Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,321 to 7,340 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker

    Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker: "Genossen es geht / abwarts" depicting 2 Jewish men being kicked by a boot that has a swastika on it. Red, white and red ink on paper with adhesive backing.

  2. German supplies and relief work during and after the campaign in France

    Line of German tanks on country road. Animated map traces German advance from Sedan to Abbéville in France, which was rapid despite what French newspapers predicted would be halted by fuel shortage. Fuel drums are loaded onto trucks in long line, unloaded from Junker planes and transported by Deutsche Reichsbahn trucks with trailers over bridge, past Wehrmacht signposts to Kraut, Mecheln, Krankensammelstelle [casualty center] and Brussels. Convoy passes Belgian traffic policeman in town and continues along country road. Lack of fuel foiled the attempted flight by "Jewish warmongers and Pari...

  3. The Crematorium Print 15 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a truckload of dead prisoners being carried in to the crematorium in September 1944 at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a threat to German security that had been abducted in the middle of the night and were meant to be “van...

  4. Zvi Barlev photograph collection

    Collection of photographs of the Bleicher family in Krakow; Frania Feuer Baral, who saved six children, including the donor's sister, by taking them from Krakow to Hungary and Romania; and the Hershkovits family in Rimovska Sobota, Czechoslovakia before and during the war, after the war in Italy, and later in Israel.

  5. Josef Mintz correspondence

    Two letters, written by Josef Mintz (donor’s father) in Auschwitz-Birkenau, on 13 October 1940 and 27 October 1940. The letters are addressed to his wife, Dora (Dosia), and mentions his daughter Jadwiga (Jadzia). File also includes a photostat copy of the telegram sent to Mrs. Mintz from the camp authorities at Auschwitz, November 1940 (?), notifying her of her husband's death and advising her to seek further information from the local authorities in Warsaw, where the Mintz family had lived.

  6. Queen's Day parade; visiting a deer park in the Hague

    Crowded parade in the Netherlands, probably for Queen's Day [Koninginnedag] on April 30, most likely in 1938. Floats proceed around a corner, shop sign, "J. Wagema..." visible in BG. Group of butchers in white march together holding a sign reading (in part) "De Platte Rib" with a drawing of a pig and hanging sausage links. Another float with men in crowns folllowed by police on horseback, men with instruments, a dragon float, a costumed and masked man with a hooked hand and barefeet, and a float carrying costumed Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (a dubbed Dutch version of the Disney movie pr...

  7. Hans Winter collection

    Consists of extensive personal papers, reports, and publications collected by Hans Winter, who worked for the Jewish Agency in Geneva and London in the 1930s and 1940s. Includes pre-war, wartime, and post-war personal papers and photographs, reports generated by the Jewish Agency and the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, and wartime and postwar publications related to World War II, life in Palestine (and later in Israel) and the growth of the El Al airline.

  8. Bernard Kutas collection

    Consists of mimeographed documents and resistance tracts issued between 1943-1944 by various groups involved in the resistance movement in France. Includes tracts distributed by "Francs-tireurs et partisans--main d'oeuvre immigrée" (FTP-MOI), "Le Mouvement National Contre le Racisme," "Radio France," "L'Humanite," "L'Avant Garde," "L'Union de la Jeunesse Juive," "Le Comité Central du Parti Communiste Francais," and other resistance groups. Also includes a document used to assist resistance groups in identifying facets of the German occupation forces.

  9. Alexander Kipnis papers

    Two letters from Kipnis, sent to composer Max Wolff, in London, October 1938; plus one concert program from a performance by Kipnis at the Synagogengemeinde Düsseldorf, March 1935.

  10. Military Entry Permit

    Consists of a military entry permit for S. Wallace Kagan to move freely around the British, French, and American occupied zones of Germany, dated December 1946.

  11. Aizen family papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs relating to the Aizen family, including passports, images of life in Hofgeismar DP camp in Germany, and descriptions of their experiences during the Holocaust. Includes a certificate issued by Jewish National Fund in Germany c. 1946, stating that Mr. Dov Aizen (donor’s late father-in-law) planted trees in Palestine in memory of his father, Jeshajahu Aizen, who was murdered during the Holocaust in Wlodzimierz Wolynski, Poland; issued by Jewish National Fund in Germany, c. 1946.

  12. Jewish Brigade patch

    Jewish Brigade patch: square with blue and white striped background and yellow Star of David in center

  13. Irving P. Eisner correspondence

    Consists of one letter, four pages, written on May 15, 1945, by Irving Phillip Eisner, a Jewish soldier in the American Army. In the letter, Mr. Eisner described what he witnessed touring the Buchenwald concentration camp and asked his father to pass along a message from a survivor to a family member living in the United States.

  14. Selected records from the State Archive Livorno

    Contains records from the Prefecture of Livorno as well as the Police of Livorno relating to the racial laws and their implementation in Livorno. Records include a census of Jews of Livorno municipality in 1938 and other records relating to internment in concentration camps, and arrests of Jews.

  15. Zoo and snow in Holland

    Abraham at the zoo in the Netherlands, bears and lions. 01:07:53 In black and white, children sled in the snow. Two men pull a heavy load on a wagon.

  16. Hitler returns to Berlin in July 1940

    With Sound. Camera pans over Upper Rhine. Hitler's motorcade crosses pontoon bridge eastwards; tracking shot shows children in swimsuits waving near a customs post and adults showing signs of love, loyalty and gratitude. Hitler, now aboard train, accepts flower from girl and shakes hands of HJ boy. Train journey continues past Marbach (Neckar), peasant on his plow, and stops at stations where Hitler autographs postcard portraits of himself. Camera shows Hitler in profile. Berlin prepares welcome; swastika flags fly, BDM girls spread flowers along route from Anhalter Bahnhof to Reichs Chance...

  17. "War Crimes Trials Nurnberg Germany Nov. 20, 1945-"

    Program: "War-Crime / Trials / Nurnberg / Germany / Nov. 20, 1945-"; 7 loose pages; program contains biographies of the defendants and a floor plan of the courtroom; dated November 1945; in English; brought home from the war by Maj. Fred Brown (donor's father) who attended the trials.

  18. Bina Bojman Friedman collection

    Collection of photographs and documents relating to Wigdor Bojman (donor's father) and Benedykt Friedman (donor's late husband); donor's identification documents and a collection of photographs of children and youth given as a memento to Bina and her brother Hersh Zvi in Bielsko children's home in 1946-1947; Krakow in 1946; Paris and Combault, France in 1947.

  19. Envelope from Simon Wiesenthal

    One air mail envelope, printed with the return address of Dipl.-Ing. Simon Wiesenthal, Linz-Donau, Pacherstrasse 3, Austria. Addressed to Ernesto Klinger, Casilla Correo 2157, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and postmarked 9 April 1953 from Linz. No letter was found in envelope.

  20. Leopold Prinz document

    Consists of German identification card (Kennkarte) of Leopold Prinz, born in 1888, which was issued on February 6, 1939. The document identifies Mr. Prinz as a Jewish man living in Berlin and includes a photograph. Mr. Prinz was able to leave Germany in 1939 and emigrated with his mother to Haiti and, in 1940, to the United States.