Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 120
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Romanian
Country: Russia
  1. Штаб истребительных батальонов Управления народного комиссариата Внутренних дел по Ростовской области, г. Ростов-на-Дону

    • The headquarters of the fighter battalions of the Office of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in the Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don

    Orders of the Operation Headquarter of NKVD USSR; Documents of selected fighter battalions; Orders of German Headquarters related to extraordinary measures against partisans.

  2. Ламсдорф - лагерь русских военнопленных

    • Lamsdorf - the Soviet POW camp

    View on the territory of the camp, buildings, barracks, ditches-graves of Soviet prisoners of war, cemetery of Russian prisoners of war - participants of First World War; gas chambers, cemetery of English prisoners of war; corpses of Soviet prisoners of war. Work on the camp territory of Soviet-Polish commission for investigations of German crimes.

  3. Союз австрийских сионистов (г. Вена)

    • Verband der Judenstaatszionisten österreichs (Wien)
  4. Коллекция фронтовых писем "Память"

    • Сollection of Red Army soldiers’ private correspondence "Memory"

    Red army oldiers’ letters addressed to relatives, friends, lovers, and pen friends, it merits researchers’ attention.

  5. Воронежская областная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков

    • Voronezh oblast commission for for ascertaining and investigating crimes perpetrated by the German–Fascist invaders and their accomplices

    Acts of investigation of nazi crimes by local commission

  6. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Уторгошского района немецко-фашистскими захватчиками

    • Collection of documents related to the period of nazi occupation of Utorgosh Region

    Collection of documaents related to German occupational politics and liberation of the Region

  7. Трагедия двух городов

    • The tragedy of the two cities

    June, 1944.Июль, 1944 г. Extraordinary State Commission is observing destructions of Kremenets and Vyshnevets in Tarnopol Region. Disinternment.

  8. Бургоминистерство города Ростова-на-Дону

    • City ministry of the city of Rostov-on-Don

    Orders initiated by the City Ministry. Appeal to the citizens. Fascist propaganda posters, leaflets, interrogation reports, explanatory notes of prisoners of war. Information about the formation of Cossak units. Information about "Volksdeutsche".

  9. Бабий Яр

    • Babi Yar

    Kiev suburbs, December of 1943. German prisoners are digging the ditch, where tortured Soviet people were buried. One of the former camp prisoners tells about fascist crimes during the Kiev occupation.

  10. Коллекция документов периода оккупации Батецкого района немецко-фашистскими

    • Collection of documents related to the period on Nazi occupation of Batetsky District

    Documents related to Nazi occupation policy of Batetsky District of Novgorod Region

  11. Концентрационный лагерь "Саласпилс"

    • Salaspils concentration camp

    October, 1944 г. Former concentration camp "Salaspils" in 15 km from Riga. Observation of the camp by City and Military Investigation Commissions. Disinterment.

  12. Секретариат Молотова

    • The Molotov's Secretariat

    Political and economic affairs with foreign states.Instructions from Ministry of Foreign Affairs to embassies, correspondence between Soviet executives (Stalin, Kalinin, Bulganin) with international colleagues, Ministries, TASS etc. Materials about bilateral agreements, trade, payments, scientific and cultural cooperation, repatriation.

  13. Приговор народа

    • People's verdict

    Trial of the crimes by german invaders in Leningrad Region. Interrogation of accused. Verdict. Death-penalty.

  14. Районные управления полиции периода оккупации Курской области

    • District police departments during the occupation

    Orders, reports, lists of workers, acountant documentation, documents related to legal wranglings.

  15. Злодеяния немцев в Виннице

    • The crimes of Germans in Vinnitsa

    Ukraine. Vinnitza, April 29, 1944. Psychiatric hospital. Disinterment of the corpses of murdered patients.

  16. Типография издательства газеты "Новый путь"

    • Printing office of the publishing house of the newspaper “New way” (“Novyi Put”)
  17. Бюро судебно-медицинской экспертизы по Орловской области

    • Bureau for forensic medical examination for Orel oblast

    Lists of dead and buried prisoners of POW camp in Orel

  18. Женская сионистская организация Австрии (г. Вена)

    • Organisation "Zionistische Frauen österreichs" (Wien)

    Handwritten meeting minutes and printed reports on the organization's activities.

  19. Синагогальная община (г. Бромберг)

    • Synagogen - Gemeinde (Bromberg)

    Letters, records of meetings of members of community