Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,421 to 7,440 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Peter Schmit photograph collection

    Consists of 20 photographs from the collection of Peter Schmit, who was a member of the United States Army during World War II. Includes photographs taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp and photos of the destruction in Germany. Some of the photos include captions.

  2. Simon Steil collection

    The Simon Steil collection consists of photographs and documents from the collection of Simon Steil, originally of Antwerp, Belgium. After being separated from his family, who were deported, Simon went into hiding, eventually living with the Henrard family in Perwez, Belgium, where he remained throughout the wartime and immediate post-war period. After the war, he went to an Orthodox children's home in Antwerp run by Jonas Tiefenbrunner. The collection includes a photo album containing photographs of groups of children at the children's home; pre-war Steil family photographs; wartime and po...

  3. David John Leslie Pihlstrand collection

    Consists of 32 photographs from the collection of David John Leslie Pihlstrand, a member of the 65th Infantry Division of the United States Army during World War II, and participated in the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Includes images of Mauthausen liberation, including the quarry, of Russian soldiers, of German prisoners of war, and of damaged buildings in Austria. Also includes a postcard related to Pihlstrand's selective service, and a small group of mass produced photographs of the liberation of Buchenwald and Ohrdruf. Some of the original photographs have been capti...

  4. Selected records from the collections of the Salaj branch of the Romanian National Archives

    This collection contains selected records of the Mayorship of Jibou. Includes papers of the Jewish community of Jibou, records relating to the citizenship of Jews and the Jewish Democratic Committee of Sălaj District including name lists and various activity reports.

  5. Selected records from the collections of the Brăila branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains the Prefecture of the District of Brăila records related to the "religious sects," nomadic Roma, confiscation of Jewish properties, ethnic Bulgarians, repatriation from Bessarabia and Bucovina (1940) from various subdistricts in Brăila, treatment of Jews, forced labor of Jews, deportation of Jews between Siret and Prut Rivers (1941), Iron Guard, forced labor of Jews in Lacu Sărat and Baldovineşti, name lists, local Aryanization activities (CNR), expelling of Jews from various institutions, travel authorizations for Jews, Jewish detachment of forced labor for road repairs, rights ...

  6. Comitetul Democrat Evresc. Biroul I.O.V.R Records of the Jewish Democratic Committee Office of the Association of Widows and Orphans from the Iasi branch of the Romanian National Archives

    This collection consists of 1,350 files containing questionnaires with families of Jewish victims of the Pogrom of Iaşi, death certificates, interviews with survivors, hospital release forms, Jews in forced labor in the Iasi area, birth certificates and other family records.

  7. Esther Kerdeman photographs

    Consists of four enlarged photographs taken of members of the Jewish Brigade, likely taken in the Netherlands in 1946, and one enlarged photograph taken of the interior of an exhibit entitled "Les Juifs en France" ["The Jews in France"] described on the verso as the version of the exhibit shown in Bordeaux, France, in March 1942. The photographs were collected by Esther Kerdeman, who worked for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in the Netherlands in 1946.

  8. Colecţia 60 (Amintiri, memorii şi însemnări ale unor personalităţi despre situaţia economico-socială şi politică din România)

    Contains records relating to Buchenwald camp and name lists of inmates at Buchenwald, Matei Gal, lists of individuals murdered in Rîbnița, various recollections about Transnistria: Vapniarka camp, Silvina Mostovoi and other ghettos, photos 1942-1944, notes about activities of Jews in Arad 1942-1944, notes of Nicolai Golberger regarding Colonel Sabin Motora (Righteous Gentile) the former last commander of Vapniarka camp, Ivan Klopotar relating to Auschwitz, and Emanoil Safir relating to Rîbnița.

  9. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Ille-et-Vilaine

    Contains records kept by the local Feldkommandantur including anti-Jewish measures, declarations of bank holdings of Jews, the aryanization of Jewish property as well as investigations, statistics, and files on Jewish businesses. Includes also records from the Rector of Education on the application of anti-Jewish measures as well as an interesting private collection belonging to the local union of medical doctors concerning the exclusion of Jews from the profession.

  10. Amelia Rosenfeld Kahn letters

    Consists of letters sent to Amelia Rosenfeld (later Kahn) (Milly Kahn) from her family, who remained in Aub, Germany, after Milly was able to emigrate to Paris, France, where she met her husband, Solly (Sol) Kahn. The letters, dated 1933-1942, are from her mother, Regina Rosenfeld; brother Heinrich; and Martha, Abraham, and Senta Kammenmacher, her sister's family. The letters describe their emigration attempts, which were ultimately unsuccessful.

  11. Dachau liberation photographs

    Consists of copyprints and photographic negatives depicting images taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, originally from the collection of Leo Vissas, an American soldier during World War II. The images depict prisoners assisting with the reburial of corpses; images of summary justice; and images of the Dachau death train, with "Off Limits" marked on the train cars.

  12. Buchenwald liberation photograph

    Consists of one photograph depicting the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The photograph, which is captioned on the verso, consists of two photographic images, one printed on the top and one printed on the bottom of the photograph. One image depicts corpses piled on a cart and the other of corpses piled in a store room.

  13. Andrew D'Alessandro photographs

    Consists of 22 photographs taken by Andrew J. D'Alessandro, who was a member of the United States Army during World War II. The photographs, which are mounted, depict D'Alessandro and members of his unit and images of American soldiers viewing corpses and speaking to survivors after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp.

  14. A.C. Williams collection

    Consists of five photographs from the collection of Captain A.C. Williams of the 272th Infantry regiment of the 69th Infantry Division, United States Army. The photographs were taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp, depicting the crematoria; one photo includes prisoners in uniform. Also includes one small card regarding talking too much and warning that both the enemy and the CIC (Counter-Intelligence Corps) are listening.

  15. Henryka Wagner Goldsher papers

    Consists of pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs, correspondence, and documents related to the Holocaust experiences of Henryka Wagner (also known as Hencha/Henrica, later Henrietta Goldsher), originally of Warsaw, Poland. Includes pre-war documents, postcards dated 1940, and post-war displaced persons documentation for Henryka, who survived Auschwitz and Majdanek. Also includes documentation related to Selma Goldsher and her brother Saul, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s; Henryka was a longtime friend of Selma Goldsher and later married Saul.

  16. Selected records from the collections of the Covasna branch of the National Romanian Archives

    This collection includes records of the Jewish Democratic Committee, 1945-1950 containing various reports, proces-verba, and other statements. Within this collection are also various official documents relating to deported Jews, the administration of goods of Jews who were deported, official proof concerning deportation, death certificates of Jews who perished in Auschwitz, and various other papers relating to Jews who died in Auschwitz and their goods.

  17. Collection of indictments and transcripts of trials of war criminals and political leaders

    Contains trials of individuals accused of crimes in Transnistria and Iași (Romania); indictments of top leaders of the Antonescu administration, indictments of leaders of the National Peasant Party (adversaries of communists and not war criminals), and indictments of other anti-Communist leaders.

  18. Joffe family papers

    Consists of documents, correspondence, and photographs related to the pre-war and wartime experiences of Szymon Joffe (later Paul or Sam Jaffe), originally of Łódź, Poland. In May 1938, Mr. Joffe was able to immigrate to the United States, where he joined the American Army and spent the last months of the war as part of the American occupation of Paris, France. Includes wartime correspondence from family members who remained in Poland and perished during the Holocaust, documents related to his experiences in the American military, and extensive photos related to his wartime experiences and ...

  19. "August Cohn--Anti-Fascist: His Life under Nazi Tyranny and American Repression"

    Consists of a CD containing one manuscript, 219 pages, entitled "August Cohn--Anti-Fascist: His Life under Nazi Tyranny and American Repression," by Howard Cohn. In the manuscript, Mr. Cohn describes his the experiences of his father, August Cohn, who born in Fulda, Germany, and arrested as a Communist in April 1933. After being beaten and publicly humiliated in Oberkaufungen, he was tried and imprisoned in the Kassel and Hameln prisons before entering the concentration camp system in 1935, where he was imprisoned both as a Jew and a Communist in the Esterwegen, Sachsenhausen, Dachau, and B...