Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,561 to 7,580 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Mary Dorrit Krattner collection

    Consists of a newspaper notice of the death of Mary Dorrit Krattner and a copy of the words spoken by priest Alistair Bate at Ms. Krattner's funeral in 2006. During the service, Bate described Ms. Krattner's experiences as a child in Vienna, her departure on a Kindertransport to Edinburgh in 1939, life with the McKinley family during the war, and her post-war life in Scotland.

  2. Stal family collection

    The Stal family collection consists of documents related to Moszek-Aron (Mordka) Stal (now Morris Stal) and Rosa Stal. Three documents relate to Moszek Stal's health while he was in the Feldafing displaced persons camp (DP camp). Two document relate to Rosa Stal, including an IRO (International Restitution Organization) certificate certifying her abilities as a seamstress and a mirror-image of a photostat of her IRO certificate of incarceration noting that she was imprisoned in Flossenbürg concentration camp and Auschwitz concentration camp.

  3. Dave and Cathy Philips collection

    The Dave and Cathy Philips collection contains a German passport issued to David Israel Pepis which includes visas for Bolivia (1939), Paraguay (1940) and Palestine (August 27, 1945 with inscription "war refugee"); issued Vienna, Austria on December 21, 1939; in German, Spanish, and English. The collection also includes a document and photograph relating to Eric E. Hirshler which was found folded and tucked into the passport; dated circa 1950s; in English, pertaining to Hirshler's desire to work for the U.S. Department of State. Passport acquired by Harriet Jane Philips (donor's sister) who...

  4. Earthworks Print 5 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a guard preparing to drop a large rock on a prisoner that has collapsed out of a line of prisoners carrying rocks at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel...

  5. "Megilat Haman"

    Typescript draft of a play, 16 pages, titled "Megilat Haman," written on the occasion of Purim, mid-1940s, and attributed to a member of the Jewish Brigade. Play makes comparisons between Haman and contemporary Nazi leaders (Hitler, Goering, Goebbels). Undated, approximately mid-1940s.

  6. Kollander family collection

    Consists of correspondence, documents, and photographs related to the Kollander family, originally of Leipzig, Germany. The bulk of the collection is related to Max Kollander, who emigrated to the United States in 1926, including correspondence with family in Germany, affidavits to get his parents to the United States, and telegrams from 1938-1939 after the Kristallnacht arrest of Max's brother Leo. The entire family was eventually able to leave Germany and survived the war.

  7. Jason Finkel collection

    Consists of five black and white photographs depicting wartime burial of corpses by German personnel and others. The majority of photographs may have been taken on the eastern front. Also includes one photograph of emaciated male prisoners, also seemingly wartime.

  8. Robert Righter collection

    Consists of copyprints of images taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, including images of the Dachau death train and of prisoners in uniform. Also includes a brief testimony (3 pages) by William Hummer and copies of the United States military discharge paperwork for Lindley Righter. Both men served in the 45th Division of the Seventh Army and participated in the liberation of Dachau.

  9. Advertising flier for a book about Hitler's rise to power and copies of his Decrees

    Small double sided flier advertising a book by Erich Czech-Jochberg about Adolf Hitler, Wie Adolf Hitler der Führer wurde, describing the history of the Nazi Party and how Hitler became Fuhrer. The back advertises published versions of Hitler's Decrees for the expansion of the Reich and the labor force and for the prevention of genetically diseased offpspring.

  10. Kawer family photographs

    Collection of fifteen photographs of the Kawer family before the war in Sokolow Podlaski, Poland. Chaim Hyman Kawer (donor’s father) was the youngest of eight children. One of his brothers, Akiva, left Poland for Argentina before the war and all other siblings with their families were murdered in Treblinka death camp in 1942. Other photographs show Hyman Kawer and some of his friends who survived in USSR and returned to their hometown in 1946 and an exhumed mass grave. Hyman and Roza Kawer left Poland for Hallein DP camp in Austria, where their daughter Pesla was born. Aaron Kawer was born ...

  11. Blanche Wanda and Leon Hochbaum papers

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Blanche Wanda and Leon Hochbaum (donor's parents) who survived living under false identities in Vienna during the Holocaust. Collection also includes post-war DP papers.

  12. Harold Langford collection

    Contains an eight-page report of an inspection of Buchenwald concentration camp on April 16, 1945

  13. Josef and Olivia Kohn family papers

    Consists of pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of Josef and Olivia Kohn, both of Romania, who married in 1942. Also includes photographs of Josef's parents, Itzak and Leni, and Olivia's parents, Sancu and Rachel Pechet (Pecket). Also includes documents related to birth, nationality, education (including diplomas), passports, and family history. The collection documents pre-war and wartime life in Romania, and the family's escape from the Communist regime in 1949.

  14. David Trocki-Musnicki postcard collection

    The collections includes postcards sent to Mr. and Mrs. David Trocki-Musnicki, from friends and relatives in Brussels, when the couple was interned at Caserne Dossin (Malines), February through April 1944 as well as a family photographs.

  15. Camille Silberman family collection

    Contains documents illustrating the experiences of Camille Silberman [donor], who was in hiding in Belgium during the Holocaust.

  16. Reinhart family papers

    Collection of primarily restituion claims paperwork documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Lola and Israel "Jake" Reinhart.

  17. Joseph Winkler papers

    Identification and travel documents, news clippings, photographs (20), correspondence, and other materials documenting the experiences of Joseph (Jozef) Winkler, a Polish petroleum engineer, in his pre-war professional and academic life in Drohobycz and Lwow, Poland; his wartime exile in the Soviet Union; his immediate postwar years as a Polish commercial attaché in Washington, DC and New York; and his immigration to the United States with his wife, Aniela, and daughter, Marie, in 1947.

  18. Grausz family papers

    The collection contains documents and passes issued to members of the Grausz family in Budapest, Hungary, August - October 1944, including Swedish protective passes (Schutz-Passe) issued to Laszlo (Ladislaus) and Felicitas Grausz, a document signed by the Swedish legation attesting that documents issued to Laszlo and Jan-Pál Grausz are legitimate and can be used as passports, and Hungarian issued documents requiring Jan-Pál Grausz to register with the police on a weekly basis, and exempting him from wearing a yellow star. The collection also includes English translations.

  19. Escape attempt Print 6 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a prisoner being shot for trying to escape when a Kapo actually knocked him out of a line of prisoners moving along the perimeter fence at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were m...

  20. Printed note, Kriminalpolizei, occupied Lithuania

    One note card, with stamp of police headquarters for unidentified location in Lithuania, requesting transfer of two Jewish women under custody (Golda Stiller, Rachela Lewinson), asking that they be sent from the jail to the office of the criminal police. March 1942. Signed by leader of that district's criminal police.