Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,021 to 7,040 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Gendarmerie Zug Radomsko Posterunek Żandarmerii w Radomsku (Sygn.204)

    This collection contains orders and instructions of the Chief Officer of Gendarmerie in Radom, including daily and situational reports of individual gendarmerie precincts (Stützpunkte).

  2. Records of interrogations of the former prisoners of KL Majdanek Protokoły przesłuchań świadków byłych więźniów KL Majdanek (Sygn.VII /135)

    Contains 258 transcripts of interrogations related to KL Lublin, KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, death camps in Sobibór, Bełżec and Treblinka, labor camps in Kalilow and Budzyń, Janów Lubelski and other Nazi camps and prisons. The interrogations were taken of former prisoners of KL Majdanek by the Polska Misja Wojskowa w Berlinie (Polish Military Mission), Prokurator Wojewódzki w Warszawie (Provincial Prosecutor), Specjalny Sąd Karny w Lublinie (Special Criminal Court ), and other commissions in charge of documentation of Nazi crimes. Includes testimonies of German and Russian prisoners of war, test...

  3. District Court in Łódź Sąd Okręgowy w Łodzi (SOŁdz), Sygn. 261

    Contains selected files of the Sąd Okręgowy w Łodzi (District Court in Łódź) during the years 1945-1956. These trials refer to the Decree of August 31, 1944 ("Sierpniówka"), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of war criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish nation. The "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes committed during World War II. This decree also applied to soldiers of the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) whom the Co...

  4. County Prosecutor's Office in Lublin Prokuratura Powiatowa w Lublinie (Sygn. 522)

    This collection contains selected files created by the County Prosecutor’s Office concerning Articles 1 and 2 of the decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”). These inquiries did not find their way to trial because the perpetrator could not be found, was found dead, or had escaped abroad, or the evidence was not sufficient to bring the case to the court, etc. The files of each case contains: information about the crime/offence, correspondence, protocols for arrest, protocols for search, protocols of inquiry of witnesses and suspects, motions of evidence and motions of inquiry, letters from...

  5. Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP) "Landmannschaften" Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Ziomkostw (Sygn. 303/XIX)

    Documents of “Landsmanschaften,” organizations of Polish Jews from various regions, collected by the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP), Department of Associations of Compatriots, in post-war Poland. Includes correspondence with foreign charitable institutions and banks about aid to the Jews in Poland, questionnaires, requests for assistance, bulletins and newspapers, notes, speeches, minutes, periodic reports of “Landmannschaften,” name lists and name indexes. Collection includes address books of the "Landsmanschaft” in the US, Argentina, Brazil, Canada.

  6. Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP). Organization and Control Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Organizacji i Kontroli (Sygn. 303/II)

    Contains various documents of the Department of Organization and Control (WOiK) of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP): mainly reports, minutes, circular letters, correspondence concerning control of the branch offices and personnel matters.

  7. Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Special Commission Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Komisja Specialna (Sygn. 303/VIII)

    Circular letters, protocols, minutes, orders, correspondence, as well as personal and financial files of the main office and regional branches of the Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP), Specjalna Komisja in Poland.

  8. Selected records from the State Archives in Siedlce

    Records created during the WWII by the German occupation authorities, and after the war by the Polish municipal authorities. Contains files of towns (Łuków, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Siedlce, Węgrów), communes (Łuków, Tuchowicz, Dąbie, Celiny, Łysów, Skórzec, Zbuczyn, Żeliszew, Wyrozęby, Sterdyń, Chruszczewka, Korczew, Kowiesy), county (in Łuków, Węgrów, Sokołów Podlaski, Siedlce), as well as the collection of German posters of the Siedlce county. They refer to various matters, such as the registration of populations, displacements, forced labor, raising taxes and other fares, security and public o...

  9. Selected records from the State Archives in Łowicz

    Records created during the WWII by the German occupation authorities, and after the war by the Polish municipal authorities. Contains selected files of town Łowicz, communes (Bolimów, Kiernozia, Bielawy, Jeziorko), county in Łowicz, Prison in Łowicz, as well as the files of School Office (Schulamt) in Łowicz. Includes a rich collection of German posters and flyers, records related to anti-Jewish orders, forced labor, lists of inhabitants of Jewish origin (in Łowicz and Bolimie, from 1940), lists of children evacuated from Warsaw located in individual villages 1944, and German ordinances of ...

  10. Selected records from the State Archives in Płock

    Contains selected records from towns (Płock, Gąbin, Gostynin, Sierpc, Raciąż and Wyszogród), and counties (in Gostynin, Płock and Sierpc) in voivodeship Mazowieckie (Poland), both those group of records are from the pre-war, and post-war period. Records from the pre-war period include: minutes of sessions of the Town Hall, budget books, reports and various matters of social and economic character, as well as minutes of sessions of the Jewish Religious Community Council in Płock from1932-1933, and reports from the sessions of the Rabbinical Judgement in Drobin. Records from the period of 193...

  11. Polizeipräsident in Stettin Prezydium Policji w Szczecinie (Sygn. 93)

    Records created by the General Department and Department on Foreigners of the Police President in the province of Pomerania (Stettin), which supervised lower level entities: including regencies and counties. This collection contains orders and correspondence of the Gestapo related to foreigners, and records of the Department on Foreigners with the card files of foreigners, mainly Polish and Jewish people. Includes regulation for Germans how to behave towards Polish workers, name lists of Polish workers, indexes of private firms employed Polish workers, a list of foreigners sought by the Ges...

  12. Otto and Monna Weinmann papers

    The collection consists largely of correspondence between Otto and Monna Weinstein during their courtship and after their marriage, while Monna was living in London and Otto was serving with the 2nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Squadron of the Czech forces under British command. While the bulk of the collection consists of their personal correspondence, Otto was very careful to keep any information about his work or location away from enemy hands; therefore, their correspondence with each other is largely personal. Also includes pre-war and wartime correspondence between Otto and his uncle Paul in...

  13. Gunther Rice memoir

    Consists of one typed memoir, 42 pages, entitled “A New Letter to my Children” written by Gunther Rice, originally of Hamburg, Germany, as a letter to his children. In the memoir, he describes the lives of his large family in Hamburg, his childhood, and education. He describes his memories of the family’s arrest and deportation to Zbaszyn on the border of Poland in October 1938, since his parents were Polish citizens. In the summer of 1939, Gunther left his parents and traveled to England as part of a kindertransport, first living with a foster family in Cardiff and later in London.

  14. Ahlyce Kaplan collection

    Consists of two pre-war photographs taken at Sacre Coeur in Paris: one of Elyse and Yolanda Goldman with relatives George and Juliette Epstein, and a photograph of Rose Waldman Korn, who later perished at Auschwitz. Also includes four letters written by Elyse Goldman, three written in 1939 when she was evacuated from Paris in anticipation of the outbreak of fighting, and one written in 1942 while living under a false name in Bueil, France.

  15. Presentation by Arthur Sheridan

  16. Oral history interview with George L. Rockwell

  17. Oral history interview with Bela Pomeranc Friedman

  18. Oral history interview with Hillel Schwartz

  19. Oral history interview with Magda Auerbach