Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,061 to 7,080 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle in Litzmannstadt Tajna Policja Państwowa w Łodzi. Oddział w Łodzi (Sygn. 201)

    Contains mainly Gestapo investigations relating to violation of discipline of labor and prohibited blood relations between Polish and German people, as well as statistical reports of Gestapo office, a list of the staff, information about the political status and attitude of Polish population during 1942-1944, investigations concerning the illegal trespassing of the ghetto Litzmannstadt (Łódź), information about deportations of Poles to concentration camps and the labor camp at Sikawa, as well as official journals of Kripo in Łódź.

  2. Black painted metal bust of Adolf Hitler acquired by a US soldier

    Small, black painted metal bust of Adolf Hitler acquired by a United States soldier during his tour of duty in Germany during World War II and brought back with him to Baltimore.

  3. Perla Zinn Engel papers

    Photographs (7) of Perla Zinn, dating from1943-1946, including two photographs taken in Ottenhofen, Germany, in 1943, several taken in various locations in Germany, post-liberation, including Erlangen, Deggendorf, and Hochland, 1945-1946, and a photo of Mozes Zeiger, inscribed to her, dated 1946, as well as a photograph taken in a displaced persons camp, likely Foehrenwald, undated. Also includes two identification cards for Zinn, using the false name of Zofia Molinska, one issued in Poland in 1939 and the other issues at the Bleidorn displaced persons camp in Germany, 1945. Collection also...

  4. Garfinkel and Havransky family photograph collection

    Collection of photographs (44) of the Garfinkel and Havransky families from Cherkasy and Poltava in the Ukraine, dating mostly from pre-Revolutionary Russia. Mostly studio portraits of family members, taken in studios in Cherksay, Poltava, Warsaw, Elizavetgrad (Kirovohrad) and Kishinev (Chisinau).

  5. Collection of Maître Charles Haddad

    Contains the papers of Maître Charles Haddad de Paz, who was the last president of the Tunisian Jewish community. The collection consists of records related to activities of the Jewish communities in Tunisia, Marseille and Paris, France. Includes reports, newspaper clippings, correspondence with the Fédération séphardie de France, Association Israëlite Keter Thora, and other Jewish associations, also includes photographs.

  6. Jewish children in hiding with a Belgian family

    Family home movies of the de Brouwer family at their home in St Denis-Westrem, near Ghent, Belgium. The de Brouwer children take a walk in the woods and explore town with Denise. 00:22:15 Christmas 1941 at General van Maldeghem's house at 26 Boulevard General Jacques in Brussels. CUs of the children's maternal grandmother and grandfather. Denise and her mother solve a puzzle. 00:23:38 Annick (present with her children at the Christmas celebration) watches the street from a window.00:23:50 CUs of the butler Eugene in white. Various scenes from the van Maldeghems' home in Brussels; a trolley ...

  7. Harold J. Buckman photograph collection

    Photographs primarily depicting the Nordhausen concentration camp immediately following liberation, 1945. The photographs were acquired by Tec 5 Harold J. Buckman, who was a member of the US Army’s 750th Tank Battalion, 104th Infantry Division that participated in the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp on April 10, 1945.

  8. Norman Coulson collection

    Consists of photographs, identity cards, and a clipping from the collection of Norman Coulson, a veteran of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who was put in charge of the post-liberation efforts to clean the Dachau concentration camp. Includes his Dachau occupation personnel identification card, photographs of the architecture of the camp, early copies of mass-produced images, and photographs of US personnel at the camp. Also includes a photocopy of the 2013 newspaper article about Coulson's experiences.

  9. Еврейская тематика в Государственном архиве Ровенской области Records of the Jewish community of the Rivne Region, Ukraine

    Contains records of the regional court related to Jewish-owned property in Rivne, including issues of land ownership and testaments, as well as lists of the owners of real property, listed by street. Also includes records from the regional district prosecutor's office consisting of criminal files and correspondence with local administration and police regarding the political activities of Jews in Rivne. Records from the years of the German occupation include correspondence with German officials about matters pertaining to the local population.

  10. Ambassador to France visits Dachau; US soldiers at Himmler's summer home; POWs in Linz; Austro-Italian border; high-ranking military personnel meet at Augsburg

    (LIB 6480) AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE VISITS 7TH ARMY SECTOR, Dachau, Germany, 8 May 1945. Prisoners (still in their uniforms) and military personnel crowd around Ambassador Jefferson Caffrey wearing the black suit. Inmates watch tour of officials. 00:00:30 CUs of prisoners. 00:00:54 Prisoners salute and cheer for camera while holding up banners. Decorated camp gate after liberation. Caffrey talks to prisoners wearing arm bands and shakes hands. German helmet and broken rifle burning commemorates German defeat. Caffrey shakes hands and tours camp. Inspecting opened jet engines. 00:03:37 (LIB 6481...

  11. Henry "Sonny" Schloss photographs

    Consists of nine photographs from the collection of Henry "Sonny" Schloss, a member of the United States Army Signal Corps, who participated in the liberation of Dachau. Includes photographs of victims of the death train, of guards killed by American troops by summary justice, and of Schloss himself. Includes a photograph (likely not taken at Dachau) of Schloss in front of a train car on which is written the hometowns of members of the "Fightin 659th."

  12. George Barlaz papers

    The George Barlaz papers include photographs, immigration material, school records, and extensive correspondence relating to George Barlaz and his family’s pre-war life in Russia and Poland, George’s immigration to the United States, his attempts to help his family immigrate to the United States in the early 1940s, and his attempts to locate his family after the war. The collection also includes a diary kept by George from 1913-1921 which includes entries, addresses, and other notes. Series 1 includes pre-war photographs of the Barlaz family including Avraham, Adela, George, Shmuel, and Cha...

  13. Tziporah Hager Weiss Halivni papers

    Manuscript segments, notes, copied research materials, and other documents related to historic research done by Tziporah Hager Weiss Halivni, pertaining to the Sonderkommando uprising at Auschwitz, as well as her own experiences at Auschwitz and other camps during the Holocaust. Included is an extensive collection of mimeographed documents supplied by Bureau 6, Police of Israel, of evidence and transcripts from the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel, 1961-1962, as well as notes, text fragments, and typescript drafts of Halivni's writings about the Sonderkommando uprising.

  14. Illustration 7 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  15. Marvin Alishouse photograph

    Consists of one photograph of corpses being dumped from the bed of a train into a pile. The photograph was taken in a rural location, not in a concentration camp.

  16. Margot Schlesinger papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, and photographs related to Margot and Chaskiel Schlesinger, who were married in the Tarnow ghetto and survived together on Schindler's list. Includes correspondence between Margot and various members of her family, 1939-1946; a letter from the State Department sent to Edward Wind, of Chicago, dated 1940, regarding his efforts to assist with immigration of relatives from Europe; and photographs of the family in Europe and arriving in Chicago.

  17. Chana Meller documents

    This collection includes documents issued in Vienna, 1947, confirming that Chana Meller (b.1901 in Poland) was deported from Vienna to Minsk on 31 August 1942; a document, dated 28 February 1947, issued by the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, noting the date of her deportation and that there was no record of her return to Vienna; and a document issued by the Polizeidirektion Wien confirming that she had been registered as moving from her former residence in Vienna when she was deported to Minsk in 1942.

  18. Ernst Berl papers

    Correspondence, documents, printed articles, news clippings, documenting the experiences of chemical engineer Ernst Berl, following his removal from the faculty of the Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt, and his immigration to the United States in 1933. Included is correspondence with other emigre academics from Austria and Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, correspondence concerning attempts to help others immigrate from Austria and Germany and obtain academic positions in the United States, as well as materials documenting Berl's efforts to help persecuted Jews in Darmstadt with scholars...

  19. Stettner family papers

    This collection relates to the lives and emigration attempts of the Stettner family. As the family members were all born in different countries—Maximilian and his daughter Ilse in Czechoslovakia, Kathe in Austria, and Walter in Italy—they were under different refugee quotas and had different opportunities for immigration. The collection illuminates the hardships imposed by circumstances of birth and the difficulties each family member faced. The correspondence between the family members—in the United States, Trieste, the Netherlands, and Shanghai, is a highlight of the collection for resear...

  20. Illustration 8 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.