Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,921 to 6,940 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. The Isenbergs visit family in Gilserberg

    Cows in field. Bertha and Margot Greif, Rosa, Julie, Erna, Hermine, Sophie Stern, and her sister walk down the country road. Men with horses and wagons. Pan of village and piles of wood. Women walk in the street. 01:36:46 In Gilserberg, INT, Julie in the kitchen, another washes rags. Erna leans out of the window. Street activity, mail truck drives past. 01:37:36 Young girl with a backpack poses for camera. Men with a pig. Margot and Bertha Greif, Sigmund, Rosa, Juile, Erna, and Sigmund Stern walk down stairwell of house. Pan of village streets with animals, people, houses, wood. Motorcycle ...

  2. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  3. Wolf Bulanski papers

    Photograph album, loose photographic prints, documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Wolf Bulanski (donor's father) who was born in Telechany, Poland [present-day Belarus] in 1912. Included is an extensive photo album and loose photographs spanning the 1920s and 1930s in Poland and then later in Belgium where Wolf studied and earned a medical degree. Documents illustrate his education in Poland and Belgium, and war-time in Belgium working as a physician and surviving under the false name "Henri Joba." Also included are WWI postcards from "Oswei Bilansky" (donor's patern...

  4. Edith Beer collection

    Photographs (99) of the Borger family in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia: Alfred Borger, Hermina Geduldig Borger and their children Karel (b. 1925) and Edith (b. 1929). In July 1939 Karel and Edith were sent to the UK by their parents on the Kindertransport organized by Sir Nicholas Winton. Both parents and Hermina's mother Ruzena Geduldig were deported to Theresienstadt on September 30, 1942; Alfred and Hermina Borger were deported to Treblinka death camp on October 10, 1942. Edith returned to Czechoslovakia in 1946 and immigrated to Israel. She married Pavel Zvi Beer (b. 1923) who survived Auschw...

  5. Frieders golf and swim

    Corinne Frieder and one of the Frieder children register at the Baguio country club golf course. A sign reads: "Players Absolutely Prohibited Unless Wearing Flat-Heeled Shoes." Corinne, Alex and their children practice at the driving range. 01:16:07 Louise pushes Alice on a swing in their front yard in Baguio. The Frieder teens and friends swim in the pool in Manila (probably for Edna's birthday). 01:17:10 Alice and cousins Jane and Peggy run down the stairs and play in the pool in Manila.

  6. Deportation of Jews

    Deportation at railway station in Poland (unknown location). CU, women with glasses and kerchief on the train platform. MS, families of Jews, some with bundles and armbands dressed in suits, walk towards the camera beside railway cars. SS-Schutze and tall Polish Blue policeman escorts another column by gunpoint.

  7. Chaim Kamelmacher collection

    Consists of documents and photographs related to the experiences of Chaim Kamelmacher (later Harry Kamel) in displaced persons camps after World War II. Includes photographs taken at Kibbutz Tarnow in 1945; photographs taken at the Lechfeld, Landsberg am Lech, Wasseralfingen, and Wetzlar/Lahn displaced persons camps; workbooks, photographs, and certificates from ORT training; and documents attesting to Mr. Kamelmacher's wartime experiences as a Polish Jew inducted into the Red Army. Also includes several pre-war family photographs and material related to the commemoration of the Jews of Man...

  8. Ruth Heller Slater collection

    Documents, photographs, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Ruth Heller (donor) in Vienna, Austria throughout the World War II. Included in the collection are documents for Edith Hollander (donor's mother), Heinrich Heller (donor's father) as well as Anna Schneid and Moritz Hollander (donor's maternal grandparents), all of who survived the Holocaust. Ruth, Edith, and Anna remained in the Vienna Jewish community and Heinrich survived multiple concentration camps over a six year period. Also included are documents for extended family who did not survive or who passed away befor...

  9. Swiss watch taken from the body of an SS guard by a concentration camp inmate

    Swiss wrist watch with a contemporary band taken by 21-year-old Abraham Lewent, possibly from the body of a dead SS guard, around April 1945. After the collapse of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in May 1943, Abraham and his father Raphael were deported to Majdanek concentration camp where his father was killed. After two months, Abraham was transferred to Skarżysko-Kamienna slave labor camp, then to Buchenwald concentration camp, a month later to a subcamp, Schlieben, then back to Buchenwald. He was transferred to Bisingen, a subcamp of Natzweiler-Struthof for about 8-10 weeks, and then sent t...

  10. Alexander Pechersky article

    Consists of a typed onion skin copy of an article, in Russian, written in 1955 by Alexander Pechersky, related to his memories and experiences at Sobibor and during the Sobibor uprising. Pechersky inscribed the copy to Masha Rolnikaite.

  11. Jewish family at leisure

    Pan, farm/field and manicured gardens. People on the balcony of house wave at the camera. 01:30:12 Sally Isenberg waves to camera. Train pulls into station. Group disembarks and walks along streets. INTs of train, Erna reads newspaper. 01:32:00 In city, Sigmund and Erna approach the camera. Sally takes off his hat. Traffic officer stands in the middle of a busy intersection (maybe Zurich), bikes and cars pass. Pan of city life with shops, cars, pedestrians, trees lining the street. Sigmund and Erna walk past the camera and wave. 01:32:48 View of train tracks from the train window. Signs: "F...

  12. Panorama of the Eiffel Tower at the Exposition

    Panoramic footage of the 1900 Paris Exposition and exterior views of the Eiffel Tower. People walk under the Eiffel Tower. MS, base of the tower. Camera pans up showing the rest of the tower and back down to the base. Man takes his cap off and smiles into the camera. A man gestures toward the camera playfully.

  13. Visiting Frieder Films, Incorporated in the Far East

    Alex Frieder and two men smoke cigarettes by a doorway with movie posters. Pan up to "Frieder Films. East Indies, Inc, Distributors of Republic Pictures In The Far East" sign. The men walk past the building and turn a street corner. Alex takes a ride in a rickshaw. The Frieder family and children relax at a swimming pool. Note the film camera case and yellow Kodak box on the coffee table. Farms. The South Bali Airport. Alex shakes hands with a women and two men. CUs, locals in colorful traditional dress wading into the water and riding in boats. A cock fight. Views of green landscape. Farme...

  14. Sigi Ziering memoir

    Manuscript, 12 pages, by Siegfried "Sigi" Ziering, written in the form of a letter to his father, from Holsbybrunn, Sweden, June 1945, and describing what Ziering had experienced from the time of his deportation to the Riga Ghetto in December 1941, until his liberation through a prisoner exchange arranged by the Red Cross in northern Germany in May 1945. Included are descriptions of the rounding up of Jewish residents of Kassel, the deportation from there to Riga, and Ziering's experiences as a prisoner and forced laborer in the Riga Ghetto, and in the Kaiserwald, A.B.A. 701, and Fuhlsbuett...

  15. Lists of deported persons of Judeo-Spanish ancestry deported from France

    Contains digital reproductions of lists of deported persons of Judeo-Spanish ancestry who were deported from France. These are provisional lists and include information forms, some with photographs, on individuals, as well as people names found on lists at the Spanish Consulate in Paris, 1940.

  16. Klajner and Taubman family papers

    Collection of photographs of the Klajner family in Boryslaw, Poland before the war; the Taubman and Klajner families in the Soviet Union during the war and after the war in Boryslaw, Walbrzych and other localities in Poland; Documents and correspondence: letter written to Dolka and Jurek Taubman in 1945 and December 1945, in Russian; School report card and student ID cards issued to Dora Kleiner and Jerzy Taubman in USSR

  17. Facsimile of a 70th anniversary Stolperstein for a Jewish Italian teenager

    Facsimile of a plaque created in 2012 to honor the memory of Amelia Levi, age 17, who was deported from Saluzzo, Italy, to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in German occupied Poland and murdered. The plaque was created by students of the Art Institute G.Solei-Bertoni, in Saluzzo, as a Stolperstein [stumbling block] for possible placement at the site of the home where Amelia had lived. Stolpersteine were originated by Gunter Demnig as an ongoing art project to memorialize victims of National Socialism in front of their last place of residence. On January 26, 1944, Amelia was arrested by...

  18. Jerzy Głowacki and Ludwika Lacheta papers

    The collection includes documents relating to the official name change of Lota Lam, Marzena Rola’s grandmother, to Ludwika Lacheta; a letter from the Swiss Bank Association to Jerzy Głowacki, Marzena Rola’s father, in which the Association agreed to search for the Swiss bank deposit by Simon Hubner on the condition that the petitioner will provide a death certificate and other documents; and a photograph depicting Jerzy Głowacki with a group of other liberated prisoners.

  19. Propaganda posters and flyers produced by the German authorities on the occupied territory of the former USSR

    Contains various German propaganda posters and flyers created and produced by the German authorities during the occupation of Ukraine and other territories of the former USSR.

  20. Memoirs. Forced Labor in III Reich Pamiętniki. Przymusowa praca na terenie III Rzeszy

    Collection of testimonies submitted for a contest "Przymusowa Praca na Terenie III Rzeszy" (Forced labor in the Third Reich). The contest was organized in Poland in 1965 by the weekly "Zielony Sztandar", the publishing house Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza , and the Główna Komisja do Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce (Main Commission for Investigation of Nazi Crimes). 334 testimonies were accepted for the contest but only 125 were preserved (winning testimonies are missing, except a testimony of Jan Uskwarek).