Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,081 to 7,100 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Rosa Plawner collection

    Collection of photographs depicting the Cymberknopf family before the war in Bedzin, Poland as well as photographs taken during the war or given during the war in the Bedzin ghetto. Includes an essay written by Rosa Cymberknopf (donor) in which she describes her feelings of desperation because of death of loved ones; a letter from Rosa to her friend Basia in Palestine asking for her assistance in finding her brother Majer Cymberknopf; a letter from Paul Herz in Amsterdam to Ruschka, whom he had met in the camps. Rosa Cymberknopf Plawner, daughter of Berek and Hana Rifka, born on November 3,...

  2. Ralph Hansen photographs

    Consists of seven photographs of the aftermath of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The photographs, which depict emaciated survivors, corpses, and the burial of bodies, were taken by Ralph Hansen, a member of the 22nd Infantry regiment of the 4th Division of the United States Army.

  3. Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau Prokuratura przy Sądzie Specjalnym w Warszawie (Sygn.1601/III)

    The collection contains selected investigative files of the Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (State Prosecutor of the Special Court Warsaw) relating to breaking the law during German occupation in Poland by Poles and Jews. Includes files concerning crimes such as illegal political activities, participation in resistance movements, administrative and official violations of the law, crossing country borders, anti-German declarations, listening to the radio, using force against Germans, possessing a weapon, bribery, an offence against regulations concerning foreign currency, d...

  4. Panoramic view of the Place de l'Concorde during Paris Exposition

    Scenes filmed from an automobile circling around the Place de la Concorde during the 1900 Paris Exposition. CUs, statues, La Madeleine in BG. Horses and buggies on the street. Panorama of the street and buildings. People stand. A packed wagon passes the archway entrance to the Paris Exposition. MS, young boy in a guard uniform. Carriages pass. Two men link arms and walk away. Young boy returns, smiles. Carriages and a man on a bicycle pass. Man in a hat walking.

  5. Shoshana Langerman collection

    The collection includes family photographs, a Palestine citizenship certificate for Shoshana’s parents, a brochure with a song written for the wedding of Georg and Gerda Kammerling, and correspondence, including a letter, in English, to Shoshana's parents.

  6. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  7. Géza and Margarete Fisch family papers

    Documents, correspondence and photographs illustrating the experiences of Géza Fisch, his wife Margarethe Goetzl Fisch, their daughter Eva Johanna (donor), and son Heinz (Heinrich) as they fled Vienna, Austria in November 1938. Géza, born in Detta, Hungary, was unable to immigrate to the United States with his family, and went to Ecuador. His family immigrated to the U.S. and then in 1939, joined him in Ecuador, where they then remained.

  8. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  9. Peçi family collection

    Consists of documents, photographs, and two photograph album from the collection of Louis Pechi, born Ljubomir Peçi in 1934, in Zagreb, Yugoslavia (now Croatia). Includes photographs of pre-war Yugoslavia, documents related to the family's escape and life in wartime Italy, and post-war photographs, correspondence, and documentation. Also includes photographs and documents related to family members from the Sidon and Tkalčíč families, including cousins who were killed in Jasenovac.

  10. Ahronheim and Less family papers

    Consists of a typed copy of "The Legacy Project: A History of the Ahronheim/Less Family, Lüneburg, Germany" by Margaret McQuillan. The manuscript incorporates family history, archival documents, and photographs to describe the experiences of the Ahronheim and Less families, focusing on the experiences of Leopold Less, who was arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen after Kristallnacht, his wife Anna, and his son Walter. Walter emigrated to the United States in 1934; his parents joined him in 1941. Also includes a copy of the family tree and a bound set of copies of primary source documents relat...

  11. Chimowicz family letters

    Consists of two letters, written by brothers Alfred and Hermann Chimowicz (later Herman Shine), from Karlsruhe, Germany, in the spring of 1946. The letters were sent to their cousin, Masha Glicenstein, who had immigrated to Palestine in 1937. The letters describe their own Holocaust experiences and those of the extended family, who were from Swarzędz (Schwersenz), Posen, Kalisz, and Łódź. Includes details of life in the Łódź and Warsaw ghettos, concentration camps Auschwitz, Stutthof, and Flossenbürg; a death march from Dresden to Theresienstadt (Terezin), and their post-war lives, includin...

  12. National Board of Education Consejo Nacional de Educación

    Contains administrative matters concerning German schools as well as Polish, Russian, Slovak, and Jewish schools in Buenos Aires and other provinces in Argentina. Investigation of teachers and school directors accused of pro-Nazi or Communist sentiments. Lists of teachers barred from teaching by the Anti-Argentine Activities Committee. Rehabilitation of teachers in 1944. Curriculum and text book suggestions and administrative matters concerning the German Kulturrat, the German Teachers Association and the German School Association in Argentina. Reports about Nazi propaganda taught in German...

  13. Ginsberg family papers

    Consists of original copies of birth certificates issued in 1941 for Helga Sara Gappe (born in 1920 in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany) and for Szymon Icyk Ginsberg (born in 1911 in Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland), Poland). Ginsberg's birth certificate consists of a handwritten Russian original and typed German translation. Also includes a small booklet issued by the Commune de Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode in Belgium recording the marriage of Ginsberg and Gappe in 1939.

  14. Josef Jasny letter

    Consists of one letter, dated September 24, 1944, written by Josef Jasny, prisoner number 22088 from Sachsenhausen/ Oranienburg, to his wife Gertrud and their children, who were living in Toruń, Poland,

  15. Bert and Else Coles narrative

    Consists of a typed narrative, 2 pages, written by Ron Coles, the son of Bert and Else Coles, in 2010. In the narrative, Mr. Coles describes the early life of his parents in Germany, their marriage in 1932, their emigration to Panama in June 1938 and from there, to Cali, Colombia, where they spent the war. Mr. Coles also describes the family's 1946 emigration to the United States.

  16. Levine family photographs

    Consists of 10 photographs and postcards sent by the Levine family in Oszmiana, Poland (now Ashmi︠a︡ny (Belarus) from the 1920s and 1930s to family in the United States. All individuals in photographs perished in the Holocaust.

  17. Vidaver, Rozaner, and Katz family photographs

    Consists of 22 pre-war family photographs of the Vidaver, Rozaner, and Katz families of Gomel, Belarus, and Łomża, Poland. The photographs were sent to family members in the United States; the individuals depicted perished in the Holocaust.

  18. Gerö family collection

    Consists of documents and photographs related to Zoltan and Johanna Gerö and their daughter, Eva (now Eva Gerö Gal), originally of Budapest, Hungary. Includes an identity workbook for the shop in which Zoltan manufactured false Palestine certificates, a 1943 letter, and displaced persons paperwork, including a document attesting to Zoltan's death at Auschwitz.

  19. Forchheimer family photographs

    Consists of photographs and copyprints (7) depicting the family of Emil and Bertha Forchheimer, originally of Coburg, Germany. Includes school photographs, family portraits, and honeymoon photographs, all taken prior to the family's eventual emigration to the United States in 1940.

  20. Reisman family photographs

    Consists of post-war photographs from the collection of Motel Rajsman and his wife, Mary Droznik Rajsman (later Michael and Mary Reisman). The photographs depict Motel, Mary, children, and groups of other displaced persons in the Haid, Steyr, and Ebelsberg displaced persons camps in Austria.