Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,581 to 7,600 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Joodsche Weekblad flyer

    One flier, published by "Het Joodsche Weekblad," the publication of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, 10 July 1942 as an extra edition of the newspaper. The flier announces that approximately 700 Jews had been arrested that week, and were scheduled to be deported to a concentration camp in Germany.

  2. Concentration camp uniform jacket worn by a Polish Jewish inmate in several camps

    Striped concentration camp uniform jacket worn by Bernard Klajminc and likely issued in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in November 1943. He then wore it until April 1945 in Warsaw, Dachau, and Mühldorf concentration camps. When Germany invaded Belgium on May 10, 1940, Bernard, his wife Bertha, and their children Marie-Jose and Henri, were living in Brussels. In August 1942, the family was arrested and deported to France. Bernard was deported to Pithiviers internment camp and then transferred to Drancy transit camp in Paris. Bertha and the children also were imprisoned in Drancy. On S...

  3. Aichen family photograph collection

    Photographs (9), of various memebrs of the Aichen family from Stryj (now Stryi, Ukraine) and Lwow (now Lviv, Ukraine), Poland, 1927-1947.

  4. Book

    Book, Guide for young mothers to parenting children, owned by Judith Steinberger Hahn that features her young daughters, Irene and Sylvia, on the front cover. The family lived in Budapest, Hungary. They were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center and murdered upon arrival. Judith's older sister Ruth, who survived the Holocaust in Budapest, retrieved the book after liberation.

  5. Justice Ministry : Files of the Chief State Public Prosecutor's Office Vienna-until 1938 ; 1938-1945. Justizministerium : Akten der Oberstaatsanwaltschaft Wien-bis 1938; 1938-1945

    Administrative files of the Chief State Public Prosecutor's Office Vienna, such as personnel matters, arrest reports, and miscellaneous criminal cases for Vienna, Lower Austria and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Also features administrative records pertaining to the attempted Nazi putsch of July 1934.

  6. The hallucinatory vision of our typhic comrades, parked in barracks 8 Print 13 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a blanket-wrapped prisoner has been detained in barrack 8 for those sick with typhus and forgotten about at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had been abducted in the middle of the night and ...

  7. Herbert Kammer family papers

    Correspondence, documents, and texts, related to the experiences of Herbert Kammer and his parents, Georg and Rosa Kammer, during World War II, as they fled their native Austria. Includes two letters sent by Herbert to his mother Rosa, in England, the first from the La Hille childrens home in Ariege, France, in May 1941, and a second letter following his arrival in Chicago in June 1941, as well as a third letter that Herbert had sent to his father in March 1941. Also included are documents related to the imprisonment of Georg Kammer at the Récébédou concentration camp, including a postca...

  8. Dr. Errol Rohr collection

    Consists of eight post-war photographs taken after the liberation of the Wöbbelin concentration camp on May 2, 1945 in Germany. The photographs display the burial of the exposed piles of corpses, which were located on the camp grounds.

  9. Nachlass Samuel Jean Richard (1912-2002)

    The collection consists of personal papers of Samuel Jean Richard, primarily from his time as head of refugee work camps, refugee homes and as the inspector of the central camp administration. The collection includes a sub-collection of 403 colored pencil drawings done by Jewish refugee children. In addition, contains 140 forms that include personal information about the refugee children. These forms were indexed by Samuel Jean Richard and added by the Archiv für Zeitgeschichte (AfZ) to its refugee databank. The collection also contains an additional 319 drawings done by unknown children fo...

  10. Zoladz, Goldfeld and Albeck families papers

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to the Zoladz (Zoland), Goldfeld, and Albeck families during the Holocaust and afterward. Consists of correspondence, identification documents, restitution papers, photographs, mostly related to the experiences of Mendel Albeck and Lonia (Goldfeld) Albeck and their families. Includes about 50 photographs; correspondence sent from France, Poland (including from Warsaw Ghetto), and Germany (mainly post-war DP camps); and a 1984 testimony by Lonia Albeck about her experiences. Some of Polish correspondence has English translations.

  11. Max and Paula Hess photograph

    Contains a portrait photograph of Dr. Max Hess and Paula Fleischer Hess, taken in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1939. This portrait was sent to donor’s grandparents who received it en route to New Zealand, on the ship "Oronsay" in Port Said on May 3, 1939. Max and Paula Hess were deported from their hometown, Prague to the Theresienstadt camp and on October 21, 1941, they were deported to the Łódź ghetto and placed at Hochensteinstrasse 17/27. On May 6, 1942 Dr. Max Hess petitioned not to be deported from Łódź, but the answer was negative. On September 20, 1942 Max and Paula Hess were depor...

  12. Jewish Brigade patch

    Jewish Brigade patch: square with blue and white striped background and yellow Star of David in center

  13. Jewish Brigade patch

    Jewish Brigade cloth patch: rectangle with Hebrew letters at top and "Jewish Brigade Group" embroidered in white.

  14. 1939 medal, "Why we fight".

    Medal: one side depicts caricature of Jewish man with Star of David on his collar, behind bag of money and caption "Wofur Kampfen Unsere Feinde"; other side depicts German soldier, people working, and Nazi eagle symbol with caption "Grossdeutschland kampft fur den frieden gegen den schandvertrag von Versailles"

  15. Anti-Semitic poster, "Nathan Kohn, der Wundersohn"

    1930s German poster depicting 10 antisemetic scenes of "Nathan Kohn, der Wundersohn", with individual captions. The heading on the poster reads "Kikeriki-Bilder-Bogen."

  16. "Jodenkliek" anti-Semitic propaganda leaflet

    "Jodenkliek" anti-Semitic propaganda leaflet; "Yankee - Engelsman - Blosjewwiek / Dansen naar de pijpen / van de / Jodenkliek" [The Yankee, the Englishman & the Bloschevist - all dance according the flute of teh Jewish Clique] intended to be thrown from airplanes.

  17. Flora Mendelowicz Singer papers

    Documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Flora Mendelowicz (donor) and her family during the time period surrounding the Holocaust in Belgium; included in the collection are a post-war identification document issued by the Romanian government for "Feige, Flora, Charlotte, and Betty Mendelovitz" as well as pre-war photographs of the Mendelowicz family in Romania on a family holiday and the Mendelowicz girls while in hiding at the Our Lady of Sorrows convent in Ruiselede, Belgium.

  18. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  19. Reichssportfeld exhibition; Water tank; Cement factory in 1937

    Professors give tours of facilities in Austra in November 1937 - "A School Chronicle" filmed by Walter Nitsche. Title card: “100 Meter Schulchronik | Ein Filmchen von Walter Nitsche" "Besichtigung der Reichssportfeld-Ausstellung 1937 in der Wiener Sezession Führung: Prof. Prantl Pro. Strache.” The Secession Building in Vienna, draped with an enormous Nazi flag. CU on the swastika. A group of men exit the building down the front steps. Title card: “Besichtigung des Wasserbehälters im Lainzer Tiergarten Nov. 1937 Führung: Prof. Hubel.” Wooden building. A group of men in suits. Pan of a work y...

  20. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.