Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,401 to 7,420 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Tova Gamzo photograph collection

    Consists of two photographs owned by Tova (Tonka) Gamzo, who was part of a group of women who worked as forced laborers in the Ober Alstadt concentration camp, a subcamp of Gross-Rosen. The photographs are portraits of Germans (an unknown male and female) who helped the female forced laborers working in the factories.

  2. French National Railway (SNCF) records

    Contains the wartime records of the French National Railway (SNCF). The records relate to relations with the German and Allied authorities, wartime operation of the company, statutory texts produced and decisions made by the Board of Directors between 1939-1945. The records contains minutes, meeting notes, agendas of the Board of Directors, company annual reports, correspondence of the Secretariat of the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee records. Includes also military records relating to mobilisation of staff, prisoners of war, secondment to the Deutsche Reichsbahn, demarcation o...

  3. Ruth Tsotsis collection

    Consists of two memoirs written by Ruth Scheuer Tsotsis, originally of Mainz am Rhein, Germany. The first, entitled "My Personal History," 3 pages written in 2012, describes Ruth's childhood, attending a Jewish school after 1936, her memories of Kristallnacht, and of the family's emigration to Mexico City in 1940. She also describes the fate of members of her extended family. In "When I was Ten--A Travelogue," 7 pages written in 1990, Ruth describes in detail her family's experiences leaving Germany in 1940, crossing through the Soviet Union, arriving in Japan, and emigrating by boat to Sou...

  4. "My Account: The Honest Truth"

    Consists of one memoir, 65 pages, entitled "My Account: The Honest Truth" by Magda Klein Dorman, originally of Kecskemét, Hungary. She describes persecution after the German invasion of Hungary and the memory of her father being taken for forced labor in April 1944. After a brief attempt to be assigned labor outside the city, Magda was forced to return to Kecskemét, where she was interned in the ghetto and then at the brick factory outside of town. She was deported to Auschwitz in June 1944, where her mother was killed upon arrival. She describes life in Auschwitz, being quarantined with sc...

  5. Arnold Loeb letter

    Consists of one letter written in July 1934 by Arnold Loeb, of Vallendar, Germany, to J.L Simpson, of Veblen, South Dakota. In the letter, Mr. Loeb updates Mr. Simpson on his family's life since they last saw each other during the post-World War I American occupation of Germany, and describes how Nazi persecution has affected his family since they are Jewish. He describes his desire to emigrate from Germany to Palestine or to the United States. Arnold Loeb ultimately managed to flee Germany and settle in Australia.

  6. Edward Kauffman collection

    Consists of 20 photographs taken and collected by Edward Kauffmann, a member of the 166th Infantry, part of the 42nd (Rainbow) Division of the United States Army. Includes aerial photographs of Paris, France taken in 1944, photographs of the destruction of buildings in France, and images taken of survivors and of corpses after the liberation of Buchenwald.

  7. Carl Nelson collection

    Consists of photographs collected by Private Carl Nelson, Jr., a member of the United States military during World War II and who participated in the liberation of an unknown concentration camp. The photographs depict various concentration camps after liberation, as well as photographs of United States military personnel. Also includes a copy of a certificate honoring Carl Nelson's service and a copy of his discharge papers.

  8. Morris Rosen collection

    Consists of pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs, copyprints, identifications and clippings collected by Morris (Moniek) Rosen. The photographs, mainly individual and group portraits, depict the pre-war, wartime, and post-war life of the Jewish community of Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland, including photographs taken in the Dabrowa ghetto. Also includes photographs of family members and friends of Morris Rosen, including those he met in the Kittlitztreben concentration camp, in the hospital in Volary, Czechoslovakia and in various displaced persons camps.

  9. Oral history interview with Albert Davis

  10. Father Antoni Gerwel collection

    Consists of a typed transcript copy of a letter, with translation, describing the Holocaust experiences of Father Antoni Gerwel, a Polish Catholic priest who perished in the Dachau concentration camp on August 31, 1942. The letter was written on July 22, 1977 by Father Jan Żelaźnicki to Father Gerwel's nephew, Jędrzej Gerwel. In the letter, Father Żelaźnicki explains that Father Gerwel was a priest in Kadzidło, Poland, and that they were deported together to Dachau in April 1940. Both were sent to Gusen and separated, but reunited again in Dachau. Father Gerwel volunteered to go to a specia...

  11. District Office in Prešov Okresný úrad Prešov

    Contains administrative records on the Jewish community and Jewish individuals in the Prešov District. The records include lists of Jews living in the region, deportation lists and exemptions from deportation, lists of labor camp inmates, applications of Jews appealing for exemption, Jewish work permits, ban of the Jewish press, revocation of licenses, individual files of Jewish doctors and lawyers banned from carrying out their profession, liquidation and aryanization files of Jewish properties, Jewish housing lists by street address and apartment number, request by the Orthodox Jewish com...

  12. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Prešov

    The trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts for collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of major political defendants, such as Karl Schmidt, the former chief of the Deutsche Partei in Bardejov since 1939 and Jan Kapralčík, former district chief of the district S...

  13. Department of State Security, Šarišsko-zemplínska County Slovakia Štátobezpečnostné oddelenie, Šarišsko-zemplínska župa

    Contains administrative records from the State security department in Šariš-Zemplín County, including anti-Jewish orders and regulations as well as reports of anti-Jewish activities and the persecution of Jews.

  14. Sara Fischer collection Colección Sara Fischer

    Contains poems, songs, photographs, questionnaires, correspondence, and papers of Sara Fisher, a writer on Jewish education and a head of the Israeli kindergarten central council.

  15. Samuel Iser Kogan a.k.a. "Tzalel Blitz" collection Samuel Iser Kogan "Tzalel Blitz" archivo personal

    Contains letters, speeches, newspaper clippings, and personal papers of Argentine-Jewish leftist activist and writer Samuel Iser Kogan, better known by his alias Tzalel Blitz.

  16. Archive of the Apostolic Delegation in Jerusalem and Palestine Archivio della Delegazione Apostolica in Gerusalemme e Palestina

    Contains records of the Archive of the Apostolic Delegation in Jerusalem and Palestine. Includes newspaper clippings, reports and correspondence relating to the Chief Rabbis of Palestine, A.J. Kook and Isaac Herzog; His Excellency Most Reverend, Archbishop of Amsea, Rev. Gustavo Testa; Dr. Chaim Weizman, and others.

  17. Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Parigi (1936-1939) Archive of the Apostolic Nuncio in Parigi (1936-1939)

    Contains records of the Apostolic Nuncio in Paris of Pius XI relating to foreign political affairs. Includes hanwritten notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings and other materials of Mons. Valerio Valeri, Apostolic Nuncio to France in Paris.

  18. Archive of the Apostolic Nuncio in Vienna Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Vienna

    Contains a telegram, letters and posters sent to Gaetano Cicognani, Apostolic Nuncio in Vienna (1935-1938) and to Pope XI, from Josef Moses Krumer, as well includes Krumer's three published books in Hebrew relating to his predictions of catastrophe for the Jewish people.

  19. Doris Berry collection

    Consists of letters, photographs, and propaganda pieces sent from Otti Hahn, of Chemnitz, Germany, to Doris Berry, of Washington, DC, between 1933 and 1936. Otti, a German teenager, wrote to her pen pal Doris about her life and about the activities of her BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) enclosing photographs of the group and pieces of Nazi propaganda. Includes a postcard commemorating the one year anniversary of January 30th, 1933, and two flyers distributed by the "Fichte Association (Fichte-Bund)" (Deutscher Fichte-Bund) entitled "Hitler's Appeal against the madness of Versailles" and "France-...

  20. "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946"

    Consists of one memoir, 65 pages, entitled "A Story: The Life of Johan and Gertrude Verloop, as written from memory, 1919-1946," which was written by Johan Verloop in 1994. In the memoir, he describes his childhood in the Netherlands, learning of the threat of Nazism, and being accepted into officer's training school in 1939. He describes the German invasion of the Netherlands and his decision to go to university, as well as describing life under the German occupation. He joined the underground resistance movement with his future wife Gertrude (Mam) and helped to hide a young Jewish boy. He...