of the family of Moshe and Golda (Olga) Tenin, originally of Odessa, 1942-1944. Photographs include family portrait, photographs of individual family members, including son Boris, in his Red Army uniform, daugher Klara, and daughter Paulina, who was murdered by the Germans in 1942. Also includes photograph of Leonid Dakhis, Klara's future husband, as a soldier in the Red Army, and a later photo showing Klara and Leonid at the grave of her parents and sisters, Odessa, 1976. Also includes two postcards, from Soviet authorit...